Barb W
  • Female
  • Canton, MI
  • United States
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  • Laura
  • Melissa
  • Jody Gorski
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Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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At 10:32pm on June 24, 2014, Laura said…
I had it done by a lady in Wixom and it cost about $500. But it seems she has closed her shop. I did get in contact with another lady in the Clinton Township area who showed me more of her work. She's a permanent makeup trainer, as well, and has done a great job with her clients, especially with the hairstrokes. According to her website, eyebrows cost $600, but those with cancer and alopecia will pay half that. Her website is or you can check out the SPCP website (Society of Permanent Cosmetics Society) for more technicians. There's also one in Downtown Plymouth that I've been meaning to get in contact with to see if I can view more pictures in her profile. But I'm probably going to go with this lady in Clinton Township. It's not a bad procedure, and if you have someone who knows what they're doing, the results are very natural looking if you get the hairstroke tattoo!
At 11:52am on June 24, 2014, Laura said…
What part of Canton are you near? I'm by the crossroads Canton Center and Warren. I hear you on all those struggles with alopecia and I'm so sorry you were recently diagnosed with this. I've basically had it my entire life so I've never experienced hair. Tried many different treatments that never really worked. I've worn a wig ever since kindergarten and quite frankly, I'm annoyed with it haha I'm taking baby steps to be more open about it and not wear my wig but I haven't gotten to the point where I can run to our local Meijer without my wig. Working on it though! I, too, lost my eyebrows. I used to draw them in but I found that it was more of a hassle than it was worth (accidentally rubbing them off, hassle of applying sunblock, exercising and sweating, etc.) so I visited someone around the area and had them tattooed. Probably the best decision I made, though I do need to get them retattooed again. I've only recently accepted that I may just have this for the rest of my life. And I'm ok with that. As long as you have a loving and supportive family, you'll be able to cope with this and embrace it. And this website and the conferences each summer are so great and filled with phenomenal people! If you ever want to get together for a lunch or coffee or something, definitely send me a message!
At 9:50am on June 23, 2014, Laura said…
Hey, Barb!
How are you?
At 12:12am on February 11, 2014, LeslieAnn Butler said…

Hello and welcome, Barbara!

How are you today? I have AU, too.

Leslie Ann



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