Female Pattern Baldness

Join today to meet, support and share information with others who are living with female pattern baldness.

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  • LilyBell*Murphy'sLawLuvsMe

    HBlady a topper may be a good option - they sell them with clip and there is a topper group on here and the lady who started it is VERY knowledgable about toppers and wigs. Also get a scalp biopsy to confirm your diagnosis - I had two and both were painless and TINY - like one stitch to close. I think Doxy is an anitbotic but I could be wrong -

  • Kate

    Hi HBLady - Glad you have joined us. This group has been quiet, but I still stop in from time to time. When I first became aware of my FPB it was a very upsetting time. When I found this site I spent maybe a month super active reading forums and chatting with other members and looking at photos and getting all the info and support I could find. Finding this community really helped me find a peace and comfort with my hair situation. Since that time, I have been less drawn to log in and start discussions, because life feels so much more normal and better now that I know I am not alone (and that is a great thing!). I have a feeling that my participation with the site is something many others go through as well. So, in summary, we are not gone but perhaps many of us are feeling more comfortable with ourselves and therefore less engaged online. That said, you should ALWAYS feel free to start discussions and reach out. That is what we are all here for, even if it's quiet lately. Welcome!

  • Tiffany P

    Its been forever since i have logged in and had anything to say mainly because i am still trying to find solutions and move on with my life. i still read the blogs and look at the beautiful pictures that are posted but dont always find the need to log on. this place has helped me to realize there is a life after hairloss but it is still hard at times. hope all is well with everyone :o)

  • HBLady

    Hi, all. Happy Memorial Day weekend! Thanks to those of you who posted to let me know you're still here. It's a REALLY big comfort knowing others are out there who have similar feelings as mine. So many of my friends tell me they don't see my hair loss and I'm "so beautiful" that it's not an issue. It's just great knowing people here understand the strong feelings and frustrations generated by hair loss. Just got my hair cut Friday and I look a little "butch" now. I have a concert next week and I'm feeling nervous about being in front of people not completely comfortable with my image, but it is what it is. Someone on this site asked me last week how I feel about it, and I realized that I feel a loss of control. I am overweight, but I feel I DO have power over that (eat less, exercise more - see results). Nothing I do gives me any control over my hair loss - that's the worst part of it. Sorry for going on about it, but I guess I needed to spill! Best to you all. Pam

  • Larry Barbee

    Hi everyone,
    I've been away for some time and I just wanted to let my friends in the group know I'm back.
    God bless,

  • Jennah

    Hi just wondering if anyone here has had any success with Rogaine?

  • Renee

    Hi Jennah,
    I have been using Rogaine (the men's foam 5%)forabout 4 years. My hair loss got much worse within the past year and I have no idea if the Rogaine is still working. During the first year or 2, I think that it did slow down the hair loss and perhaps resulted in a bit of regrowth.

  • Jennah

    thanks Renee. Yes I do think I am getting a little regrowth, but very little at this stage. The other thing I wanted to ask people here is . Do you guys get a lot of itching and any scalp pain. The scalp pain for me comes and goes and I get these sore patches. The itching sometimes is really bad but other times less so. What are other peoples experiences round these two things? and do you do anything to try and combat these issues? I would appreciate any feedback guys :) cheers

  • Kirsten

    I get both but I don't do anything specific to treat them. I asked my GP, Derm and Endocrinologist what they were and none of them knew.
  • Caligrl

    I tried the Rogaine thing a long time ago. I didn't see much difference. I used it for about a year. At the time it was a new product and expensive. I was also concerned that it could not be used during pregnancy. I gave up on it myself. About two years ago I started using Toppik. It does not grow hair back but it helps to cover and protect my scalp. My hair loss is less obvious and I feel better when I use it. It took a little but to learn how to apply it correctly but now it is just part of my morning routine. My hair loss began when I was 16 and I am now 39. It gets easier but everyday is a struggle. It's nice to know that there are others out there facing the same issues.

