


United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
Bald and loving every minute of it!
when i grow up i want to be the president of the United States.
my goals in life are to make a statement that even though we look different doesn't mean we are any different then anyone else and my hair loss has helped me do that. i think that Alopecia was the best thing that ever happened to me because it has made me a more brighter person and has given me the privlege to reach out and help others that dont take this disease as well as i do. this disease has also made me not be judgmental on other people's appearance which i am very thankful for! i might be young but i know what i want to do in life even if people think i dont.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Roger

    Welcome Anna.

  • VanessaVandalism

    :o are yew new? :)
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Anna, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Ben Wade

    Ask Marc if he has a page please... Chicken Nugget!!!

  • Ben Wade

    Hey Watch out Red Baron, Snoopy is on your Trail... one of these days hes gonna make you pay, and you go straight to WELL!!!!!
  • Julia

    Hey Anna...thanks for reaching out. This is an AWESOME place. Take Care

  • VanessaVandalism

    you're group is awesome :)
    i saw that video on youtube and when i came to the group thing i was like 'OMG I KNOW THAT VIDEO!" XD
  • willow

    Hi Anna,
    Welcome to the most awesome place in da world.
  • carly

    hey anna... whats up?
  • Ashley

    hey! thats awesome, i'm sure i was hard to spot (ha, jk) i hope you loved conference as much as i did.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    I will vote for you for president!
    Just wanted to say hello. I've had aa for about 30 years.
  • Mandy

    Anna you are awesome!
  • Max

    i adore them!!!!!!!!
  • Max

    haha being random is amzing =D
  • Max

    iam doing goodin 2 week iam getting a bone marrow transplant :[ scary
  • Max

    no but iam going to be bald this weekend
    in the front it is a wig but not in the back O_o
  • Max

    omfg you like panic at the disco?
    music is my life
  • Max

    haha your funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny!!!same here couldnt say it better! Delete Comment
  • Max

    hahahaahahahahaha just say it my new doo
  • Max

    lol ^_^ omgg i get ice cream!
  • Max

    Hey no one will tell me is Alopecia a cancer or a disease? i have 4 different cancers
  • Max

    ohhh great i have cancer and a 5 diseases O_o ia having it bad iam not even going to make it to 20
  • Max

    its ok
  • Max

    true and i have my blood cancer under controll its my bone cancer that is horrable
  • Nick

    of coursee. smallville is amazing and im addicted :]
    how are you anyway?
  • Nick

    kool. yeh im not too bad thanks :P
    you up to much?
  • VanessaVandalism

    its gewd. thnx for asking XD
    im in colorado right now [i dont live there]
    and its kinda high up and for some reason the elevation level is hurting my brothers arm XD
  • VanessaVandalism

    yah it was funny how he was whining like a girl... XD
    we're in "high elevation" right now and yew have a headache 24/7
  • VanessaVandalism

    o.o i got used to it
    but ima go home :D
  • VanessaVandalism

    yeeahh i love it too XD
    i needa fix the volume on my computer tho D:
    i needa put the cd that came with it in but im worried sumthin will happen to my computer XD
    im back from colorado [FINALLY]
  • VanessaVandalism

    my moms religious friends and stuff. it was so boring its called a "sufi retreat" and they are SO boring. mii dad sais i dont have to go with her anymore tho :D
  • Nick

    whatcha up to?
  • Nick

    watching batman returns on tv.. i forgot how good it was haha :D
    you have much planned for the weekend then?
  • Nick

    ahh kool. sounds good, ive never been on a horse.. in fact they scare me :| lol
    im probably going to end up going for a night out with a couple of friends or something. standard :)
    anyways, i better be off to bed now... its 2:30am and im still up :/ night!!
  • Nick

    yeah pretty good thanks ahahahaa, apart from having to wake up early today for a medical appointment meaning I didn't really get much sleep... and I usually sleep for HUUUUUUGE amounts lol. I'm finding that now I'm on my hols away from uni I've become a worse insomniac :S eek!!
  • Peyton

    Hi Anna!
    You're really brave for not wearing a wig or bandana in public :)
  • Peyton

    Yeah but hair also gets messy and all tangled up!
    Haha. Sometimes I wish I were completely bald instead of having a bunch of random bald patches all over my head!
  • Peyton

    You shaved it? Wow!
    No I live in Bear, Delaware.
  • Peyton

    So whats up?
    How's your summer going?
  • Peyton

    My summers been boring to! I never thought I'd say but I kind of can't wait to go back to school!(Not really for the learning but just to see everybody!)
  • Peyton

    haha. lmao.
  • Peyton

    I'm 14 too!
  • Peyton

    yeah. so you're going into highschool???
  • Peyton
