
, Male

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
I'm Joshua from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. One of my best buddies is Dotty Jenkins who have raised fund for me to attend my first Alopecia Meeting / NAAF Conference in 2007. My first Alopecia Meeting has been the most positive emotionally overwhelming point of my life where I got to meet at least 40 friends (including their family members) that I have know through another Alopecia Support Group website for years. Therefore, I strongly believe that my Alopecia Universalis is truly a blessing from God which through it I was able to have so many genuine friends and were able to rise up from addictions and now living a more meaningful and highly motivated life. However, life is not always sweet but that does not make life not beautiful. My friends whom I know through alopecia whether on Alopecia World or otherwhere have been the MOST INFLUENTIAL GROUP OF PEOPLE in my life and WILL DEFINITELY remain the same for the rest of my life. You're most welcome to get to know me better personally through my blogs: (Speak Up) (Travellin's thru life)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Is that Dotty with you! My goodness that woman shows up everywhere!

    Welcome to Alopecia World Joshua, glad you are here and look forward to getting to know you!

  • Dotty

    Hello My Bestest Buddy,
    I'm glad to see you here. I'd rather be visiting you in Malaysia though. You got to come here so it's my turn to go there!!! LOL Love you tons.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Without a doubt, Dotty has a heart of gold.
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Joshua,
    Welcome to the group. I enjoy chatting with you and Dotty very much.

  • Roger

    Welcome Josh!
  • Cindy

    Hi Josh! It is Cindy, SmilingSam's mom..Nice to see you..
  • Amy Jo

    hey joshy!!
    how are you?? i am good...
  • Roger

    Hi again.

    Yes, its my first time in the USA as well =) Im looking forward to it.
    Dotty is the woman with tattoos, yes? I dont know Pia. =)

  • Amy's Mom

    Hi Josh! Think about you often- just so busy I never have time to get on the MSN site - had to check this one out to see what Amy's up to - looks fun. Be Good! Kim
  • Katey

    Hello Joshua,
    No, I have not been to the NAAF conference yet. I do want to go one of these years. Nice to meet you! Have a good day!
    Katey :)
  • Jennifer

    Hiya. How are you doing? Things are going good. are you coming this year again?
  • Sarah

    Hiya Joshua

    How are you ?

    Its good to see you here. Hope you are well.

  • Katherine Green

    hey Joshua,

    Its good to see you again.

    Let me know how your getting on,ok


  • Sharon

    Hiya Joshua how r u doing? Hope all is good with you........Nice to see you on this cool website isn't it great.

    Cheers Sharon
  • Sharon

    Hey Josh thanks for the message........Yes the web does bring people closer...........Our family def needs a holiday it is the middle of winter, cold and wet lol who wouldn't need a holiday but not for awhile unfortunately hehe......take care my friend
  • Laurie

    Hi Josh,

    It's me Laurie/shimmeringlorenzo How the heck you been kiddo? Whats shaking?

  • Sharon

    Hiya Josh we certainly will be thinking about it and saving hard out what a buzz that would be aye!! Keep in touch as to how it is all going.
    Luv Shaz
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Josh,
    How are you, hope your week is going well. Is great to see you on here. Take care
  • J

    Hi Joshua! I "read" you on the Alopecia Support Group. Hope we can chat sometimes
  • J

    haha! :-)
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Joshua,

    Stopped in to say hello.
    Sorry I missed you in chat last night. I stopped in but you had allready run off to school

  • Linda

    Hi Joshua,
    Was reading on the Alopecia Areata Support site about your your plans for the lovely Maude and wondered if you would mind me adding you as a friend so that I could view. Maude and I know each other through Rose-Marie
  • Linda

    Thankyou Joshua :-))
  • Roger

    Hi Josh!

    Any plans for Houston next summer?
