Alopecian in NYC

Friend Drama

Hey all,
wonder if any of you have had to deal with this.
I am just starting to grow my hair back, which is good news, it's patchy and uneven but whatever, right?
Anyway, I usually wear a wig, and I have a friend who is constantly trying to get me to go to the beach with her. When I go on vacation with my folks it isn't a big deal I will ditch the wig and wear a headwrap, but I really don't feel comfortable doing this around my friend and her husband. I am not entirely sure why. It just makes my stomach queasy. When my hair started falling out all over when i started dental school, all she wanted to do was talk about it and tell me it wasn't that bad, and that things could be worse. Then she would tell me about her friend whose mother died or something.
THEN, I will never forget this, she called me up to cry about a BAD HAIRCUT, and how she didn't go to work because it looked to bad and she was crying on the phone to me about it. I couldn't believe it. Here I was going BALD, un certain, stressed out, depressed about it, and that is the phone call I get.
This was last year, so I kind of feel like I should be over it, but I guess I am not. And now she wants to go to the beach, and I don't really feel like her asking me a bunch of questions about it when I don't feel like she has any respect for what this condition can do to people. Plus, she loves to talk about other people's drama and I really don't feel like being the one she talks about. She is one of my closest friends, don't get me wrong, I just haven't quite learned how to deal with her and this issue.
I really DO want to go to the beach, but the thought of trying to deal with the hair thing out there with her is un-nerving. Anyone have any ideas? Or any similar experiences? How did you deal with it?