
43, Female

Tempe, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I am from Ireland and I have had AA for about three or so years. I am 27, living in Phoenix Arizona for about a year and a half now - working at ASU. I have never lost my hair completely and have only had regrowth with treatments. Currently I have lost between 30-40% of my hair maybe less. I can still cover it up pretty well - unless it is windy ;). I have just uploaded some pictures of my bald areas (not really patches!!!).

I spend most of my free time mountain/road biking, swimming, and running - I also enjoy kayaking!!!
I can't say that having AA has affected me alot - lately it is bogging me down because it is getting more difficult to cover up and I feel the impeding doom of total hair loss!! ;) I will need to go wig shopping soon.

Anyway this site is really cool! it is very comforting to know that we are a big group. I have never met anyone with AA before!!!
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • sgomez

    Hi Ev! Welcome. I am so excited that you have joined us. This is a great place! So possitive and uplifting. I noticed that you joined the Alopecians in AZ group. That's great! Some of us are going to get together this weekend at Starbuck's in Old Town Scottsdale. The details are on our group page. I would love to meet you there, if you can make it. Take care, Sarah
  • Kelly

    Hi Ev, welcome and hope you can join our support group meeting this Saturday. I have the perfect lady for you if you do end up needing to wear a wig - I have bought my wigs from her for 10 years now and she is the BEST in the business and she is a compassionate, giving lady too. I will talk more about her at the meeting this weekend. If you cannot attend, let me know and I'll give you her info on this site.
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Ev,
    Welcome to Alopecia World.
    I used to live in Chandler AZ but it was way too hot for me. I am in San Francisco now.
    Again welcome you will meet lots of great friends here.

  • Bob Hershberger

    EV..Your not alone..I remember that Impending doom you speak off like it was yesterday..Very harsh time for me,but when you come out the other side,you'll be a stronger and better person..Do what makes you happy..Its very important..Dont worry what anybody else says..If you dont know what makes you happy,then make that your first goal..I think you could use a blessing,so here's one just for you..So be it..!!!..I hope that helps..If you'd like to add me as a friend,please do..Id like that..Bob
  • Roger


  • Kelly

    Hi Ev, enjoy Prescott and I hope to meet you next time.
  • Bob Hershberger

    Ev..so true..When I first came down with AA,it was at least 12 to 15 years before I even met someone else who had AA..I thought I was alone..I finally heard about the NAAF and met people who were Alopecians like me..Its always nice to know others who understand..Makes life so much bearable..Im still not sure how to accept peoples invites to be friends,so bear with me,if you sent a invite..Thanks..Bob
  • sgomez

    Well I'm sorry that you can't make it tomorrow, but enjoy your trip to Prescott! I will keep you posted as to when our next meeting will be. Take care. Sarah
  • Stacie Duda

    sometimes i do wear wigs when i work out at the college gym just because i end up forgetting about taking it off. but when i work out at home and around the neighborhood i'll just wear a bandanna to protect my head. what about you??
  • Audrey OHara

    Hey Ev

    Good to hear from you. Hope you're doing ok with the whole alopecia thing. I'm AU now for about 7 years, on the whole I think I'm doing ok. This site and others are an amazing support and very encouraging. I was in the UK over the weekend and I met up with the lady who runs the Alopecia Areata Support Community website. I find it great to meet up with people who understand where you're coming from.

    Chat soon
  • Stacie Duda

    geez! you are going through the tough stage right now. I hated trying to hide my bald spots! the wigs i wear are very expensive. I have loving parents who are willing to spend a lot of money on me. I am very fortunate and grateful for everything they have done. other people are not so lucky. my wigs range anywhere from $100-$600. I won't allow them to spend more than that.
    after i shaved my head i realized i had more bald spots than what i thought! if i had known how many i had i would have shaved it months in advance! Working out with them on is not so bad.
    My boyfriend and i just broke up two days ago. he absolutely LOVED my bald head. many guys think its pretty awesome or it doesn't even matter to them. As your bf what he think about you with no hair. you might be better off to get use to the wigs now instead of later when you don't have a choice.
  • Stacie Duda

    raquel welch, rene of paris, and noriko are my favorites... in that order!
  • Kelly

