brian kirchman

48, Male

houston, tx BCS, TX

United States

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About Me:
i live in collage station, AU or AT(still not sure) started in feb 07 with a small spot on my head then more spots and more all over by july i had no body hair at was well it sucked anyways....huge blow to my self esteem.....i couldint imagine being a woman i would have been devestated. me being a guy its not so bad being bald. i think i have a nice shaped do miss my eyebrows and lashes tho....

ok well lets a huge dork wich is a lot of fun...i love to make people laugh and if it has to be at my own expence so be it. i like cartoons and chocolat milk. life is to short to be so serious all the time...a whoopie cushion is allways a good idea...walk backwards throu the halls, jump in on a groups conversation you dont know, hug instead of shakeing hands, high 5 more offten, run like you did when you were a kid, wear goofy clothes now and then, and just have fun. youll look back and smile i promise.

im very open and out going at times. when im in my elliment(and i cant spell and my grammer sucks and i hate it when people play english teacher) i need to warm up a bit when im not on my terf i guess you could say. i love the out doors add water and im a happy boy.
im a self proclaimed red neck i love guns and shooting not hunting i like comp style pistol shooting.
love love love to go mudding prob my number one hobby right now.
now being a red neck is not to say i dont enjoy more sophistacted(i know i hacked that one to death)
things. i do enjoy lookiing nice and going out. love the theater, museums the arts. i love to allways be learning.
i hate to be wrong but fess up when i am.
i like to compete at any thing doesint matter. any thing from bowling to i bet i can fit more cheese in my mouth than you...just kidding but you know what i mean.
dont mind loseing i like to win but enjoy the challange and sportsmen ship more.
i can be a dork and missunderstood some times
can tend to be shy some times
can be arogant some times go figure?
i guess if i like some one or there really pretty i can be shy or seem to be cuz i dont want to open mouth insert foot. im sure you know what i mean. i think its a guy disease and iv seen many a good date go bad cuz of
yahoo messenger=briankirchman
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • kastababy

    Welcome Brian! I know how hard it is for women to cope with AA; I can't imagine how much more difficult it must be for a man to do the same thing! You will find much love and support here, so feel free to talk to anyone here -- we are here to support you no matter what!
  • kastababy

    Unfortunately, they don't work weekends, but at the same time keep trying!!! The NAAF site is an excellent site for information -- and please feel free to talk to me anytime with any questions you may have!!!
  • Roger

    Hi Brian.
  • Roger

    Everythings fine here. Im planning to go USA this summer for the NAAF conference. Have you read about it?

  • Roger

    Maybe we can meet up in someway down there? =) I havnt booked it yet.
  • Roger

    Hi Brian.

    You know its going to be in Louisville, Kentucky?
  • Roger

    Where in the US do you live?

  • Roger

    Aha! Houston. Nice.
  • Ashley

    Thanks! I'm really excited about this site, because like you said it really is turning into a great site, and thats so exciting. are you going to conference this year?
  • Ashley

    awesome! im going this year too, and i can't wait! it'll be my first year to every go...have you every been to it before?
  • Ashley

    my first too! i cant wait, i bet it will be so fun. i've heard nothing but wonderful things about it. you better believe i'll be there with my hair spiked. :-)
  • Jessica

    thanks for the add!!
  • Ashley

    yeah, im not there for the medication info either. because like you im not into going through all that stuff for it to not work at all, or just for a little while. i'd think that using meds to get your hair back and it coming back then falling right back out would be harder than losing it in the first place.
    i hope i live to see the day theres a cure...but if there's not, oh well, i understand, cuz there's life-threatening things out there too that need fixed. i can wait. I LOVE my mohawk. :-)