

Virginia Beach, Va

United States

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About Me:
Hello Alopecia World! My name is Shemika and I am a hairstylist in a salon in Virginia Beach. I am here to gain knowledge about Alopecia. Ironically, i'm not one who loves to sit and read the 'text book' type of answers which are out there. This is because from the common sense I have, I know that not everyone has the same experience with the same conditions. I have found that so many every day women I meet on a day to day basis are suffering from Alopecia and many other forms of hair loss, and as a stylist, I think its my duty to educate myself as much as possible on this issue to better service my clients needs. So thank you for having me and if you have any questions of me, please don't hesitate to ask. Check me out on myspace to see photos of my work, and be sure to pass the word along:)

I have a website which focuses on lace wigs & learning more about them. On this site, you are able to meet, greet, and connect with others who either, sell, buy, or apply lace wigs in different areas from all around the globe. Join The LWC today!
Do you have alopecia?
I do not have alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older
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Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    We just launched today and we are really optimistic. Thanks for your support!
  • rj, Co-founder

    Thanks for the positive vibes, Shemika! I certainly hope your time here is fun and fulfilling as well. :-)
  • BrandyLynn

    Have to agree with you on the "text book stuff"!!!! Amen to that!
    Thanks with all your effort you provide to us!
  • Ashley

    hey thanks for the add. I have to agree with you on the textbook knowledge. Because my case happens to be different than i've ever heard before.
  • Ashley

    haha, im pretty sure you spelled it right, i love it too =)
    My case is pretty different because when i've had outbreaks of alopecia I've lost it all over my body, but only patches. For instance, my legs i have lost patches 2 different times, and it hasn't grown back, but I'm only missing patches of it...which from what i hear about most people they start losing it then lose it all.
    Also, this last time i was losing hair, not all of it had fallen out of my head yet & i had a little bit growing back in. the old hair eventually all fell out, but the little hairs that came in eventually developed into the picture you now see of me. it is slowly but surely spreading in growth.
    i also realize im lucky to have hair growing back in, since so many people never get it back. If you ever need to know anything at all about the disease, or have any questions about my personal case of it, feel free to ask, i would be more than happy to answer any questions. =)
  • Ashley

    Well thank you very much! I think you're quite pretty yourself. At the time, when i started noticing the patches on my legs & arms, I never really thought much about it. That is until I started losing my head, then i looked back & thought, why didnt you think of that? haha. But its never grown back, & i never had the patches before, so i guess thats why i thought it was a hair loss situation. It could be, maybe its not, i have no idea. I'm by no means an expert on this stuff.
    I'm pretty excited about college next year, I'll be attending Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC) & ill be majoring in business & administration. I'm pretty excited, but yet a little nervous because I'll be having to do everything on my own, without my parents in the other room to remind me how to do something. But for the most part I'm very independent, so im not too worried about it. =) I've just been filling out tons & tons of scholarship applications hoping to get as much school paid for as possible.
    So where do you do hair at? because i wear wigs & i was wondering where there were some nice wig shops, because around my area the selection is pretty limited, & is geared more towards elderly women...but then again, i don't know of many people with alopecia, so i guess if there isn't a high demand they wouldn't really need to gear them towards a younger crowd...
  • rj, Co-founder

    Shemika, thank you for your wonderful contributions to Alopecia World. Check out the Alopecia World's homepage! :-)
  • MO gal

    Hello Shemika! Thanks so much for the comment! Im am doing just peachy today! How about yourself?
    Do you have alopecia or just gaining knowledge?
  • Porcia

    hey girl, I found this page off your myspace and I have to say I'm glad I did!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Shemika, we really appreciate the support that you are giving us, including the time you are sharing on Alopecia World. I will check our myspace page for the bulletin.

    Thanks again and talk to you soon!
  • Ashley

    There's probably more people around this area that have alopecia than i realize, but i just don't know about them.
    I'm pretty excited about college, & I plan to stay on more of a straight & narrow path, thats part of why I'm not living in the dorms, so I can live more on my own terms & not necessarily what "everyone else is doing". And not to say i won't get the full experience, because I have no problem socializing, to people I know or don't, i have no problem introducing myself to those i don't know. =) I appreciate your advice & support. I really can't wait to meet more people like me so there will be people there to relate to.
  • Faheemah

    Yes that is usually how it works. It took me awhile to embrace it, but i did. So I c u sell lace wigs. Do you work with people with Alopecia? I once had a lace wig and I loved it when I had it, but I kinda had a bad experience. Maybe you can help me figure out what went wrong with my wig?
  • Faheemah

    Its a long story, but I had problems with getting the wig to stick to my scalp, because I dance and sweat a lot so the adhesive I had was not working too well. After I washed it one time (with Dudley Products) my waves left (it was Indian Remy) and I had a hard time getting them back. The hair looked really dull afterwards and fizzy. I got a "No Fizz" product of some kind and mousse and whet to a party where it was really hot and crowded. I went back to my room and the hair was packed down to the lace. My beautician is almost done with getting the hair from the lace, but I was wondering if there was something I did wrong, even though I followed the advice of others. My beautician did not know much about the wigs, but the lady who sold it to us told me what I should do and since my wig messed up she doesn't had an explanation for what went wrong. It was a very expensive piece and I received donations to get it so I was wondering if you could tell me what I should do to keep the wig up since others helped me get it. Thank you!
  • Susan

    can you wear a lace front wig if you have hair?? what is the normal price range for a wig about shoulder length? thanks. I have a ton of questions about wigs....
  • Susan

    thanks! I will look at your site. :)
  • Faheemah

    Thank you. That is good information to know. If this lace wig cannot be repaired, I will like to get another one. I have looked at your site and you have a good selection. I plan on talking to my mother and my beautician to see what they say about me getting another one.
  • Dotty

    It's national care week...
    time to send messages to all your friends, telling them how much you care about them.

    Without friends
    you would be missing out on a lot.

    A friend should be radical;

    They should love you when you're unlovable,

    Hug you when you're unhuggable,

    And bear you when you're unbearable.

    A friend should be fanatical;

    They should cheer when the whole world boos,

    Dance when you get good news,

    And cry when you cry.

    But most of all, a friend should be mathematical,

    They should multiply the joy, Divide the sorrow,

    Subtract the past, And add to tomorrow,

    Calculate the need deep within your heart,

    And always be bigger than the sum of all their parts.

    I care about you.
    Have a nice day, and
    I'm glad we are friends!!! Delete Comment
  • Ashley

    Wow Shemika! I just looked at your work, and the work you have done on these ladies is beautiful! They have beautiful hair! I'm very impressed. I had tried to watch that before, and it hadn't worked, so I'm glad it worked this time. =)
  • Kristen Ridenhour

    hey. i don't wear wigs anymore, but your wigs look beautiful! i noticed you're located in va beach. i'm originally from fairfax, but i have family that live down your way! it's a small world.
  • Porcia

    I've been good. Being busy is very good, that means you're getting things done!
  • Ashley

    You're work is amazing, & what you do is awesome for the people who come to you whether they have hair or not! keep up the good work! You're awesome!
  • Julia

    Shemika, do you have a line of wigs JUST 4 KIDS?
  • Julia

    The BOMB!!!! Girl...your wigs are awesome.

    Now what about the tape on the skin, what are the long term affects? Irritation? Skin discoloration?
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hey, Shemika. We miss ya over here! :-)