

Yorkville, IL

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I am a teacher and I recently finished school to receive my Masters in teachingl. I would like to teach 1st or 2nd grade. I was diagnosed with Alopecia when I was in 7th grade. I will never forget my first appointment to get steroid shots, it was horrible. I think that might be why I am afraid of needles. When I was little the hair loss was very small, about the size of a quarter. Then as I got older the size of the hair loss got worse, and then when I got married I lost a lot of hair. But I am taking this new medicine to help grow my hair back and possibly stop it from falling out ever again. My husband is very supportive, especially when I have my days were I get very sad about what is going on, he is there to make me smile and realize that everything will be ok. I have a lot of friends that are very supportive also, but it is so nice to meet other people that have Alopecia like me. I have been very fortunate in that not all my hair as fallen out, but it is thinning really badly and it is getting much harder to hide. Which doesn't help with my self-esteem very well. I'm so happy to be here and I can't wait to meet many new friends.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Jessica

    Hi Christina,

    It's jessica so glad you joined. I've only been on here like a week and have met so many wonderful people.

  • Mandy

    Hi Christina! Glad you joined the site. Looking forward to dinner next week!
  • Roger


  • Jessica

    I know i'm so happy to have found this site. so what do yo think of me with a shaved head? This pic was from jan 08.

  • Jessica

    Thanks I know it took some getting used to. That actually is long I shaved it with no gaurd and that is a month out growth.
    Not it's falling out again so many ups and downs.

    How was your day? didn't do much here looking forward to next week. do you think wed will work for you if not let me know and or mandy and we can make it thurs.

  • Jessica

    ps I'm keeping two of the kittens they are soo cute you'll have to come over and see them sometime.

    I think I'm gonna name them Simon and Milo what do you think?
    I couldn't give up the one i really liked so keeping two of them.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Christina,
    I had patchy spots for about 20 years, then it turned into universalis. But I don't have to shave my legs! It's great that you have supportive people around you, but you're right -- no one except other alopecians knows how it is.
    I just wanted to welcome you and see how you are doing today. By the way, to help you deal with what's going on with your hair, you might want to check out my book. You can read about it on my page and there's a link at the bottom if you want to buy it.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Christina, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Jessica

    I know Jason was glad to meet you. Yeah talk to Nick either day works for me so we could do whatever day works for you. I'm sure Mandy wont care I told her either Wed or Thur she just through Wed out there as a suggestion.

  • Jessica

    Hey C,
    Not a problem, I will let Mandy know that Thrusday would be better we can all make it.
    Let me know what time and where we wanna meet unless you want to come by me first and see the kittens. But totally understand if you can't talk to you later.

  • Mandy

    Sure Thursday at 7:00 works fine for me. Do you mean the Buffalo Wild Wings on Rt 53?
  • Mandy

    If we all live in Woodridge, wouldn't it be closer to go to the BWW in Woodridge than in Bolingbrook? Either is fine with me though. Just let me know for sure which one and I'll be there!
  • Mandy

    The one on Boughton is fine by me! Can't wait to meet you girls. See ya there tomorrow! :o)
  • Jessica

    See you 2 night.
    I'll call you later.

  • Mandy

    My url on myspace is
  • Mandy

    I'm not sure why the link won't work, but if you just copy the link and paste it in the address bar, it does work.