  • Kate

    Caligirl - I share your same thoughts and alternative path. I considered Rogaine but would like to start a family and am concerned about its use during pregnancy. In addition, I understand that once Rogaine use is stopped, all regrowth and temporarily-paused hair loss picks back up, and I did not want the stress of a massive shed as I prepared to conceive. So I have also found an alternative.

    I like to use Dermatch. I call it my head paint. It's a powder compact that I can apply with a little bit of water straight to my scalp. It sticks to the skin through sweat, swimming pool, brushing, etc. It colors my scalp the same color as my hair, so you don't see the thin areas nearly as prominently. I also have curly hair so I can usually fluff my curls up a bit and it provides a nice camouflage. After a bit of practice, I have figure out how to apply the product in only a few minutes each morning with minimal mess. I feel more confident and this is a wonderful in-between solution until I loose enough hair to warrant shaving my head.

    I think the number one focus for those of us with hair loss should be finding acceptance (since there is no cure). After acceptance, these short term, risk-free solutions are a great way to boost confidence and ride out the slow process of hair thinning. Happy to share more if interested. Reach out to me.

  • Caligrl

    Thanks for the led on Dermatch. I'll have to try it out too. Sounds great. In regards to the pregnancy issues...I was extremely anxious about hair loss during and after pregnancy. So much so that I put off having any children for more than 8 years. When I finally had my first child my hair grew well during pregnancy. However, there was a massive shed in the months afterwards. This is normal due to hormones but it was worse due to the AGA. The good thing is that there was so much joy with a new baby that the hair loss was not a focus. I kinda wish now that I had been able to overcome my fears and anxiety about it a long time ago. However it is a real fear and reality but something that we can get through with a supportive network. Everyday I remind myself that there are people with much worse and painful conditions than mine. I try not to minimize the heartbreak I have felt over the years while at the same time acknowledging that it could be much worse.

  • Caligrl

    Hi 23311.  I have the same diagnosis but I have had it since I was 16 years old.  So I have been dealing with it for a while.  I'd be glad to be a support!

  • Grace

    hi all. People still here and checking in? I'm new to the site and hoping to share stories and learn what I can. I have FPB and have been completely freaking out for the last year or so. Now I'm more about acceptance and trying to get excited about my options. 

    I decided against meds, including rogain. I just wasn't crazy about the chemicals, and wasn't impressed with the results I was reading about. I do have a laser cap (I figured it probably can't hurt, but I also don't think it has helped.) And i am on bioidentical hormone replacement. Kind of controversial area but my doctor suggested it, and after researching it, I decided to do it.

    I'm curious about your experience with Toppik. I bought some a few months ago, tried it, was underwhelmed and tossed it. But I keep reading that others have luck with it. Was I applying it wrong? Is there a secret I don't know about?

    I read Katie's post about DermMatch. Katie if you're still out here - how are you, and do you still use it? Is it different than Toppik?

    Sorry, kind of rambling a lot. I'm just happy to have found this place and hoping to learn a thing or two. 


  • Tyler17

  • alpine

    Hi everyone! I was just correctly diagnosed today, with both telogen effluvium and the very early stages of female pattern genetic hair loss. I will be trying women's Rogaine (5%, once a day), and I will provide an update in 6 months. I also have low ferritin and will be on iron supplements.

    It was a bit of a shock to get this diagnosis, but I am dealing with it as best as I can - by reaching out to others here, for example. Thanks for your support in advance :)

  • Sandra

    I used regaine years ago and it made everything worse. It seemed to change the structure of my hair and seemed to fall out more. It also put weight on me. It took awhile to realize that but after researching I found that it does have that potential as it has blood pressure medication in it. I would never recommend it..
  • Caligrl

    Welcome Alpine! It's great that you are being proactive. I tried Rogaine a long time ago but wasn't impressed with the results. I really hope it works well for you. I was low on iron too when I was diagnosed. I still keep an eye on my iron still. Again, welcome to this group!
  • Kate

    Hi all. Nice to see action on this board. :) I am still around, although I check in here infrequently. I still use DermMatch (https://www.dermmatch.com/) and highly recommend it. I am glad that I did not choose chemical or medical treatments, as I am currently 5-months pregnant with my first baby and working on having a healthy, chemical-free pregnancy. I think a healthy babe beats a healthy head of hair any day! Hope this finds all of you well. Hang in there. 

