Natural Treatment For Alopecia

Join a group that disregards the severity of hair loss and the allopathic (medical) prognosis of alopecia. The focus is a willingness to share experiences and an ability to be open to new approaches to healing.
  • Angie

    No traditional medical person could ever convince me that there is no cure for alopecia or anything else for that matter. Especially where there are so many unknowns. The body is remarkable and can heal itself with the right fuel.
  • Amanda

    I started seeing a chiropractor who does nutritional counseling and I have to say I feel better than I have in years. I recently started losing increased amounts of hair so she put me on some pills that were a more natural form of steroids, closer to what my body would normally produce. Unfortunately, it hasn't done much to slow the falling out. I hope to meet with her again soon to discuss this and see what else she may be able to recommend. She has been amazing at helping quell my stomach problems:)

    Also, has anyone heard of essential oils? My friend started selling them and was curious if anyone had any luck using them with alopecia?
  • Chris Jeffer

    Hi Amanda,
    I have read that Aromatherapy has helped some people.

    As I learn more about Traditional Chinese Medicine, I am realizing that my own problem may be in part to a body heat deficiency - I am always cold - much like what western medicine calls hypothyroidism. The pills I take for my autoimmune hypothyroidism don't seem to be helping my symptoms at all, but with acupuncture and herbs I am increasing the heat and qi in my body. Therefore, blood flow will also incrase. I will post more as I learn more and see how it affects my own regrowth.
  • Julie 12 year old daughter has alopecia areata and has had 2 "épisodes" in her life. They seemed to coincide with her vaccinations - the 2 years that she had 2 vaccinations in the same year... These probably triggered her alopecia. Anyway this time around, at 12, much more and bigger spots appeared than the first time when she was that time she had 5-6 smaller bald spots and they regrew very quickly. I was scarred this time because they (her hair) were going fast...I had previously done some allergy elimination with her and my son for seasonal allergies and it worked great so I thought I would bring her to the same practionner to see if this method could work for alopecia. She's had 3 treatments so far and her hair loss seems to be at a stand still...I don't know if it is the treatments or if the hair loss would just have stopped on it's own...hard to say with alopecia. Anyways...NAET did help a great deal with both my kids seasonal allergies so I am somewhat confident that it is is natural and promotes holistic wellness...better that filling her up with steroids for now!
  • Jamie Jo

    Wanted to share this with all of you. I haven't tired it but I am going. Let me know if any of you have or will be. Hope this helps.

  • Amanda

    Jamie Jo- I look forward to hearing about your results with that. I haven't heard of it, good luck!
  • rosamosqueta

    Amanda, once I tried an ayurvedic treatment with essential oils (four essential oils, mixed with two carrier oils) but my scalp was very itchy, and it turned red in some places . It was a very uncomfortable sensation.I think it was a kind of allergy. I did it for three weeks, and then I stopped . Perhaps, I´ll try it again, for a longer time. I don´t know...

  • Jamie Jo

    Hey all, I found a website that sells it cheaper than the companies website. I spent a couple hours researching. I don't like to spend a lot of money on this due to there are some companies that say that there products work etc. So if I can save a buck here and there .. I am all for it! =]

  • Dawn

    Anyone have any luck with biotin?

  • JeffreySF

    I've been taking biotin for about 4 years now. That and Vitamin D. I'm not sure if either has helped or not. I was AU and now AA with approx 80% regrowth. At this point I am going to continue taking the supplements.

  • Chris Jeffer

    Jeffrey- do you think the biotin was the catalyst for the change? I just read that people with Celiac's disease, which I am sure I have, need more Vit D than most people. Maybe this applies to all autoimmune disorders.

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Chris,
    I don't know if the Biotin has been a factor or not in my regrowth. My guess is no. That said, I still take it regularly along with the Vitamin D. I guess we do what we can...

  • Chris Jeffer

    What were you doing differently or taking when your hair started to grow back?

