

Shillington, PA

United States

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About Me:
AU for about 20 years or so.
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Roger


  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Elizabeth,
    I've had it for 20 years, too!
    How are you doing today? I wanted to say hello.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    You look pretty cute yourself!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hey Elizabeth, I wanted to drop by and see how things were going with you. At first I said, wow alopecia for 20 years, then I thought... wait... I have had it for 17 myself. ;)
  • Dotty

    Hi Elizabeth,
    Sorry it took so long to answer but I work all weekend and don't have any time for the computer. Thank you for the compliment about my tattoos. I love them too!!! I was really psyched to get them, and it was kind of like therapy for me (I went back 22 times!!!), so as far as pain goes, it really didn't phase me much. I know it must sound crazy but really, losing my hair was much more painful for me than the tats. And, in answer to your question about all tattoo places doing "domes" I'd have to say no. It depends on state regs. Some states won't allow it so the studios just won't do it. But, all it takes is a phone call to ask. Nice to meet you. Hope to chat more.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Dotty

    Hello Elizabeth,
    Happy Monday!!! I think that's great that you want to get a tattoo on your head!! Keep me updated so I can cheer you on. One of my friends that went to the NAAF conference told me that a bunch of them got together to go get a tattoo and they wouldn't do it!!! They weren't very happy. She told me that she wished I was there with them. I told her we can try again next year :) It's in Houston, TX next year, I hope you think about going too. It would be great to meet you in person. I don't have anymore room on my head but I just won a tattoo contest and got a $500 gift certificate for a tattoo!! Now I just have to figure out where and what I want. I have 5 others on various places. I have matching foot tattoos with my 2 daughters and we also all have a chinese symbol on the same place on our backs. Yep, I'm addicted. I just wanted to stop by and say hello and I love that you're gonna get a tattoo on your dome. Have a good week my friend.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Dee Connelly

    HI there, If you live in Reading PA. We will have to plan to get together for supper one night. I love eating at the Victors. We have a membership there. They allow us to bring guest with us. What do you think? I hope to hear from you soon. Dee
  • Dee Connelly

    Hi Elizabeth, We moved from Reading to Gettysburg. It is a great town to live in.
  • Linda

    Hi Elizabeth, I'm in PA, not far from Shillington, we have to get together sometime. I've had AA for over 40 years, but shaving my head has been blissful!
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Elizabeth,

    Thanks for stopping by and thanks for your well wishes. San Fran is a great city. I've been here 20 years and can't see myself anywhere else.
    I'm happy you enjoyed My Page.

    I've Come a Long Way Baby!!!

  • claire

    thanks for you comment hope your well, and your right its there loss not ours ....
  • baldiegirl

    Hi Elizabeth
    Thanks for your post and encouragement:)
  • claire

    hi elizabeth great to hear from you again hope your ok ? well i have to say you look great on your photo, is that a wig as it looks good....
    im on another date tomorrow so ill keep up updated claire.