  • Lexi

    me, I am just getting thinner and thinner all the time.  It just sucks

  • emsy

    So I was diagnosed with the same as Alpine, last year after a dermo appointment and a scalp biopsy.  I am 36.  I have always had too much hair that was the comment of every hairdresser to me so I actually have to pinch myself that this has happened to me!!  I would say I have lost 50-60% of the thickness of my hair at this point in time.

    The upsetting thing was to be told by the dermo, this is what you have, put minodoxil 5% on your head  and come and see me in six months. No explaination, sympthy or suggestions of how to cope. A the time i was completely panicked and crying a lot. Then I came on here and read that I need to do my own research and start looking into why.

    I got an appointment (took 6 months!) with a highly regarded endocrinogist and it sounds like she backs my view that what caused the onset of this was a change in pill. I was on yasmin and because of breakthrough bleeding I went on Noramin1. it was after a couple of months of being on Noramin1 that I was realising my hair was shedding but not growing back.

    I hate hate hate the feeling of ants crawling around inside my scalp and sometimes it is actually achey and painful. 

    I am quite scared and sad but I guess it is not a disease I am dying from so for that I'm grateful.

    My 'plan' is to continue down the endo path and see if there is anything she can do. I will also try and make a plan of how to cope. For example I love style and clothes and I want to try and find a way that I won't have to give up feeling like I won't ever feel stylish or feel great or femanine again. I am scared for a lot of reasons.  I have gone back on the pill and as I said I'm 36. That worries me. I also am sporty and live in a hot country. The idea of a wig feels me with dread. I am unmarried, what effect will losing my hair have on my relationship. And even on my career? I worry I won't be confident in the workplace. I have suffered with depression before and worry that this will cause me to slip down.

    I guess I will try and focus I guess on what I can control. I want to be strong and open with the people around me. I pray I can manage this.

    It's nice to know others who can relate are out there.

  • Beth

    My daughter is a teenager and has been diagnosed with androgenetic alopecia. She is holding up well, living her life as normal. I am coping by trying to find treatment. She's on Rogaine 5%, 1x a day. Dermatologist said go on yaz bcp, so we may add that. I hesitate to load her up with drugs like bcp, spiro, etc. She is such a happy, level headed fun loving girl.
  • ResearchAcrossAmerica

    Research Across America is conducting a medical research study for those suffering from Androgenetic Alopecia (Male Pattern Baldness). This is the most common form of alopecia. This research study compensates for time and travel. If you live in the Dallas/ Plano, Texas area and are interested in this research study please call 972-4-DOCTOR or visit: www.researchacrossamerica.com/hairloss for more information.

  • Snowy

    Hi everyone,
    I'm new. recently diagnosed with Andro Alopecia.
    I had thick beautiful hair. I've lost 50% if not more over the last 10 or so years. I'm in such a terrible place. Looking for strength and advice. Would love to hear other peoples stories.
  • Beth

    Hi Snowy,
    My teenage daughter has same diagnosis. We tried plasma rich protein injections and a laser cap. Neither worked. Now she is on Rogaine 5% and I hope it helps. Dermatologist also prescribed bin the control pill.
    My daughter is fine, having fun. To help me through this, I seek youtube videos of females with same issue, who are sharing the condition, teaching acceptance, and finding their own solutions.

    I am also taking action, trying to find research on the topic. Keep checking in as I will, because I am hoping for new treatments. Best wishes, Beth
  • Kate

    Hi Beth and Snowy! Thanks for your recent comments. Nice to have activity in this group.

