



Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
My name is Lacey, i am 18 years old.I was diagnosed with alopecia areata in the summer of 2008. I joined this site to find other teenagers that are experiencing the same troubles and difficulty's as i am dealing with alopecia. I would love to hear your stories please contact me! I have met some amazing people on here already so thank you everyone xx

art is truly my passion gets me through everything

painting in the morning, warm tea, rain few of my favorite things

my darling boyfriend aiden sweetest and most supportive person in the world i love you.

" Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Well, we all shine on" - John lennon

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”- Audrey Hepburn
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

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  • Becca

    okey, I hope you are very lucky and don´t loose then just 3 spots. :) I get my diagnos when I was 15, and now I´m 19. :)
  • carly

    yea all of my friends know...
    and probably more kids at my school... news gets around fast in a big school :O

    are you ready for school?
  • carly

    thanks, i have 3 wigs and that was my 2nd one, but i decided to cut it... school does make me nervous too
  • Brittany

    alot of people don't understand what alopecia is......tyra has hair pieces and also fake are also in 12th grade in!!<3
  • Katie Jones

    Hey! i absolutly love high school(: It just seems like yesterday I was nervous to go into Middle School. Now it's high school! it has good by so fast. What part of Belgium are you from? If i were you i would let going back to school bother you. i know for sure that you will be good. Just pray about it and you will be fine. God will never give you something that you can't handle. And if it is something big you He will give you the strength. If you ever need someone to talk to and it can't wait for until the next time I check you can call me. Just call 931-273-2077. and i'll be glad to talk to you
  • Connor Chapman

  • Connor Chapman

    did u ever get the extensions or did your mom say no...and im sure youll be fine
  • Connor Chapman

    so are you into art alot
  • Connor Chapman

    thats pretty cool..are u like a fine arts person to or just drawing and painting
  • Connor Chapman

    thats really cool...what do you perform
  • Connor Chapman

    so you sing and act? if you dance as well you would probably be one of the coolest people alive ever
  • Connor Chapman

    well its the best...i guess u can still be cool
  • Connor Chapman

    lol yea you definitely do you play any sports
  • Connor Chapman

    besides rugby
  • Connor Chapman

    ummmmmm...pretty much thats about it
  • Connor Chapman

    yea it time i got beat so bad i cried
  • Connor Chapman

    haha i am owning it :) ur pretty much owning mine tho
  • Shana and Taylor

    I am not wearing the wig in that pic. I will put up a pic of me wearing it. Today in about 10-25 mins I am going to this Hair Club for Kids place to get the wig taken off, washed and put back on. It is my first time doing this process. I will post one of my songs up here sometime.

  • Shana and Taylor

    I posted a new pic and it is with my wig on wet! I just had gotten out of the shower. I have glasses.....dorkyyyyy. Well....when my wig is dry, it is a lot more poofier.

  • Shana and Taylor

    Thanks...we should switch.....I really dont care much for boys but we can still switch.

    Love Taylor
  • Nezz

    Hey Lacey,
    I don't even know how many I have now, they've all spread and joined together :( I think I've lost around 75% of my hair now, I'm having a bit of regrowth now and I've noticed I'm losing less but you never know with this thing, I'm struggling. I know how you feel and all I can say is stay strong, try to be positive and keep your chin up babe!
    Big hug,
  • Katie Jones

    Hey Lacey. Just going to say hey. I'm praying for your strength to go back to school. You can do it girl. Bye
  • Alex

    hiiii, im alex, i read your post in one of the groups and just wanted to say hi!
  • Nezz

    No this photo is actually recent, I amazingly manage to cover it up (with a lot of work!). I know the "mystery" is the worst, the unpredictability of it, the fact that all you can do is wait.
    I recently started using steroid creams and minoxidil 5% and I have noticed a bit of regrowth but you never know with this crap :( . I'm really considering shaving my head if it gets worse and get a wig, but I'm afraid I might regret it afterwards. I don't know what to do. I'm starting school tomorrow as well on top of everything, I'm so nervous :S.
    Are you having any kind of treatment?
    I'm here for u if u need me :)
  • Connor Chapman

    hey im doin great
    how about you
    hows school so far
  • Fitzy

    hi, haha yea I look for people in the streets with alopecia all the time! Sometimes you can spot them if they have a obviously fake wig. I lost all my hair at 7 and it has never even grown back a little bit. So I am very comfortable with my bald head now, i actually dont want it to grow back. I love my wigs and being able to choose different hair styles each day. But yes i do remember the fear of loosing more when it first happened. The only plus about losing it all is being able to get a great wig and being able to hide it better than when you have spots. No need to worry about wind blowing your hair up and revealing the spots etc. Do your friends etc know? are you still in school? x
  • Fitzy

    yea it is hard at schools. The best thing i did was tell everyone exactly what was happening, so no silly rumors like you can catch it start up. Yea my wig is brilliant, its a freedom wig. So you can swim in it etc. x
  • Nezz

