

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

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About Me:
friend of a sufferer with Alopecia Universalis.
Do you have alopecia?
I do not have alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    You are so wonderful to be so supportive of your friend.
    I have had aa for 30 years and because I wanted to help, I finally wrote a book about it. It's informative and fun to read -- you might like it! Go to my page and click the web site to find out more. And take care!
  • JOAN

    I would like to thank you all for your comments. Especially Claire, thanks a bunch. You are a great girl, and I love you already.......see you tomorrow.....
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    What a wonderful note -- you just made my day! Thank you!
    And give your adorable doggy a hug for me.
  • Martin

    Hi joan, Im martin one of claires friends shes just asked me to send you a msg :-)
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Sweet Dreams!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Joan, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Martin

    Hi joan,
    Thanks for the kind comment there about any friend of claires is a friend of yours. Am glad you are enjoying the site and making lots of friends, how are you anyways?
  • JOAN

    Hi there folks,
    Thanks for commenting, each and everyone. Have a good day.
  • Martin

    Hi joan,

    hope youve had a good day. ive heard all about you locking your keys in the car with the doggy inside and you having to get your husband to come and bring your spare keys. have also heard you and clare have been taking it out on a 72 yr old fruitbat! haha Have you received your asbo order yet?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    JOAN! You are so lucky to have sun. I've had my patio furniture out for a month and we've only had 3 sunny days! Everything is WET!
  • Martin

    Hi joan,

    Thanks for the msg, apologies for the delay in responding to the others you sent, have not long got back from a short break to northampton as this morning i was on a "yippi ki yay" action day (from the die hard films) that my family paid for me to go on as i turned 30 in april. have had wonderful time but am totally shattered, even went on a helicopter so whole day was ace.
    Yep friday night meeting up with clare was ace, we definitely had a laugh and i really enjoyed the night which im glad to say she did too hahaha
    so the fruit bat is there most of the time eh, bet she dont even remember the incident now but have told clare no more arguments with 72 yr olds....unless they are fruit bats of course :-)
    How you doing and hows your weekend been? Delete Comment
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Big hug from my kitties and doggie to Knute!
  • JOAN

    Arent I clever, I love this new look to my page.....
    and anyone out there that thinks the same, please DO COMMENT.........
  • Martin

    Hi joan, sorry for delay to your msgs, my cats are called Vodka (the black one) and Minstrel (the white and black one), some of their antics are so funny but also ive been telling claire i might nickname them the Kray Twins because they are terrorising the small animal world....particularyly vodka.....bringing us live frogs, dead mice and big fat pigeons! haha How are you doing anyways?
  • Martin

    Hi joan, have just sent you a private email about the music and have uploaded the track claire tells me you want on yours so my email will explain how to get it from my page. Let me know if theres any other you want as i can upload them for you and you can copy them from my page. As for the cats, vodka and tonic would be cool, or even vodka and coke or red bull haha but we didnt name them as we got them from the cat protection league, saw these two on their website and they are both brothers so we had them. Got them around 5 months ago, minstrel was the real scaredy cat but has since come outta his was already outta his shell after a few days and even escaped for 24 hrs when he climbed onto the tall fridge freezer, stuck his head the window blind and jumped out the window hahahaha thankfully he came back the dirty stopout haha....
  • Martin for weekend its going good ta, was in a car accident on friday on way home from work but only my car was damaged not me so no need to worry. just some stupid driver trying to squeeze in a gap in the traffic to go into a side road and got hit by a car coming other way and sods law because i was the car behind this idiot his car spun into mine and then finished about 20 yards behind me haha were injuries to some ppl but police got the all clear from hospital that everyone was fine so i was allowed to drive me car home. but have had the bonus of meeting up with claire last night and again we had a good laugh, should be out with her again tonight for a meal so am looking forward to that. How you doing anyhow?
  • Scott

    Hello joan, Thought i would say hi. Talk soon
  • Martin

    Hi joan, yeah for some reason this website keeps changing to those ones and taking my cats off, its really annoying but i'll figure out how to stop it from happening, just off to work now in my shiny new courtesy car so will properly reply later on, in the meantime have a good day :-)
  • JOAN

    Hi Claire,
    It was good to see you yesterday (saturday), and hope u had a good night out.......I lost my phone at the isnt in the van is it....I tried ringing it last rang..a couple of times....but its switched off now....I really do hope u have got it...I'll not know what to do......I will leave my home number in your messages. ok....Please give me a ring. A>S>A>P> thanks Joan. xx
  • Martin

    Hi joan,

    Apologies for the delay, just a quick note to say i found that other song you wanted and have uploaded it to mine so if you go onto my page again and choose to add it to your page then you have couple of your fav tunes eh :-)
    Hope you are well anyhow and i here from claire you spent 3 hrs chatting at the park!....good job it werent raining eh haha
  • Martin

    Hi joan,

    Just a quick msg to say ive found that grace slick song so do the same again as youve done for the previous two songs :-)
    Am also gonna be uploading pics of my newly born baby niece called Natalie, so check out the album when you're next on. Will send proper msg if not later then tomorrow when im back from work :-)
  • Martin

    Hi joan, have sent you an email through here, just in case you dont notice it :-)