  • JeffreySF

    I've been doing the same thing for about 4 years.

  • duranduranfan42

    hi, i am new to this ive had alopecia areata for over twelve months, not knowing what the cause was, i was using clarelux from the gp but have stopped on my own accord, and for the past month or so i have lost my eyebrows and look pretty scarey

  • Chris Jeffer

    Hi Duranduranfan42 - I can totally relate. I had to have my eyebrows tatooed several months ago. They are starting to grow back now but they are they white hairs, not my natural color so they barely show up.

    There are lots of good eyebrow tattoo artists out there now. Are you gluten free/dairy free? I suggest reading the book Wheat Belly because there are so many forms of gluten that are hidden in processed foods - ketchup, beer, spelt breads, buckwheat etc. I was so surprised.

    Also google leaky gut - many autoimmune problems are associated with this.

    I believe diet (GMO and processed foods)and managing stress (hormones) are the underlying problems, but of course we are all different so need to research depending on the other symptoms that present themselves in the body.

  • Majal

  • Majal

    I had had alopecia for over 6 years. And I've been searching for answers every day of those 6 years. I used prescriptions initially, to mixed success. Here lately, we grow most of our food from a garden and I had stopped using any medications, yet I lost one of my eyebrows and an eyelid of lashes.

    I read about the connection between leaky gut and autoimmune symptoms. I have been gluten free for almost 2 months now and all my lashes have returned, along with most of my missing eyebrow. I can see little white hairs on the bald patches on my head! I am looking for more things I can do to help my body heal... if anyone has any suggestions on top of going gluten free and GMO free (i'm working on that right now), I'd love to know. I am looking into taking liquid kelp and also into putting iodine tincture on the scalp. I suspect I have thyroid problems that go along with all of this.

  • Chris Jeffer

    I also have hypothyroidism - you may want to get your thyroid checked - it is really important to make sure it is functioning correctly - it affects everything in your body.

  • Majal

    I actually did get my thyroid tested and the results came back within a normal range, however, all the women on my mom's side of the family have horrible hypothyroidism, so I still suspect that something is off on mine... I saw an Amish doctor once in Indiana. He used iridology and other holistic methods to tell me what he felt was wrong. He said I had low thyroid and heavy metals in my body. It was really interesting. He suggested using herbs to remove heavy metal buildup while using cell salts like kelps and such to help with the thyroid... I never really gave it a try at the time, but I am wanting to now. I really have had much better results by treating myself holistically.

  • Chris Jeffer

    I agree Majal. The medical diagnostics for checking the thyroid are very inacurate and many doctors only check the TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) - they don't check T3s T4s etc.

  • Chris Jeffer

    I know the gluten arguement comes up time and time again but I encourage eveyone to watch this video featureing Dr. Tom O'Leary - there is so much great info here and useful links, tests etc.

  • Jana

    I just started following MindBodyGreen on Facebook, and it has some amazing posts that may be of value to those following this discussion. : )

  • Chris Jeffer

    Thanks btftbaldgrrl - you also shared the SCD site with me and I have been following this diet with amazing results, not just to my hair but to my sense of well being.

    One of their blogs has just included a podcast with Dave Asprey, who turned his health around and discusses immunology and how the quality of food we are eating affects us. He also discusses the dangers of certain foods and probiotics. Check it out.

  • Chris Jeffer

    A must see for all of us:

  • Kteacher

    Has anyone on this site been to a holistic dr. For their alopecia? I am seeing one now. My hair hasn't all fallen out yet, but I'm on my way. He's tested me for leaky gut, and I do have it. He's also treating me with several herbs and a very strict paleo type diet. Anyone else tried these things?
  • Angie

    If anyone knows of someone who lives in the DC or NoVA area and would like to join our alopecia group, please visit our Facebook page and request to join the group.

  • Chris Jeffer

    To Kteacher - yes almost all of the people in my alopecia support group have seen seveal holistic doctors. I think if you can catch it early enough you can prevent it. I think avoiding inflammatory foods and reducing stress is huge. I wish you luck with it!

