  • Female
  • Bristol, WI
  • United States
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Married for 37 yrs with 4 kids and 11 grand kids. I'm busy most days helping with child care. I enjoy traditional archery and occasional weekend trips to a little cabin in the woods. I've had alopecia areata on and off for 20+years. The first time I lost large areas that came back after a couple of years. Subsequent episodes have been mild. I'm now starting a new episode and this one is going to be big. It's only been one week and I almost can't cover one spot up. I 've been reading this site for a few days. It helps to know I'm not alone, wish this was available 20 yrs ago.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 12:44pm on August 11, 2012, LeslieAnn Butler said…

Hello and welcome, Linda!
How are you today?
Leslie Ann

At 10:25am on July 30, 2012, Susan Innes said…

I think for those of us who had a single bout of mild alopecia, followed by a complete loss, it's been an easier battle. It's like any other consequence that completes the unknown situation, a plan can be developed and followed in a fairly direct manner. Some of us like the bandannas, others the wigs, and then the brave souls who make the "this is the real me...accept me as I am" choice face the world with a bald head. Actually, every step requires courage which is why I respect all of this wonderful family very much:). So glad you found us!

At 2:12pm on July 27, 2012, Susan Innes said…

Hi Linda - I'm sorry to hear about the new hair challenges; but, glad you decided to become a member of Alopecia World; I think these decisions are more difficult for those of us who are a bit older, and, yes, a supportive website or even local group would have been a great aid for a lot of us. Instead, even the families didn't discuss the "shameful" disease associated with syphilis. There is a local group which can be found in the menu bar selection of "Groups" listing under "Alopecians in Wisconsin" which we'd love to have you join. Welcome. ((Hugs)) Susan (Madison area)



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