
37, Female



Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
This is good fun! More myspace things! I swear I would never have thought i'd be starting up one my space page let alone another! I'm a born and bread Aussie, from the south coast of New South Wales. Beautiful spot, nothing but beaches. I live 2 hours south of Sydney but never venture there much....way too crowded. I love my own time on the sand and watching my boy Clint, surf. Like most of you, I went through hell trying to deal with the whole losing hair, growing it back just to lose it again thing, but everything seems to be pretty sweet now that i know there are other people out there going throught the same stuff. I've had real depressed times with it and i've had some real laughs. My boyfriend always makes me laugh and has been remarkably strong and understanding throughout the hair loss period. He used to get a little frustrated only because he was over cleaning up blonde strands all over the house and having them in his dinner...sorry darling! lol! I'm a bit of a joker and I love to laugh and love to make other people laugh so I've played quite a few practical jokes on people involving my wig and bets on who can shave their head the quickest. All a bit of fun! Stay strong guys!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Liesl, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Liesl

    My friend Paula and I with our wigs. Haha Such posers!
  • Liesl

    Paula on the left, me on the right.
  • Carmella


  • Mandy

    Hi Liesl! Welcome to the website! Always glad to make new friends. Sounds like you've been dealing with this for quite a while and have a really good handle on it. Myself, I was just diagnosed the beginning of this month, so still a little bit new and scary. But I'm trying to stay positive!

  • Mandy

    Thanks, Liesl! So do you have hair at this point, or did it go to AT? If so, how long did it take to get to that point?
  • Mandy

    Yeah I will be shaving mine once it gets to the point that I can't cover it pulling it in a ponytail. Once it gets to that point, I just don't want to deal with it anymore.
  • Sharalynne Robertson

    hey there

    It's nice to see some people for Australia on here. How long have you had alopecia for? It's great that you're dealing with things well and it is pretty good when you find other people going through the same stuff.. I'm pretty good with it most of the time but still get the whole "people will just think I have cancer" feeling but it is fun to wear different wigs and play around with it.
  • Sharalynne Robertson

    Thanks for the comment about shape of my head hehe. The suction wigs look great, so real, you have to have a totally bald head to wear them ( I have patches so can't get one) are you getting yours from freedom wigs, I think they are the only people that have them... it's great your man is there for you, I have a great guy too, it makes you feel so much more comfortable about having it and dealing with it. I don't have the guts to not wear a wig out.. I don't even go bald around my friends, I've had it on and off since I was little I guess maybe one I'd feel comfortable...
  • Fitzy

    HI, cool you would have meet martine then ! She is lovely! I am the ambassador for the princess charlotte alopecia foundation, have you heard of it? You should look at their website, they have dinners for alopecia sufferers in balmain sydney every couple of months. Its all free food and drinks and so many people with alopecia go. I had never been in a room with so many AA ppl before. I am sure you will love your wig! I was 21 last july so 22 this year. How long have you had alopecia? x
  • Mandy

    Thanks so much for the suggestion. I'm looking to learn more about wigs for sure. Can you tell me more about suction wigs?
  • Fitzy

    HI, yea it is so much easier having a wig. I don't want my hair to grow back anymore! Yea mick fanning was at our charity ball, doesn't come to our dinners but is at the major events. So next ball he will be there. You should def take a trip down to sydney for one of the dinners though, so much fun and great to be surrounded by people in the same situation as you. Wow the army, you must have been very driven. i could never do that, hate running etc! haha. Thats good you have a supportive boy, so do i. So many people out there are creeps so its nice to have found a good guy. x
  • Fitzy

    Yea I had terrible girls when I was younger, boys too. Funnily enough a couple of them didnt recognise me a few years ago and tried to pick me up. Once I said my name they were so shocked! haha. Yes I live in Auckland with my boyf, in my last year of a degree and am a TV presenter. you?
  • Mandy

    LOL I hear that a lot. :)

    Are suction wigs hot?
  • Fitzy

    oh well as long as you both are happy. My boy murray owns his own fashion PR company I present a fashion show here and am doing a communication degree. Last year thank god! Um i would sign up for the newsletter on the pcaf site and you should get a message about it, or just keep checking back on the website. xx
  • Liesl

    Oh ok it must be fun. My sister's are in that kind of industry. One does web design and cateloge design for Mossimo. My other sister is in the process of filming a kids show in Melbourne. Wow that's really awesome bout Murray. And for being so young. Good on him! I will do that and sign up at pcaf, thanks.
  • Fitzy

    Yea I am going to go in PR when I graduate, probably the corporate arena. Muzz is 29 now so not a baby anymore, haha, but he did start it when he was my age. Yes def sign up and tell me about it when you go! Can;t wait for you to get your wig either, will be so exciting for you!
  • Fitzy

    yea it is quite a cool industry. Um not sure when I will be back, was up for sydney fashion week but can't see being back anytime in the to near future. Will def let you know when I am though, would be good to meet properly. Post a pic of your new wig when it arrives! What kind is it? x
  • Fitzy

    yea I have had a few ups and downs as well.. Luckily i became friends with my best mates when I already had alopecia, so they accepted me as I was. Glad you have found some great friends now. xx
  • Fitzy

    sounds great! I love the girly feeling of running your fingers through your hair! Yea it has been cool talking to you too, always nice to have someone that understands.! Haha I was going fro guess im not your fav person at the mo. haha. I bet every one gets very angry about it, kinda like all blacks when we play you! haha. xx
  • Katey

    Thanks! Yours too!
  • Fitzy

    yay we won! haha. How was maritnes visit? x
  • Dominique

    Hey :) You seem really positive about the whole thing :) Good to see more ausies around too :)
  • Mandy

  • Fitzy

    Hey, just on the internet for a sec so thought i would say hi. How did the interview go? Yeah i know what you mean by saying the poor student life, muzz pays for most things with us. Im very lucky but will have to re pay him somehow when i get a job next year. When you get your freedom wig? India is fab, so many amazing sights! x
  • Mandy

    Thanks chica! I've been good. Crazy busy lately but all is well. :o)
  • Fitzy

    Hi, your 21st sounds cool! i had mine last year! Um just being really busy at uni at the moment! its my last 7 weeks so have been putting a lot of work into it.
    Other than that nothing much, planning a holiday to LA after uni finishes. Yay your wig is coming soon, thats so exciting for you! xx
  • Fitzy

    of it is fabulous! it looks so natural...what agreat colour! dies your boyf love it? you look hot in it! haha. x
  • Kaiana


    my daughter is getting "measured up" for her freedom wig in a couple of weeks. just out of interest, what length is your wig? did you have it made with the slight curl to it? looks fantastic!!! i can't wait for kaiana to get hers :)

  • Sharon

    Hi liesl Our daughter has just got her first freedom wig and loves it..........hers is a 12" with movement. Yours is the same? it looks really curly we havne't washed Nicole's yet so will see what it is like when we do.
    Take care Sharon
  • Fitzy

    hows the wig going? x
  • Sharon

    Hiya. Yes I am thinking those birthmarks are very common lol.

    Nicole's hair washed up lovely but no curl lol. Might have to try the twist trick. Take care Sharon
  • Sharon

    PS there are pics of her new hair on our page..........Cheers Sharon