    Hey hun!
    yeah all my friends know, thing is they all live in argentina :(. I've liked in the UK for a year now and I think its one of the things that's made my condition even less bareable, you knoe not having anyone to support you and stuff. But anyways, yeah your right about the getting a wig thing, its kind of like the worst is over, but I'm a afraid of suddenly going to school with a wig on, i know you won't tell its a wig, but if people see you every day with a certain hair style and suddenly you look completely different (even if it is for the better) they will probably wonder what i've done with my hair and ask and I won't know what to say :'(. As well as what will I do whilst they're making the wig for me? (as I have to be bald for them to make scan my head, etc) Anyway, I'll probably have to do it eventually.
    And you just stay possitive hun, I've read about people that went into remission for somethign like 30 years!
    I know what its like, especially in the beggining its really hard because everything is new and you're kind of in shock. But even though I haven't been a member here for very long its whats helped me the most!
    Which one are you in the pic?
    Anyway, better stop boring you,
    Take care sweets :)
  • Alex

    nice to "meet" you too lol

    im doing well, how about you?
  • Nezz

    Awwe girlie girl, you'll get used to it and learn to live your life with or without aloepcia, be both will, and you'll be just fine. I promise.
    The first time I lost my hair, when it was just extremely thin i alwaays wore 2 plaits lol, I don't actually remember why right now, but something to do with covering it, and to go out i would always go to my most adored hairdresser in the world (who is in argentina :'( ) and he would usually curl it to give the illusion of volume or sort it out some way where it always looked nice. Then it got too thin and i wore a hat for aaagees!
    And when it started to grow back i got extensions and it wasnt a big deal anymore, i was so happy.
    And the second time around when i started getting patches they've always been quite coverable just doing nothign really, just letting my hair hang loose (though at one point i couldnt wear a pony tail because i had a big patch at the side of my ear) and all things like that as my patches were constantly growing back and moving to different places. But just recently in the last 3 months the've gottten a whole lot worse, none of them have grown back but all joined and formed this massive sea of baldness at the back of my head :'(. So now I either curl it and put hair slides in different places to keep it still or back comb it to give it volume and put slides in. At least now we're going in to winter and i'm gonna buy loads of hats to wear.
    But all i can do is hide it whilst i can, wear hats whilst i can ( but have no social life, due to the fact that how many people go out at night with woolly hats on?!) and then figure out some way of getting a wig.
    Don't think its impossible for this to end, you have to believe that it is possible, don't give up! ( I know, easier said than done, but we gotta try!)

    I'd like to see a counselor because it really helped to talk about my feelings and try to realize why im so afraid of this, when i used to go. But they're really expensive over here :s

    Me too (about the friend thing) in the end I didn't really talk to them about it anymore, because i know they don't really know what to say, like most ppl.

    That's also one of my biggest fears, ppl fealing pitty for me, thinking im ill or something! I wouldn't even be able to explain it to anyone because I would start crying or something. I admire everyone that goes au natural but I don't think I'd ever be able to.

    I thought that was you! Your so pretty hunny!
    And I know this is totally off the subject, but you speak such good english I couldn't help but wonder if people also speak english in Belgium? Sorry about the ignorant question lol.

    Love being able to talk to you like this :)
    By the way, are u on facebook?

    Take care, big hugs,
  • Alex

    i know me too, tmrws my first day back...i dont want to go haha

    when do you go back??
  • Connor Chapman

    HEY!!! i hope school os going good so far
    those pictures....u and ur friends are extremelydropdeadshockingly beautiful
  • Fitzy

    yea freedom wigs are amazing. You can do anything you would do with real hair, like straighten it and dye it etc. Well your very pretty so I'm sure you would have been interested in modelling. Its lots of fun but now I am presenting a show on tv here, cant be a model forever. x
  • Katie Jones

    hey girl! i was just checking in on you. I hope everythings good for you. I'll talk to you later. love you :)
  • Nezz

    Hellooo babe :)
    yeah, I moved from Argentina where they speak spanish, so I speak spanish as well. I'm acutally originally from the states but anyway I grew up in Argentina and ended up here lol.
    I wore 2 plaits becaus eit was the only way of covering my hair loss at the time, I'm gonna try to find photos of befor emy hair fell out and during, etc.
    Yeah I guess I am a bit paranoid now, but I didn't used to be.
    Ohhh I'm SOO scared of the boy thing too! Its not shallow at all! I'm sure we're all scared of that, especially when we start thinking that this might be with us all out lived we think about that kind fo thing. I'm so scared of what they would think, and how hard it will be :( and if I end up having to get a wig, If I should just be up front about it with guys or hide it, I don't know! Or even if I don't get a wig in worries me! Cuz obviously whoever touches my head can feel my enormous patches and that woudl totally freak anyone out! It still freaks me out to touch them! :'(
    I haven't been in any kind of "stable" relationship for most of this time cuz i guess my self esteem is so shattered I need time to heal before I can let anyone in. But yeah I'm really freaked by all the guy thing too, right now I've got the mind set that I'll never have a normal relationship becasue alopecia is kind of somethign that is ALWAYS gonna be here for me, even if some time is does go away.
    As you see I really need to see a counselor LOL.
    I donno, what grade 12 means over there, hehe. I'm doing my A levels here ( the 2 last years of school) I've got 2 more years to go, though I should be in my last year but with the moving country and everything they but me behind a year.
    I'm 17 in november, when do u turn 18?
    No I'm actually not religious but I also believe that life only throws at you what you can handle, so if it throws us more, its because we're strong enough :) I guess we have no choice but to believe that, otherwise we wouldn't cope hehe.
    I'm so glad I met u too :)
    Tell me a bit more about yourself other than alopecia hehe.
    Like I donno, do u have any hobbies? What do u wanna do when u finish school? Or whatever u wanna talk about.
    Remember alopecia must be just a small part of who we are, and not a bad one at that, just one thats made us stronger, like the loss of any loved thing would.
    Gosh when I get talking its hard to stop myself! haha

