

oak park, illinois

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I'm 48. I was just diagnosed yesterday. Kinda in shock right now. My hair is falling out in quarter size clumps. I feel alone and confused. My partner is great and supportive. I'm realizing I'm not alone. These pages that people have created are helping. I want to say thank you for putting yourself out there! Jillian
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Roger


  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Oh honey, I'm sorry you are in shock! Listen here, don't worry. You will be fine. I think it might help you a lot to read my book, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" You can check in out on my page. You can order it by clicking the link, or on Amazon.com. Let me know if I can help in any way.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    That's fabulous -- I am sure it will help you! Will you let me know how you like it?
    Hugs in the meantime!
  • Dawn

    `Hello and welcome Jillian
  • Dotty

    Hi Jillian,
    Welcome to Alopecia World. You are definitely not alone!!! I feel that us Alopecians are one big extended family, and I'm sure you will feel that way too!!! If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. I'm so glad you found support early in your journey. It took me three years and a lot of heartache before I realized that I wasn't the only one on earth that has gone through this. We're here for you.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Jillian, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Christina

    Hi Jillian, welcome to Alopecia World. There are a lot of nice people here. Well If you ever need to talk I'm here; I have lived with this for quite some time and I know how important it is to have support from family and friends. C
  • Dotty

    Hello Jillian,
    I just wanted to stop by and send my love. I'm glad you came back. I know how scary it is for you, and I completely understand your being apprehensive. Just know that I am still here if you need me. Big hugs to you my friend.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Jessica

    Hi jillian,

    It's great to meet you. I too have AA I've been dealing with it a little over a year. I can clearly remember how I felt after being diagnosed. Yes the family and friends love you with or with out hair, but it's also great to have people to lean on that have walked in your shoes. Please feel free to ask and questions and join our Chicago group, we can try together if you like.

    I'm in Woodridge not too far from you.

  • Jessica

    have you joined the chicago group we should post a get together on it and see what everyone's schedule looks like. I'm free most evenings, how about you?
  • Jessica

    If you don't want to do the group setting then I would love to meet one on one also
    up to you.
  • Jessica


    go to my page and you will see my groups that I;m in and you will see chicago alopecians and just click on it then I think theres a spot to join
  • Jillian

    Yes, next Wednesday would work. I have guitar lessons with my son on Thursday evenings. I would love to meet anyone you would bring. What time works for you? j
  • Jessica

    Hey I'm not getting many replys for a get together so I will talk to Christina and maybe just the three of us can meet up.
  • Jessica

    opps I didn't see the reply you left so Yes Wed. good for me. Oh time lets see how about 6- 6:30 and then we need to pick a place.
  • Jillian

    Hi Jessica,
    Whatever works. 6-6:30 is fine. I live in Oak Park. Would the two of you like to meet in between, or I can toss some food on the grill and we can sit around and talk at my house. Let me know, JIllian
  • Jessica

    What ever works for me. Let me ask Christian I will get back to you by Monday or before with firm answer

    sorry about the back and forth
  • Jessica

    Yes you did say wed that's fine I've so many things running through my head these days. What time will work for you? Where do you want to meet there are a lot of places at the mall to eat. Oh I have talk to to another women the other day and she said the same thing her name is Melissa she is one of my friends on her you should email her she knows more about it but now I think I should check mine too you'll have to tell me what the tests are called. I have hypothyroidism from something called hyshiomoto disease ( I know that's spelled wrong but will tell you more about it tomorrow.
  • Jessica

    i'm in woodridge it's not far from Oakbrook just let me know what time and place and I;ll be there and Yes bring any info

    see you

  • Jessica

    Sounds Great see you tonight! Have a great day.

  • Jessica

    Hey Jillian,

    may be a little late need to have my friend come sit with the kids till jason gets home.

    stir crazy sounds great.
  • Jessica

    ok sounds great I'm so sorry I may actually be on time but if not I wont be but 15 20 mins late. I know so crazy!
  • Jessica

    hey Jillian,
    It was great meeting you today I'm so glad we were able chat and compare notes anytime you every feeling like your having a bad day or good please feel free to call email etc.
    Dinner was great thanks again.

  • Melissa Harris

    Hi there! I don't have thyroid problems now, but I did have a low ferritin level, even though it was in the "normal range". Ferritin is your iron stores, not the total iron that is in your blood. I read a lot about it and came across a few other women that had low ferritin. In some of their stories, they mention that your level should be around 50-70, range in order to grow and maintain your hair. This is disputed though by some doctors. A good website to look that up is www.heralopecia.com. Look there and look up keyword, low ferritin, and you will see others stories of women that are low. I'm currently looking into why my stores are low, food allergies and not being able to absorb my vitimans correctly. Hoping that I will get some answers there. You really have to be aggressive about checking everything. I'll keep you posted on what happens after I test if you like! Take care! Blessings!
  • Jessica

    Hey Jillian,

    well i got my iron and ferritin checked well guess what yep my iron is low and my ferritin is 10.

    what are you taking for this?/

  • Jessica

    Hey Jillian take a look at this site.

    a lot of information
  • Jessica

    Yep still taking it it is really nasty though did you end up getting anthing for your iron>
    Yes love the Armour saw the doc for it today and have a yrs supply. how is everything going for you? How is your dog?

  • Jessica

    hey j,

    chin up girl! your gonna beat this even without hair. what kinda of wigs are you going to look at? did you ever check out that site www.newlifehair.com always another choice for a wig. But look J my hair grew back yes i have a few little spots but maybe it's just gotta run it course. Kims right I felt so much better after I shaved my head it gets you used to what you might end up with or in my case i had such a great amount if hair lost growing it back from scratch was best for me. I think there are a lot of people who have regrowth then total loss.

    have a great trip to az
    where are you going in az my parents live in mesa
  • Jessica

    Hi Jillian,

    how are things going? Did you end up getting a wig?
    How was Az?
  • Jessica

    Wow have fun look forward to hearing from you

    take care
  • BTB (John)

    Hi I remember that day well Pat was in shock and so was I had never heard of alopecia. Joh
  • Jessica

    hi jillian,
    sorry i missed you call when i did finally get it i didn't want to call to late so i will try you tomorrow. so you have some info to share can't wait to hear
    I would love to see your new hair piece so let me know when you get it in and where you got it. I'm always looking for new places to check out/