    Beth, I think your daughter sounds like a wonderful woman. It sucks having hair loss as a young woman. My hair started thinning when I was in college and now at 34 it is very thin. It feels premature for my age, but I think part of the problem is that society doesn't allow us to be as open or honest about female hair loss. The world acts like it doesn't exist, when in reality it is very common. Sometimes just being matter of fact, accepting, and learning how to continue enjoying life with less hair is the best course of action. For a young woman, I would be cautious about too many treatments. So many treatments affect the endocrine and reproductive systems, which your daughter may want down the line to start a family. Since she will likely need to cease treatment to conceive, carry and breastfeed, it may be better not to start it at all. Hair tends to fall back out upon ceasing treatment, and nothing would feel harder than learning to be a new mother while dealing with a major, MAJOR shed.

    I just had my first child six months ago, and although I would do a lot for a luscious head of hair, I can say without a doubt that I wouldn't trade anything in the world for my happy, healthy baby. Now my focus is on being a confident woman in my body and skin, and teaching her that looks are just a small (although important and real) part of who we are. I want to teach her body and self positivity, so I am practicing that in how I react to my own appearance.

    I also have my hopes high that the amazing genetic research happening across the world today will someday also have relevance for hair loss. They are figuring out how to turn genes on and off, and so certainly someday they will figure out how to activate the cells in our body that grow our head hair, and regrow us beautiful full heads of hair! Fingers crossed! Until them, short funky hairstyles, lots of Dermmatch, and surround yourselves with people who care about who you are and not how your head looks! Take care!

  • Snowy

    Hi Kate, Beth,
    Thanks for writing back.
    Quick question...does Andro Alopecia ever stabilise? And does it always reach stage 5.

    I shed everyday. Wondering if it gets to a point where it stops.

    I have seen a Derm and 2 trichologists.
    The Derm has put me on
    Regaine 5% 1x per day
    Diane 35 (BCP)
    iron (I have extremely low ferritin levels)
    I have only just started to take these. I know that they will take a while (months) before any effect may be seen. In the meantime, I shed.

    Also....Toppick vs Dermmatch? Which is better?

    Looking forward to your comments,
  • Kate

    I LOVE dermmatch. I have curly hair, so in using it I get a camouflage of scalp coverage and can use my own hair's fullness to have the loft and volume for 3D coverage. I recently also started using Toppik after the dermmatch on my dry hair, The tiny little particles add some bulk, to my hair which helps it have more volume as well. I understand I am very lucky to have naturally curly hair, even though it's so thin, as it really helps me fake a fuller head of hair (make no mistake, it still is visibly thin).

    I have no idea if it stabilizes. I would imagine yes for some people, and for others it will continue to a full stage 5. I don't find I shed excessively anymore. I don't think I ever went through major shedding phases actually (except for the postpartum hair loss after my recent pregnancy). My hair just seems to never fully grow back after normal shedding.

    For me, I've tried to put my energy into finding acceptance with thin hair. It's so alluring to look for treatments and cures, but I try to remind myself that if hair loss was curable, then we wouldn't see nearly as many bald men running around either. ;-)

  • Dianna 845

    Hi Snowy. I too am new to the club so to speak. Trying to adjust. Wigs are so expensive. Would much rather not be forced into something but that's life. I realize my life is changed forever. I always had baby fine hair. Now androgen alopecia has claimed it. It's life altering for sure.
  • Snowy

    Hi Dianna 845,
    Hope you are well. I'm not up to the wig stage yet, but I know by the end of the year I'll need something I.e topper, crown extension etc.
    I'm sorry to hear about Your hair. I understand the feeling of being forced to find alternatives. I think the original had plenty going for it.

    Does anybody else have experience with toppers? Wigs ? Etc for AGA women?

    KATE: Can you go swimming with Dermmatch?

  • Beth

    Hi Kate, Dianna, Snowy, Emsy,
    Did I get everyone, lol!
    Thank you for all the information. My teenage daughter was actually diagnosed last January. We went to a doctor within the International Hair Restoration Surgeons (something like that) to find a dermatologist. He had her try things that did not work, in her case: laser cap and prp. Now we went to Rogaine5% once a day, even though most doctors say 2x a day.

