



Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
My name is Lacey, i am 18 years old.I was diagnosed with alopecia areata in the summer of 2008. I joined this site to find other teenagers that are experiencing the same troubles and difficulty's as i am dealing with alopecia. I would love to hear your stories please contact me! I have met some amazing people on here already so thank you everyone xx

art is truly my passion gets me through everything

painting in the morning, warm tea, rain few of my favorite things

my darling boyfriend aiden sweetest and most supportive person in the world i love you.

" Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Well, we all shine on" - John lennon

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”- Audrey Hepburn
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

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  • Katie Jones

    hey Lacey! i haven't talked to you in awhile, just making sure everything is still okay. Love you girl
  • Zoe Dusting

    Hi Lacey!!
    I like your little write up. You seem very groovy. Sounds like you live like to the fullest! Way to go!!! How's it going with the alopecia? Hope to hear from you soonnn!!!
  • Gina


    How are you beautiful lady? I haven't been on in a while because work has been very busy. Hopefully things are gonna ease up just a little. :)

    Garrett says hello, he is doing pretty well. This morning I was checking his head and a friend of his was there....they asked what I was doing & it was the first time I actually heard him simply say "oh, I have alopecia....where your hair falls out, and you go bald." I was happy to hear him handle it the way he did, just matter of fact and simply put. He is having a good run right now and the patches are growing back in but I realize that could change at any time.

    I hope school is going well for you and all in your world is great!

    LOVES!!! =D
  • Katie Jones

    Yes i know. it has been a very rough week. i mean my boyfriend is the football manager and that's his life right now and it's so hard not being able to see him or talk to him. yea i see him in the hall and everything, but then we only say hey. We've been going out for a year and two months(we have been through alot) and I know that we can make it though this it's just hard. But anyways.... Stay strong babe! i love you
  • Connor Chapman

    hey whats up
  • Nezz

    Hey my sweet! How are you? We exchanged a few words the other day but not much :( did u get my last email?
    Miss talking to you honey!
    I finished reading the book yesterday, it was great, i found it tells you the cruel truth at times but at least it was honest hehe.
    I've still got this whole wig dilema in my head, hows your hair doing beautiful?
    When u go onto my page you have to check out the song i added today, its called "To be free" by Libby Beattie, she wrote it about alopecia, i got it off her mom's page Rose Marie. Anyway its amazing it made me cry when i first heard it!
    How's you heart doing? :(
    I would soo love to meet you!
    Till then we could maybe exchange letters! I know it sounds a little old fashioned but sometimes its so much sweeter than online, obviously we would still keep in touch on here but you know, just an idea hehe.
    Hows school and everything?

    I downloaded Sarah Beth, its so sad and nice at the same time. Thanks for suggesting it :)

    Keep in touch sweetheart.
    Love you
  • Katie Jones

    Thanks for the encouragment! IM SO EXCITED FOR YOUR NEW GROWTH! it is definatly something to be excited about. I hope you have a good week this week. Remember God's always on your side and so am i. I love you girl!
    Stay Strong

  • carly

    how is school so far? i love your new pictures :)
  • stacy

  • Nezz

    Honey!! Me too!
    I'm sorry I didn't get back to u, I haven't been home much becasue of school and work and when i am im either sleeping or in my room avoiding my grandparents.
    Things aren't going too well here.
    How r u sweetie?
  • stacy

    you're so sweet! how are you dealing w/ AA? ugh. how's school? senior year is kicking my butt. OYE!
  • carly

    hey im good-
    how are you
    how is school
  • carly

    heyy meee tooo- i hate school it s so boring :0
  • Zoe Dusting

    Hey Lacey!
    Sorry it took my so long to write back. Gee whiz! I'm sorry to hear that you broke up with your boyfriend. That must be really really hard. Sometimes it can be hard to feel overly confident when your hair is falling out, but just remember that you are perfect just the way you are! :) How's back to school? Keep up the good work!!
  • Nezz

    Hey gorgeous! NOOOO, you cannot be serious!?
    Really? Yaaayy, I can't believe it! We absolutely have to meet up!! Which part are you going to?!
    Well wherever it is I'm following to see u hehe.
    How's the moving to Canada thing going?
    The hair?
    I went to the support group's meeting on Saturday n it was great, I tried on some synthetic wigs and had a good loong look at the others and ecided i want one, I just cant bring myself to order it :( hehe.

    I'm sooo excited sweetie :)

    Love u loads.
  • Nezz

    You look gorgeous in that dress, who's party was it?
  • Nezz

    awww you and onions it so sweet :)
  • Katie Jones

    hey baby girl! i'm sorry it has a while since i have talked to you. I'm have been busy. we have exams coming up and i've been studying for them. How are you?! how's school? I love you!

