

Boston, MA

United States

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About Me:
I was diagnosed with alopecia areata 5 years ago. It has come and gone twice but recently another spot has appeared recently along with some hair loss on my front hair line. This makes everyday life very difficult. I believe stress and weather is a huge factor. I've finally come to terms with this diseasse and would like to know more about the research and how I can control it. That's what brought me here.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Craig S

    HI Jane- there are some discussions out there regarding candida or systemic fungal things that also play havoc on your hormones which can affect immune response/ inflammation/ AA breakouts. Google Alopecia and Candida to find them- I didn't save the links.

    Also read that supplementing Zinc and B6 help, but if you get your Zinc too high, you can drop in copper- which of course can couse hair loss!

    It's best not to just try things randomly for this reason.. I will be going for tests in the next few weeks to see if the baseline blood work is OK.

    I am not sure how we are supposed to manage stress in this economic climate- 3 down days on the market and my hair just turned all white and started falling out. It's been more than I care to worry about anymore, but until things get soreted out and we get to a new place in our minds, the stress will be there. Worrying about my hair seems dumb, but ask anyone going thorough it and they will tell you it's stressfull in itslef- comounding the problems!

    All the best!