  • MaddiiBoo

    I moved to Pakistan and started seeing a great derm here and for the first time I learned that my hair loss doesn't have to be permanent. Along with using conventional medicine, he has been adding foods to my diet. Natural foods that will help to make my body healthier. I am noticing regrowth in my hair as I pursue a healthier diet which involves eating less processed foods.

    I have suffered from eczema and reynauds in the past. Both of these conditions are considered incurable and my body has overcome them. I am confident that with enough mental, physical, and spiritual healing I will overcome alopecia too.

  • MaddiiBoo

    I have heard castor oil is good to promote hair growth.

    Blackseed oil is also good to help with alopecia areata. I have been using it once a week for an hour before taking a shower and I do feel like it is helping.

  • Angie

    I just started using the black castor oil on my son as recommended by a practioner this weekend. We'll see if it helps.

  • MaddiiBoo

    I read it takes 6/7 weeks before noticeable results

    Good luck Angie!

  • Angie

    The instructions I have is to apply 30-45 mins before washing scalp. Do you leave on or wash out after treatment?

  • MaddiiBoo

    I still have to try it. But I've read it most places that you should apply it at night and then wash it out in the morning.

  • Scott

  • N

    What is the best probiotic for a 11 year old (80 pounds)? Our health food store has one in the refrigertor section. Should I use child or adult one??
  • Liz

    Hello! Things that helped me and my nephew: Diet (gluten, sugar, processed foods free); Low Dose Naltrexone; Lyme disease treatment; and treatment for heavy metal toxicity. Get tested for environmental toxins like heavy metals and parasites. It's amazing how much they can wreak havoc on the immune system. All my autoimmune issues are much better with a holisitc approach. Btw, I had severe eczema (skipped work some days with lesions) and now it is 99 percent gone. Also, I was on Advair 2xs per day and now I use albuteral once in a while. Claritin I was popping like candy and now I use Quercitin (also promotes hair growth). I'll stop here. Thank you so much for this group!

  • N

    Hi liz. I would love to chat with you about testing. What is your email?? Thanks- natalie
  • Liz

  • Liz

    Hi Natalie! Would love to chat with you. My address is My nephew and I both lost all of our hair within 8 months of each other. Crazy!

  • Mayo

    Hi liz. Would you mind if I emailed you too? My daughter has AA (She's 2&1/2) and I know I can get past this for her! If people can cure themselves of multiple sclerosis (a good friend of mine has) and autism etc... We can cure ourselves from this auto immune disease. I would also like to ask you a bit more about heavy metal toxicity testing etc if that is ok? I live Australia though. I would also like to know how you have gone with your hair regrowth now it's a few months on. Thanks in advance
    Mayo xx
  • Liz

    Mayo! I'm so sorry I've been out of touch for a while. I'm going through a rough time right now. Lots of personal stress. I've read your posts about GAPS and leaky gut. The driver for my leaky gut (sounds lovely) is Lyme and co-infections. My dark hair is continuing to grow and change. My entire head is not filled in yet. It's a very slow process. I'll send healing thoughts to your daughter :-) My e-mail is

  • Niece

    I agree with Angie...there is nothing out there that will help us grow our hair back. If and when the body reverts back to not seeing hair follicles as foreign your hair will start to grow and if they dont you wont be able to change that fact.  Maybe someday they will come up with something to cure this disease...wish it would be in my life time!

  • Debs

    I have been using an antiinflammatory diet and supplements; turmeric, ginger, high dose fish oils, a muilti vitamin/mineral. I exercise 3 times a week. I have started seeing a nedical herbalist, she makes a tincture specifically for me based on my needs, very different to conventional medicine and a relief to be listened to, I am trying to reduce the inflammation in my body so I dont develop more auto immune conditions. I am starting a meditation course in Sept to help manage stress.