    Ladies, I am in contact with another mom going through the same thing. It's tough when it's your teenager. So that is why I joined alopecia world and other sites.
    SNOWY: I will not advertise any site, but if you wish to know a good topper/wig support website, I can pm you. For swimming: I also spent a lot of money on a spray-in product from Canada that is waterproof. It comes with a shampoo to wash it out. It is listed on the NAAF website. My daughter hasn't used it yet because her plans changed. It's called Volluma. It's like a waterproof spray on Toppik-like that is expensive.if interested call and talk to the representative before you order it because you have to apply it a specific way. She said when you first spray the fibers on they appear white ( may appear white in some cases), then you spray on another product that comes with it and it becomes the correct color.
    My daughter has a great frame of mind now. But, I am always on many sites figuring out if there will be more treatments coming for aga, and I believe there will be. Kate: yes, thank goodness for the internet, as so many young women with similar conditions have helped me with Acceptance. My daughter currently has a good outlook, but honestly, it's hard with my teenager to talk about it. I think she's just focused on fun, prom, work.
    Let's keep this discussion alive, even if we just check back 1 or 2x a week. I was sad the last year when I realized there were no support discussions for AGA. Thank you, ladies!
  • Snowy

    Hi Beth,
    Thanks for the info. Please forward me any info on toppers etc. I would appreciate it.

    In the meantime, I'm continuing to use Regaine etc with the hope of stabilizing.

    I've just read about vacuum wigs...they sound terrific! Anybody have experiences with these?

  • Beth

    I do not see a way to private message you. This option is available in the other discussion groups. I found the best source is Lauren, a woman in her 30s with female pattern hairloss. It's been a few years since she started a website and free youtube videos. You can find both if you search for: cornerofhopeandmane.com. I belong to her "community", and she does charge a monthly fee. In my opinion it is worth it. You can pay for one month only and see how you like it, but send her an inquiry first. There is also a fantastic blog that is free: outofthinhair wig review. This is by a young girl named kellie. She also does many great youtube videos, some on toppers.
  • Snowy

    Sorry Beth, I'm new to all of this.
    I thought there might be a way of sending a direct message...

    Thanks for the info tho'...I will chase it up for sure.

    I'm meeting the Freedom Wig rep next week to check out the product and any further advice etc.

    Let me know if anyone would like a review of what I see/touch/feel etc...

    Thank you again, I will follow up on your direction Beth.

  • Beth

    Hi Ladies,
    I am going to keep this "discussion"alive by commenting at least every other week. I know there are more women with Fpb that will need support.
    I am closely following the successful and happy news that our AU, AT, AA friends are having with jak inhibitors!! Truly excited that they are learning more about their condition.

    I read that one drug company will test it for androgeneticalopecia down the road, the Topical form.
  • Kate

    You can swim in Dermmatch. The coloring stays on the scalp. But it doesn't provide fullness to the hairshaft. Depending on your hair texture and how thin it is, it may or may not be noticeable. You can test in the shower.

    When I swim for recreation, I usually bring a nice sunhat and keep it near the pool to pop on when I am not in the water, and tell myself that wet hair on most people looks thin and just ignore it. When I have snorkeled or participated in water sports, I will wear a bandanna on my head (underwater even) and explain I like to keep my hair out of my eyes, mouth, face, etc. It keeps it looking cute, I keep extra dry ones and swap out a wet/dry one when I am not in the water, and it prevents scalp sunburning (and risk of skin cancer).

  • Beth

    Hello to any newcomers to Fpb. I will check in periodically. If anyone needstill a terrific support network, you can private message me. I also know some great youtube videos to refer people to that will cheer you up, perhaps. Best wishes
  • Beth

    Hello, Ladies,

    I will continue to add my comments and thoughts, even if we only get sporadic contributors!

