
36, Female



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Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Dotty

    Welcome Goody, nice to meet you. My best friend in the whole wide world is moving to Australia from New Zealand next month. Her son is already there. He is in Brisbane. I hope to chat with you soon.
  • Dotty

    My friend Lyn also lives in Australia. I'm not sure of the exact location, but she has had Alopecia for well over 20 years. She's a great lady. So, don't despair, there are lots of us around. You just gotta do what you're doing and make lots of friends. Even if they are just online.....Those are the best kind!!!! I have Alopecian friends all over the world.
  • Shana Bebeklis

    I live in Brissy, how about you?
  • Alex

    hello =)
  • brian kirchman

    well if iv learned any thing in life its that you have to look on the bright side of things make your self laugh and the whole world laughs with you and god forgive them if its at me.
  • Baldboi

    I am from Vancouver Canada
  • brian kirchman

    indeed it does
  • Ashley

    I think you're prolly the person on here closest to my age. Very cool. Nice to see you on the site.
  • Alex

    ive had AA since i was about 4. i had patches up until i was about 10ish and ive been completely bald since then.

    ive always had a large majority of my hair missing, so i dont know any other way to live. my alopecia is who i am. i like being different from everyone else in a society where everyone needs to be 'perfect' whatever that means. i think that having AU has made me stronger and more confident in myself.

    how about u?
  • Ashley

    I was pretty excited to find some people on here my age. =) And thanks, i love my mohawk =)
    Well my story is basically...When i was a baby, 3 & 5, i lost hair in a big round patch on the back of my head. In junior high i lost some patches on my legs & arms. Then when i was 15 i lost two big spots on either side of my head. It all eventually grew back. this most recent time it all fell out of my arms, i lost almost all of my eyebrows, a lot of eyelashes, some more of my leg hair, & every hair on my head. But my eyebrows are almost all back & my eyelashes are back, & as you can see in my pic, some on my head is back. I consider myself extremely lucky.
    I wouldn't trade having alopecia for anything in the world because i've become so much stronger & become so much more comfortable with myself, & also, I never would have met all the wonderful people i have on this site. =)
    what about you? whats your story?
  • Ashley

    Thats the best way to look at things. Because there's nothing we can do to change it. Thats great you have such a good attitude about it. I feel the same way. =)
    are you going to conference this year?
  • Ashley

    oh my gosh! Thats a lot, i can't believe how much that is. they should definitely have one in australia. that would be good for all the people there.
  • Ashley

    I'm kind of in the same situation as you. I've heard of a couple people that friends of mine know. But i've only talked to one person who had it, but she had a full head of hair so it wasnt the same, you know? So thats why I'm so excited about this website. Its so relieving! I know you know what I'm talkin bout there.
  • Ashley

    you and me both sister!
  • Ashley

    i totally hear ya on that one. If i'm havin a bad day, or feelin down, i get on here & talk to all these wonderful people & it makes my day. Helps so much.
  • Alex

    i couldnt agree with u more, being bald is who i am and im not letting anything stop me from what im doing and want to do in the future.
  • Alex

    so austrailia?? thats pretty cool
  • Alex

    over the years ive actually met a bunch of people from there at the conferences. are u going to come to the conference this year?
  • Ashley

    I hear what you're saying...sometimes im just like...what else? haha, you know what I'm saying? It just gets a little...overwhelming...sometimes.
  • Ashley

    thats 100% correct. i definitely agree with you. sometimes im just like, well maybe they didn't like me because of my alopecia, blah blah blah. i need to quit that, but its nice to have a scape goat.
  • Ashley

    Here in the past couple of months I have improved more than i have in a year or so of having alopecia. I've improved so much lately, & I'm so happy with myself & that I'm improving.
  • Alex

    WOW thats insane, i dont know many people that could afford that.

    i can see from ur pics that u have a lot of ur hair growing, are u gonna grow it out or keep shaving it?
  • Alex

    i know the feeling...ive gotten so used to not having hair anymore that i hate when it starts growing back lol

    but i deff know the feeling of watching every last piece of hair falling out of my head...deff not a confidence booster =/
  • Alex

  • Ashley

    exactly. but you don't realize how important hair is to society until you lose it.
  • Ashley

    amen to that sister! we think alike! haha
  • Dotty

    It's national care week...
    time to send messages to all your friends, telling them how much you care about them.

    Without friends
    you would be missing out on a lot.

    A friend should be radical;

    They should love you when you're unlovable,

    Hug you when you're unhuggable,

    And bear you when you're unbearable.

    A friend should be fanatical;

    They should cheer when the whole world boos,

    Dance when you get good news,

    And cry when you cry.

    But most of all, a friend should be mathematical,

    They should multiply the joy, Divide the sorrow,

    Subtract the past, And add to tomorrow,

    Calculate the need deep within your heart,

    And always be bigger than the sum of all their parts.

    I care about you.
    Have a nice day, and
    I'm glad we are friends!!! Delete Comment
  • Angela Jackman

    hi there!! my photo is about two years ago but it was all I could "grab" at the time...

    Nice to see you - you look great have you just shaved it all off or have you been like this for a while - you look like you have a good amount of hair... I have hair growing from the "stuff" the natropath gave me but its not enough to let grow yet...