

Marion, NC

United States

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About Me:
I am beautiful, as healthy as I've ever been. I have 2 beautiful kids and a husband of 20 years. I LOVE to work out and be active. I am very strong willed, however, very sensitive and sometimes a bad temper =). I have a heart of gold, once I make a friend or love someone it's forever. I struggled with spots for almost 2 years, but now, July 2010, my hair is almost gone.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Choose one

Comment Wall:

  • Antoinette Fernandez

    Hi Marion, welcome to alopecia world! You're defenitly very beautiful, and you wil still be, with or without hair. I had the same feeling, when i wanted to know why and the doctors don't even care, and they really didn't care.
    I know what you are feeling right now. I can't tell you what you have to do now, but for me, once all the hair came out and i just continue with my life, I've beeing very calm less worries. I bought a nice wig, even my eyebrows fall, and i tatoo them. Maybe some people know, may be not, but I don't care, and everybody has been very nice to me as i'm sure everybody is going to be with you!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Kim, I am so glad you wrote to me.
    Please let me know how else I can help.
  • claire

    hi kimberley hope your ok....
  • Paula

    Hello Kimberly,

    Nice to meet you. We have a few things in common we love our jobs. government and we both love to workout. I work out at the gym and I am training for a half marathon. I hear North Carolina is pretty hopefully I will see it some day. Well I better go for now. Take care, Paula
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Kimberly,

    Welcome to Alopecia World.

  • Joel

    Hi Kimberly,

    You are never alone! We are all here all the time and we all know how you feel! Welcome to 1000s of normal people exactly like....YOU!
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Kimberly. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Dana

    Yes, I have been learning about this quickly, as my hair was falling out rapidly. Check out my blog. I have been keeping track of what this experience has been like and information I have found helpful. Feel free to ask me anything too and I can share what (little) I know too ;) Take care!
  • claire

    kimberley, aa is alopecia areata which is patchy hairloss on the scalp.
    at is alopecia totalis which is total hairloss on scalp.
    au is alopecia universalis which is total hairloss all over the body...... hope that has helped you out claire.....
  • Paula

    I have had AU since I was five. AU is loss of hair all over the body. I have never shaved my legs ever my whole life. I do have light underarm and pubic hair after I became a woman. AT (totalis) = is all the hair is gone from your head. I did grow back my hair for 9 months long enough for prom and they are in picture thing her. I have always worn a wig. I love ponytails and which I could wear one. I like the way they bounce and look. Never had one though as long as I can remember. I don't know what I would do now if I did grow hair except for that 9 months I had it I loved people brushing my hair that was the most wonderful feeling in the world. You are very beautiful your insides stay the same you will always be that way. I can say if you get to where you have to buy wigs the it is affiliated with American Cancer Society and they have a good selection of wigs in every size. I have a Petite head and it looks like you would have as well. Also if you every had to get a wig. Don't go too cheep. $125.00 and up is good. Sometimes less if on sell. But the cheap ones you have to be careful about. I go through about 4-6 wigs a year of synthetic manmade fibers. I am spoiled because the come styled and I just brush before I go to bed and wake up in the morning and put on. There is a place that sells wigs that you put you hair though them when you are thinning Also if you lose facial hair I just got tatooes eyeliner and eyebrows and I love it. It is worth the extra pain. I don't have to get up and draw my eyebrows and worry about them wiping of halfway or whatever (because you know no one will tell you hardly). The more natural you and feel in a hair piece the less poeople notice. Some people compliment me on my beautiful hair.
    Well I better go for now.
    Talk soon, Paula
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Kimberly,
    Sorry for the delay in replying to your questions, I haven't had much time to get on here over the last week.
    Sorry that your having to deal with Alopecia too. It can be scary and frustrating but it will get easier with time. Its great that we can come on here and share our experiences with others that know how we feel.
    My Vacuum wigs are a custom fitted prosthesis made by Freedom Wigs here in New Zealand, They are made up of a soft, permeable silicone cap tinted to match your skin colour and fitted to your mould. This exact fit creates the suction effect that will stay put even very strong wind. The hair is unprocessed and high quality. You can swim, shower, ski (water or snow)and exercise without the worry of it falling off. If looked after they last very well, the one I wear most of the time is now over 4 years old and it has had one repair done back in late 2006. You do have to be totally bald for this type of wig otherwise the suction effect will not work properly. The cost of these wigs will depend on where you live (the exchange rates are always changing), it would be best to ask the company or one of their representitives.
    If there is anything else I can help with feel free to ask.
    Take care
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hey Kimberly, Keep in contact with this group, you will find more support than you know what to do with ;). I am so glad you found us.
  • Chelsea McGee

    Hello, I've had AA for almost a year. It was hard at first..and is still hard sometimes, but trust me, it gets easier with time. I went from having breakdowns every second day, to almost nothing. I shaved my head a couple months ago, and i love it. It's so much easier to wear wigs..and the good part - You'll NEVER have a bad hair day!! It's great. I dont feel much sadness anymore..I usually make jokes about it! haha You'll be okay hun. As long as you have good friends and family that support'll be fine, and Im sure you'll meet alot of great people on this site, that will give you as much support as you need! I'm always here if you need to talk! Have a great day, and keep your head up beautiful girl!
  • Lacey

    Hey kimberly!
    Yes i still have all my own hair! I use to read that i would lose it all and it made me very frightened but the most severe mine has ever gotten was about 4 spots. So dont be to worried just keep believing and have hope! I am currently seeing a natural path she uses natural supplements to help build my immune system, i am a strong believer that it is working. Now my spots have mostly grown in:):)! I only have one small one left
    I understand it is very hard especially at the beginning but there is lots of hope for you.
    Talk to you soon
  • Chelsea McGee

    Hello Again. I know what your going through is extremely hard, and it feels like your world is ending. I've been there, and i never thought I'd start to feel better about my situation, but i did and you will to. When a woman is beautiful, it has nothing to do with they're hair! :)
    And My wigs, I have a few pictures up. One is blondish color, Im with my dog. And my newest one which is short dark brown, is in one of my blogs. They're both synthetic and I got them from a little wig shop in Edmonton, by the way, I live in Canada lol . I just realized your in the states. I hope that you start to feel better about yourself and what your going through. Dont be scared..Hair is not what defines us. You are gorgeous with or without it. I hope you have a wonderfun day Kimberly! Take Care
  • Lee

    Hi Kimberly,
    I wear a vacuum wig. It suctions to my head, and does not come off unless I take it off. Theres no slippage, or anything like that. However, you must be bald, or shaven to wear one of these. They are pricey...start arount $2800, but last a few yrs. They take months to make.When the alopecia started, I started with a lace wig. It's cheaper (around $700) and last almost a yr. This kept me going while I waited for the one I have now ; )
  • Scott Ostro


    Thank you for your friend request. I wish you and your family a happy and healthly holiday and a great New Year.

  • Scott Ostro

    Sorry to hear your AA is getting you down. As with any loss there are stages you grive. In the end you need to count your blessings, there are so many worse things to be dealing with than your hair. It is hard to believe this when it is happening to you, but trust me take a breath and think about it.