    I am very interested in treatments for my daughter. To that end I am going to start another website or blog regarding Female Pattern Baldness. I believe there will one day be treatment, but we must be proactive now. Of course, self acceptance is BEST option, but, I envision a time where treatment may be common place. 
    So, let's keep checking in, no matter what our status is, because there are many women who need comfort and support when faced with fpb. Thank you, Ladies!

  • Hopehopper


    I am not sure that I have shared my experience on here. I can remember a time that I was spending countless hours on the web researching, commenting, and reading about what has happened to other women regarding hair loss. Wondering  if things would get better or just stay the same, or worse. My low point drove me to shaving all of my hair off and just getting a wig. My hair was litterally raining out for almost 6 months. I just felt like my hair was so thing and ugly it had to go! I remember feeling stubborn saying that since half of my hair jumped ship, that I didn't want the rest who actually stuck around for me. I kept my hair shaved down for four months and then decided to regrow it to see if things had improved. And in those four months I started spiro, ortho-cyclen, and iron supplements. I am happy to say that at least 80 percent of my hair has grown back in. My part is tight and scalp is covered. I am in the awkard growing out a pixie stage, heading into my 8th month of growing it out. I still cringe a bit when I see a hair or two that makes its way down my arm. However, I know that my hair is finally in a normal stage of falling out instead of the horrible bout of TE I had, that ultimately revealed early aga thru a biopsy that was performed. My advice to females is get your ferritin levels checked. I think my low iron, coupled with major stress, plus being on a low calorie diet really just through my hair into a mess. I understand the feeling of being hopless just trying to read any and every hair victory out there, I can honestly say as of today, things have surely improved for me. Best wishes to all and if I can help in any way, please don't hesitate to let me know. 

  • Beth

    Thank you Hope Hopper,
    My daughter has been doing 5% rogaine foam, but now we are going to add yaz bcp. I am glad your hair grew back. Wonder if it was the spironolactone. Are you still on the same pill regiment? Thanks!
  • Hopehopper

    I hope that the Yaz does wonders for her. My body hated it. I bled for a month with no end in sight. I went to my doctor who immediately switched me to ortho cyclen, and I have not had issues since. Fingers crossed for your daughter, because I hear its a good one for hair loss. Did they check her ferritin level? Mine was at a low of 19 and for adequate hair growth it needs to be between 50 and 70. I think going aggressively has helped me the most. Getting my level back up to the fifties, taking 100 mg. of spiro, less stress, no calorie restriction, and hormone control thru birth control. I also take something over the counter called FOOD grade diatomaceous earth. It has tons of silica in it, which our hair needs. I also take a chewable probiotic and make sure that my gut is in check if you know what I mean. So, yes, I take all of these things everyday, I am so happy that I made the commitment, because now I feel like my life is getting back to normal. I never thought I would ever have to worry about hair loss, because I had such great full hair, well, I am now a firm believer that nobody is safe. I don't even have a family history of hair loss. My own Father has all of his hair, with maybe 5 to 10 gray hairs, and he is almost 55. My Mother just went through a bad spout of hair loss, last year but she was very sick, so its probably bc her colon couldn't process foods like it use to. I have begged her to get her ferritin checked, but since her hair is growing back without any help now, she isn't worried about it. So anyways, if your daughter has very heavy periods, don't eat much foods with iron in it, I think low ferritin coupled with other things such as high stress, can make your hair fall out. Did she have a huge shed? Did they do a biopsy? I am sorry she is going through this, I know it sucks and is extremely hard to deal with. You are a good Mom to be so concerned about her and this journey that she is on!! Two thumbs up for you Beth!!

  • Beth

    Thank you, Hope Hopper!
    Thank you for the specifics of your treatment. Teenagers have their own agendas, so treatment, etc., has been challenging. I will keep documenting, also, because maybe we can help another woman or Teenagers!
    She definitely has female pattern. I took her to many top specialists because we had to rule out other things. It is tough, but I live in hope of new treatments. Thank you very much!
  • Beth

    Hi, and welcome!
    My name is Beth. My teenage daughter has androgenticalopecia. I am starting a plan of positive action to contact researchers, pharmaceutical companies, students studying dermatology, females and males with aga, and let them know we want treatments that work! I just have to figure out what kind of website I want to set up.