    -You're so beautiful
  • Connor Chapman

    thanks..sorry i havent been on lately..been playin soccer pretty much have you been
  • Connor Chapman

    well that sucks
    but guess what
    they will have to get over it
    because your beutiful and nothing can change tht
    no matter what people say
  • stacy

    i have a zero to eight period schedule, meaning i have to come in at 7 o'clock and leave at three =[ this is soo kicking my butt. atleast i get some sleep but im so backed up on work- i have to catch up! im at the library as we speak. but the magazines are distracting.. oye. time for hw!! <3
  • Connor Chapman

    aww hun im sorry
    theres someone out there
    you never know when you will find them
    do you mind giving me your email address so i can email you sometime
  • Nezz

    Hey beautiful, omg yess, that would be amazing!
    I don't think I have a march break though :'( don't mind taking a few days off hehe, better start saving up in case then :)
    I'm doing ok sweetheart, how r u ? I;m like going out for the first time in aaages in england next week n im so nervous because of my hair :(
    Love u hun, take care xxx
  • Connor Chapman

    oh dang i was hopin u had a gmail
    but ok ill email you soon
  • Nezz

    Aww babe, that was the sweetest comment ever, from the sweetest and most special girl ever!
    Your comments are always fresh and uplifting, you should know you make me feel better than anyone does :)
    It's crazy wonderful how we got to know one another in such a short time, I feel like I've known u 4ever! Thanks for being there sweetie, i don't know where I'd be without you either :)
    And don't start giving me any of that "if I come to England" cuz you've got me all excited and having something to look forward too now!
    Let me know your addy by email so we can send letters and I can send you a bday card ! :)

    You should also know you are absolutely beautiful although you probably do, you must get it all the time ;), your eyer look unbeliebably stunning in your pics :)
    Love you hunny xxxxxxxxxx
  • Nezz

    Im struggling to add more pics and music to my page cuz I'm using a different pc to before :( oh and by the way you must get facebook and msn :)
    Love u
  • Nezz

    Is that your room, and Johnny Depp? x
  • Nezz

    I miss you too Lacey Chantilly!
    How are you sweetheart?
  • Nezz

    Hey honey, u look beautiful in you new profile pic :)
    No I haven't, i did think i was not so long ago but the figured it was just in my head. Omg really?! Oh noo babyy. r u sure? :(
    I guess u havent been doing too well then :S I'm so sorry baby giirl!
    I sent u my addy to the only email I've got, donno what went wrong, oh well I'll do it again! :)
    Love u sweetie kepp me posted.
    Hugs and kisses
  • Nycolette

    i'm great
    your very pretty if i might say
  • Nycolette

    i just added a bunch of new pics go cheak them out
  • Katie Jones

    Hey Lacey! i haven't talked to you in awhile. I have been kinda busy with power puff and everything.haha but i hope everything's gonig good for you. You were just on my mind and i wanted to say hey. How's school and life.? any guys? well i'm in florida. having a great time. i'll talk to you soon.
    Love you girlie,
  • Connor Chapman

    ive been good. been real tired lately tho. how are you. and how was your trip to england
  • Connor Chapman

    oh oops haha. so hows life. r u still upset about that dumb boy
  • Connor Chapman

    ooh a new one. im good. and girls are....girls . no offense
  • Connor Chapman

    haha. nothing
  • Connor Chapman

    what is he wearing
  • Connor Chapman

    ok i commented on the pictures
  • Connor Chapman

    why wont he. u should show it to him
  • Connor Chapman

    i think you should. what exactly did he do. if u dont wanna talk about it its cool
  • Connor Chapman

    well ive got all the time in the world
  • Nezz

    Hey beautiful! I just wrote you an email! Let me know if you don't receive it!
    Love yaaa
  • Katie Jones

    Heyy :] Here in Tullahoma we have a homecoming week and we do all kinds of fun and crazy things. One of the things we do is powderpuff. Powderpuff football for girls. The first to sign up are the ones on the team. Each grade level has a team. and the coaches and boys off the football team. So now you know what powderpuff is. Everythings going good for me. I'm proud of you for getting over your ex. I know it's hard i've been there. Dalton and I are good. we are enjoying our 2 weeks of Fall break. Oh and if you do have to get injections good luck. It always helped me to hold my mom's hand and everything i don't know what works best for you. One time i knew i was going to get injections so I took my best friend Lindy with me to my Doctor's appointment. She helps me alot. She's the kind of friend who isn't all about giving hugs and stuff, but she is always encouraging to me and i know she will always be there for me. We have faith in each other. Hope to hear from you soon.
  • stacy

    I <3 your profile pic, it's warm and cute =]
  • stacy

    was it for a school game?
  • stacy

    I'm so stressed! SO MUCH WORK TO DO! Colleges make me insane. Senior yr.... three Aps... 'TIS KILLING ME!
  • Nezz

    Sweetie! Miss you too!
    Guess you got my email then hehe, was beggining to think you hadn't.
    Really, thats cool, isn't it? haha
    My life has been a 100000 miles an hour as well lately, work, college, homework, sleep (if any)? Too much, i'm on the borderline of quitting my job becasue im just so fed up of it, i want a new one! I wanna rest haha, but I;ve got a week holiday starting next monday so I'll hopefully get tolie in a few days before my bday which i am NOT looking forward to in the slightest!
    Making a docs app tomorrow to get discount on that wig hopefully to get it for my bday :)
    Love you dearly sweetheart, im off to bed
  • Nezz

    I miss you honeeey! How r u? xxx
  • Katie Jones

    Hey Lacey! i haven't heard from you in awhile. How have you been?
  • Shana and Taylor

    Hey! Ummmmm....send me some of your songs.....Please!!!!!