    Hi Ev, sorry we didn't get to meet you. How was your trip to Prescott? We are meeting again June 14. You can keep up with our group on Forum under Support Groups and under Events too. We don't know where we're meeting yet though...keep ya posted!
  • sgomez

    Hi Ev, I hope to meet you at our next meeting! So how was Prescott? I bet the weather was delightful. Great for outdoorsy kind of stuff. My family and I are planning a camping trip to Payson over the holiday. We love going camping. We've been doing it for years. My favorite part is making a fire, and cuddling up in a blanket w/ a cup of hot coffee. My kids love going to the river and fishing for crawfish.
  • Erica

    Hi Ev,
    Your story sounds really similar to mine just now. I've now got a penny sized dot on the top left of my head. So annoying as my part falls right down it. I was on holiday last week and the lift in the hotel was mirrored so I could see the back of my head. Every morning I was like, 'Ah, you can see it.' I kept thinking I was able to cover it up but no. Oddly it was reassuring because at least now I know I'm walking around with a baldy bit, rather than doing it unassumingly.

    Anyhoos, I think wigs are a good idea just so you have it in case things get worse. My plan is only to wear mine for nights out and for client facing work stuff (I work in conference and events and am only out of the office maybe twice a week so shouldn't be wearing it that much). I managed to get a prescription from the NHS for mine but I think they cost about £160 - £200 ex VAT in the UK (even if you're buying them yourself here, VAT isn't applicable as it's for medical purposes, not purely cosmetic). One of mine is Rene of Paris, not sure about the other as I haven't got it yet. These are acrylic but I know a lot of people in the States and here prefer to buy European hair as apparently they can look better and you can style them with heat but they are more expensive.

    I haven't done anything like steriod injections as my derm said they often were more pain and trouble than they are worth. Plus I know that my hair before often grew back with me doing nothing at all so I'm really not entirely convinced that injections to the head are worth it when they might not affect the eventual progression.

    On the up side just now, there has been some new hair discovery on my head, so fingers crossed there will be more!

    Kayaking - my bf is trying to get me into it just now. Been in the pool with him a bit and taken play ones out in the surf down at Pease Bay (south of Dunbar if you know it from when you were over). Freezing but good fun. His mum is going on a sea kayaking expedition to Greenland this summer - looks amazing.
  • Julia

    Would love that thanks for Inquiring...

    send me your email address to bbibby_org@yahoo.com and I will send you the communications ASAP...Deadlines are fast approaching.
  • Kelly

    Hi Ev, Her name is Brandy at Brandys Wig Outlet. 7316 E 1ST Ave, scottsdale, az
    We all went at the last support group meeting and the ladies loved her. She is the wig guru!! I have been going to her for 10 years. Will you please tell her Kelly Kapp sent you? Brandy is precious to me, and I want her to know how much I appreciate what she does for us.
  • Kelly

    I should mention that she doesn't get in till about 11, so don't go before then...
  • Kelly

    Hi Ev, I am coming downto the last 3 weeks of this school quarter and have a full plate, so if it is pretty easy to do I will. I really don't have the money though for pics. I have a very nice pic from may of last year though...?
  • Jennifer

    Ya, we are the same! I've never met anyone with AA either. It really hasn't affected me to recently either, but even still have a good attitude about it. Hey, if I lose all of my hair, I'll probally look better with a wig anyways. My husband is all for it, he said I should get a blod, brown a nd red wig, What a perv! lol Hey, have you lost any eyebrows at all, I just started loosing mine?
  • Jennifer

    I know what is with the red wigs! lol!!! He said it would be like going to bed with a different girl! jerk!!! lol I've never heard of stick on eyebrows? My girlfriend came over and said what the hell did you do to your eyebrows? I'm like, I didn't do it, they fell out :(
  • Yvonne~Yhoney

    Just stopping by to say Hi, I hope to meet you at our next meeting. :)
  • Roger

    Hi Ev.

    My name is Roger and im from Stockholm, Sweden.

    Hope you are ok =)
  • Colleen

    I'm back in the States now but I was living in Cork (Kinsale, working in Ringaskiddy). I followed Munster Ruby while I was there!
  • Kelly

    Hi Ev, although it's been 17 years since I've seen bald patches on myself, I haven't forgotten how they feel. Thank you for sharing. Isn't it so comforting that we have a place we can safely reveal our true selves!!!!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Ev,
    What part of Ireland? My family is from Kilkenny (the Butler Castle, now Kilkenny Castle)...are you near there?
    My parents used to go there all the time, but I have never been. I heard so many wonderful things about it.
    It's supposed to be like Oregon (where I live).
  • Roger

    Hi. Thats nice that you have a friend here in Stockholm. Stockholm is great.

