
30, Female


Profile Information:

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About Me:
I am a 15 year old girl from Sweden. I have had alopecia areata since February 2008. I have still not accepted that I have alopecia. It began as a small spot and now it covers about 40%-45% of my head. I have covered it with extensions and painted the spots with eyebrow pencils.

more info about me comming later (:
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Anna. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Carmella

    Welcome Anna,
    Your picture is lovely.
  • Lacey

    Hey hun,
    I am new to alopecia world as well. I read you were looking for someone your age to talk to you. I am 2 years older then you 17 but i think thats pretty close aha.
    Talk to you soon
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Anna!
    Just wanted to stop by and say hello. How are you doing today? You speak English very well.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Anna, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us and we look forward to your input. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Brittany

    hi anna!! how are you???
  • Roger

    Kul att du hittade sidan ;)

  • Becca

    va kul med lite svenskt folk här. :)
  • Becca

    hehe, tack. :)
    Hur är det med dej då? :)
  • Becca

    okey, jodå, med mej är de bra. :)
    vart i sverige bor du nånstans då? :)
  • Becca

    okey, de ligger uppåt va? :P
  • Roger

    Hoppas du gillar sidan!
  • Roger

    Nej, det ska du inte känna dig :) vi finns överallt =)=)=)
  • Lacey

    aha wonderful!
    When did you get alopecia? I just got it this summer, its very scary eh. I have an appointment to see a specialist but its not un till October. I'm hoping they can slow down the process! I only have like 3 spots right now. But i hate covering them. Do you wear a wig now?!
  • Becca

    hehe.. jasså. :P
  • Becca

    ja hade precis samma problem, fick alopeci när ja va 15 och flyttade när ja skulle börja gymnasiet. Dom vännerna jag fick när ja hade flyttat som ja berättade för vart naturligtvis chockade, dom visste ju inte ens om att de fanns en sån sjukdom, men när ja hade förklarat allt hur det låg till så va de helt okej för dom.
    Fast i början va de ju väldigt jobbigt att prata om de eftersom jag inte hade accepterat att ja hade alopeci. De är egentligen nu det senaste halvåret som jag verkligen gjort de och kan prata om min sjukdom öppet med vem som helst typ.
    Men ja lovar dej att det är ingen som kommer va elak eller nåt mot dej för att du har tappat hår, dom allra flesta är väldigt medlidande. :)
  • Lacey

    well that's to bad wow so your hair went pretty fast eh. Well i only has 3 spots and there all the size of a quarter except one of them is maybe the size of a dollar. 2 are in the front of my hair where my bangs are so i usually just blow dry my bangs so they have lots of volume, but they are the most annoying because when ever the wind blows there they are :(. I was thinking of getting extensions to cover them. How do you position them like do you put them right over the bald spot?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    I am great, thank you! No hair to hassle with, I just get to choose what style and color I want to wear, and plop it on!
  • Brittany

    hi anna! i 'm fine! and you? i know its hard sometimes!! for me the beginning was really hard...remember crying alot!!=]
  • Nezz

    Hi Anna, I'm Inez. How are you?
    I'm also new to the site, but have had aa for 2 years now though I still haven't accepted it.
    I know how hard it is, if you ever want to talk, I'd love to.
    Take care,
  • Lacey

    Heey anna
    How are you?!
  • cornelia

    Hej snygging, jag har valt samma frissa som dig:)