Can anyone tell me the success or failures of prednisone? I have tried it for a week had to go off but thinking about trying it again. I am desperate

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Everyone is different, but prednisone is the only thing that has ever worked for me, since having AU. I am not on it anymore because I didnt like how I felt on it...made me gain weight too. However, if I were to treat my alopecia again, I would go on prednisone. My Dr gave me a high dose of it, once a month, and it started to work. The problem is I moved and couldn't find any doctor who would do that. I'm sure there are lots of side effects too, but you may want to give it a shot and see how you feel.
what was the dosage and how long for once a month did you take it-how long to see results? Has your AU gotten any better without it?
sorry took me so long... I said, my Dr was unconventional. I took 6 pills of 25 mil. once a month. I saw results within the first month. After I stopped taking it once a month, all of the hair that regrew came back out ; ( So I am even considering going back on it. You are not near NY are you? If so, go to Dr Daily.
Hi Lee,
You're the first alopecia person I've come across that has tried pulse prednisone therapy. After researching it, I've mentioned it to a few dermatologists but none of them were familiar with it or willing to try it. I thought it might be a good option since my hair grew back while on 20mg prednisone (but fell out once I tapered off). How long did you take it?
How long did you take the 20mg prednisone? I tried it for almost a week then tapered off because I didnt like how it made me feel. I think it might of been psychological though.
Hey Sam...I totally get what you mean...PULSE...nice phrasing...I could never descride it correctly! The good thing about Pulse therapy is that you do not feel the side effects of prednison ( I didnt anyway), but yea, it is very difficult to find a doctor that will do it. I am thinking about doing it again also...but I am not near Dr. Daly ( in NY), I am near Georgetown though and maybe I can find a Dr there to do it.
I only did it 4 times, and it definatly started to work, I was growing hair on brows, and head!! I was super happy! But I stopped because I had othetr health problems..not related to AU...and I wanted off all meds just to make sure I wasnt having side effects. It ended up being panic attacks...dont htink thats a side effect of prednisone.
Hi Lee,
That is great that it started working for you after a few doses. I know that it's supposed to cut down on side effects but I wonder if you run into the same issue in that it can't be taken long term (so your hair still falls out once you stop taking it).

Here is one study I found:

Unfortunately, it does not say whether they relapsed after the treatment was discontinued.
Lee, my derm is willing to do pulse therapy. She is in reston- she is great. I tried it once when my AA was aggressive and it didnt do anything for me. She wanted to do a higher pulse and possible methotrex now that I am AU but I deferred b/c I'm thinking/hoping/debating on baby #3.

Who is your doctor in Reston?

Hi Tanya, I took 20mg for a few months and then tapered down 5mg a month. I think it started falling out again when I got down to 5mg and was downhill from there.

Hey Lee...

I'm about to give this a shot. Did you fully re-grow your hair? How many months did that take?



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