    Keep chatting hun,
  • Brittany

    hey!!!!i'm good and you?did you start school?i started today!
  • Connor Chapman

    its going great...we lost our first soccer game tho :(
  • carly

    how did the first day of school go for you?
    i hope it went good
    btw i love your pics... you are so beautiful

    carly ...!
  • carly

    thanks lacey :)
  • Nezz

    Hi girliiee, aww me too, i look forward to them :) hehe
    I haven't got yahoo, but I have hotmail : and gmail:, have u got any of those? Or we could just email each other ;)
    I also love coming to your page cuz I love your music, I just downloades that song my the way hehe.
    Really?! When in november is your bday? I'm the 3rd!
    Yeah we really do have so much in common!
    Ok, so, about me. erhhmm.. well I used to live in argentina as i mentiond before and all my lovely friends are there and my mom and sis too :( so i miss them soo much! I actuallyjust went to visit them for 7 weeks and got back to england last week, so depressed!
    I live with my grandparents and I'm waiting for my moms divorce to come through so she can come with her new partner.
    I love to hang out with friends and mostly do nothing, haha. I love music, dancing, drinking, laughing, having lots of fuun, guys, pink, chocolate, fashion, make up, and all the girlie stuff, haha.
    I want to get into something biological when i finish school, maybe zoology, or zoology combined with psychology, more the sciency type me :) hehe. I also loove to read!
    I looove to travel and have this enormous desire to see the whole world, I'm taking a gap year when I finish school and I'm planning on visiting all south america on volunteer programs of animal and eco conservation, and we'll se where life takes me from there.
    I was actually just looking at the map and Belgium is so cloose! I totally would be aloud hehe, it would be great to meet each other!
    It seems like we also have a similar "boy/love story" too, haha, and yes i do wanna hear about it! (u can email me hehe)

    Hunny its so great you're getting some regrowth! I'm sooo happy for you! It'll just get better and better now!
    What are the natural path treatments by the way?
    I'm gonna try to get hold of Silicea.
    And yess i would love to learn french!
    I've got so excited about everything! haha, i really really love alopecia world!
    You're my best alopeciaan (i actually hate that word, it makes us sound like where from another planet or something) friend :)
    I better be off to bed, gotta go to work in the morning and it's 1 am here :S
    I'll expect an email from u to either of my emails,
  • Connor Chapman

    well it depends on who you play for...sometimes its in the winter or fall..and for girls its usually in the spring
  • Katie Jones

    hey hey. school is amazing for me. I like high school alot. I wish we lived closer to each other then we do. I think it would be fun to hang out sometime. Well i'll talk to you later on kiddo. love you
  • Brittany

    cool!!i yes i started school yesterday!!! everything is good!!!
    hows are you!
  • Connor Chapman

    when is rugby season
  • Fitzy

    hi, its a fashion show. Called The Seen. I think there is some clips on you tube if you wanna take a look. x
  • Connor Chapman

    i think im gonna play it hard
  • Connor Chapman

    yea im not that big of a guy
  • Connor Chapman

    haha the glasses arent mine
  • Connor Chapman

    yea they covered like half my face..i have giant tan line circles around my eyes
  • Nezz

    Hi sweetheart! How r u? I sent u an email yesterday :)
    I went to a synthetic wig shop today! For some reason it really upset me and I couldn't help bursting into tears when I was explaining the sales lady what it was for. I feel like such an idiot now. I guess looking at wigs in person for the first time and explaining the situation to someone I don't know at all made everything more real :(. But anyway they actually didn't look to bad, I didn't try any on or anything but the feel and look of them was much better than the image in my head, yes they were a but shinier than natural hair, but hey, some people have naturally shiny hair! They were so light weight and the ones with monofilament top was quite real-looking. Obviously there are thousands of issues I'm worried about but at least I've seen them and know that I don't have to freak out whilst I wait for a freedom wig if I were to decide to have one. But it all sounds so scary!
    Also today my book arrived, one I had ordered online by LeslieAnn Butler (she's a member on here) It's called "If your hair falls out, keep dancing!" I haven't even had a chance to have a look at it cuz I have to go to work now but I'm excited about it :)

    How are your spots doing my lovely? Regrowth?
    Let me know,
    Lovee youu <3