    Now its a few weeks left before I go to Louisville for the conference. I hope it will be great there.

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Oh, Limerick is supposed to be beautiful!
    Hmm, I really need to get over there. Thanks for the info on inexpensive times to fly.
    Are there aa support groups there?
    Talk to you later,
  • Christine


    Yeah the clip in extensions are great! I absolutely love them and they've given me so much confidence back. I do have the clip in ones, and usually only clip in 4 out of a set of 8.... 2 across the back of my head and 2 on the sides. At first it was a bit tricky to put them in, but since your hair on the top of your head covers them, they don't have to be put in perfect. You can do them yourself for sure! I can even put them on without a mirror now!
  • Julia

    Question Ev...

    How are you first?

    I was wondering if you tried the website www.modelsmaham.com to look for a photographer in your area and then asked to see if they can donate their time in return...they'll receive credit in the book and exposure. I really would like you to be a part of this book...

    Let me know
  • Alita

    Yes this is my new vacuum wig :-)
  • Julia

    Ev...that's ok.

    If you'd like to tell your story that would be ok...the book is inspiration...words are inspiration too...so think about that and let me know.

    take care
  • Mary

    I just started with the triathlon thing. I am doing my first international distance next weekend. It will be my third triathlon. I would like to some day do an Ironman...but it will be a while before I can really train for that. In the mean time I am really enjoying the shorter distances.
  • sgomez

    Hi! So how are you these days? I just saw your new pictures. Thank you for sharing. Have your bald patches progressed slowley, or quickly? btw, you are doing great at covering up your AA w/ your hair! I'll see you at the meeting. Take care, Sarah
  • sgomez

    All is well w/ me! :-)
  • sgomez

    That's very expensive! That's how much my new vacuum wig cost(I just ordered it from Peggy Knight)! I wonder what kind of wigs they sell? Well, I would rather you go on holiday too! You can always find a really decent wig at a wig shop for less than $200.00. And if you don't like it, then you didn't have thousands of dollars to grieve over. It looks like you are doing pretty good without a wig so far, but if you ever do need one, I suggest you go to a wig shop. I get my wigs from Panorama in Phx. They are very inexpensive, and sell the same brands that everyone else does. I also just discovered Brandy's wig shop in Scottsdale, thanks to Kelly. She has been going there for years. I got my last wig there. I love it! And she gave me a really good discount. She even adjusted my wig to fit my small head. Yeah, definetely try those wig shops first. You will be surprised at how good an off-the-shelf wig can look.
  • sgomez

    Great attitude :-)
  • Mary

    Thanks!! It is at Bonelli Regional Park...this funky little reservoir in the middle of everything. I hope your friend does well.
  • Anon

    thanks. unfortunately i won't be able to make it. i just found out and have other obligations this weekend. the next one...
  • Paula

    Hey beautiful girl! It was so great to meet you yesterday!
    It will be nice to get to know you better and rely on each other to vent, etc... Take care! :)
  • Kelly

    Hey Ev, I really enjoyed meeting you too. I am studying Occupational Therapy at A.T. Still University in Mesa.
    It's Monday...have a fabulous week! :o)
  • Stefan Dwornik

    Hello, and thanks for the warm welcome. I hope to see you again at another meeting soon.
  • Joanne

    Ev - Appreciate you sharing your pictures. I've got similar losses of hair on the sides of my head and had a circle on the top like the one you show but am in the midst of regrowth in that spot. It's helpful to not know I'm alone. Wish I'd gotten to meet you in Phoenix last weekend but I'm recovering from a broken patella. Interested in learning why someone from Ireland comes to Phoenix. Have fortunately had the opportunity to visit twice and you come from a beautiful country. And from your photos it looks like you've found some of the best spots to hike and climb in the US. Hoping to be at a meeting in Phoenix in the future and get to meet other AZ Alopecians.
  • Yvonne~Yhoney

    Hey Ev,
    Just wanted to say hi. :)