    I will not promote specific remedies, nor will I charge money. My sole interest is keeping up interest until we have good treatments.
    Stay tuned!
  • Beth

    Hi, Ladies,
    I am checking in to see if there are any new members to our group. Stay tuned for my new free website: hairgrowthcampaign.com.Mission: to find new treatments for our type of hair loss, and spur more
    Pro-active push to do research for this life-altering condition.I will let everyone know when it's ready!
  • Beth

    Hi, Beth here,
    I am glad/sad to see a few more members to our group. I hope you newbies read the information the past members have provided. I vow to check in periodically! FYI people with alopecia are having continuedinner success with jak inhibitors, so happy for them!
  • Beth

    Hello From Beth,

    My new website is www.hairgrowthcampaign.com.

    Its mission: to seek out the REAL DEAL: A Treatment that really will regrow hair safely for women and men who have androgenetic alopecia. 

  • manhhuyly

    Hi, Ladies,

    My name is manhhuy ly. I live in Canada, Vancouver, B.C.

    I am an Esthetician, and Hair restorationist.

    Last year, in early April 2015,my sister had theTelogen effluvivium

    hair loss problem and asked me for help. In did the research,what it there, why it  there, how to treat it. I  started treating her early  in April, by the end of the month, her hair stopped shedding and

    the baby hairs ( Vellus ) had arrived. After 3 months of  treatment, her hair grew rapidly and gone back to normal stage.( she had  a short hair cut. Then my friend Mr (shaw)  saw the result and asked me for help. I started treating In August  Mr Shaw had Telogen effluvium and Front fibrosing alopecia.

    By September, his hair grew so rapidly and said to me Why do not this as a business. I did not realize that there is no cure at the moment in the market. So many people in the world are suffer hair loss. The reason i contact  to Alopecia foundation since my clients suggested to me that i should broadcast that Hair Loss is available. All natural non surgical processes.I have been treating 

    my family members, friends,and clients as volunteer over a year. I have treated  the clients such as Alopecia Totalis, frontal Fibrosing Alopecia, lopecia areate front hair line, Scarring Alopecia ,Telegen Effluvium, Traction Alopecia ,Trichotillomaina ( hair pulling disorder, and i been treating Endrogen Alopecia for 2 male clients for the last 2 months. first they came in for consultation,they had vellus hairs,after 1 month of treatment, the peach fuzz became more thicker and darker pigment . now all the vellus hairs have turn to adult hairs. the treatment should be completed by September. I treatment all above hair loss problem  Except hair loss due to medical problem and Alopecia Universalis. My e mail is manhhuyly"gmail.com.

    Sorry, my at key is  sticky, i can not type the at. Have a healthy hair.

  • Beth

    Hi Ladies,
    I do have hope that real treatments, i.e., it can be objectively proven through highest level clinical trials, may be available by 2018 . I am hopeful. I follow 2 reputable bloggers on the topic. Best wishes to all of you. Beth
  • Kate

    Hi Beth - I am so glad you continue to check in on this page. I don't have much to add right now. I can share a favorite quote and book that may be of comfort and use to some of the members of this forum:

    "If we share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame can't survive." - Dr. Brene Brown

    Her book, Daring Greatly, as well as her other books (The Gifts of Imperfection and Rising Strong) are all wonderful. Take care!

  • Beth

    Love these resources!! Wonderful themes!
    Strength in self-acceptance and love is the most important for our society, and, for the individual.
    I also wish to work toward promoting viable options that women can choose: no treatments for hair loss, going public bald, improved comfort and quality of hair pieces, and, viable future treatments that really regrow hair that are scientifically proven, safe, and affordable. I am working to improve our options. Thank you so much for checking in now and then!