
31, Female

in a place of obscenity, North Carolina.

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I'm Brooke, 17 years young. At one point in my life I would have told you that Alopecia was a horrific thing and it was the most terrible thing to ever happen me, but the older I've gotten I've realized that without having this, I'd only be half the person I am right this second. I've got an amazing boyfriend that loves me accepts every part of me, and makes me happier than I ever thought I could be. I've as well got three really wonderful & really cute little brothers, who truly bring the sun up for me. I have been very unfortunate in meeting another person who has Alopecia the way I do, I'd love to make friends(as well as keep friends) who have it as well. I'm in school for Psychology & I would love to start some form of therapy for kids & teens with Alopecia, it's not as known about as it should be. Other than that, I'm just another teenage girl. I'm from North Carolina & I can't wait to get this college/career show on the road and eventually get my own place. I'm into piercings and tattoos, though I don't have any tattoos yet I'm definitely planning to get one when I'm legal. I've got my nose & snakebites done & I'm always wanting more. I can be a really good listener, and I love meeting new, let's be friends (:
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

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  • Lee

    I dunno your email...heres mine..add me!
  • Dotty

    Hi Brooke and welcome!! I also tried to add you on myspace but needed your email or last name. Mine is, feel free to add me on yours. By the way, my husband's family is all in North Carolina. We visit every other Christmas, and my stepson goes to visit his mom in NC for the whole summer. He's 14. Thanx for the add and anytime you need to talk, feel free to ask me anything!!! Please don't ever feel like you are alone again. Love and Hugs, Dotty
    P.S. I think you are absolutely beautiful!!!
  • Katie Jones

    I'm doing wonderful. wbu. I'm excited about getting to know you. How did your Alopecia progress. Like did it start in spots or did it just kind of come out at one. I'm looking forward to Chatting with you.
  • Ashley

    I don't know myself what you're saying, but a couple of my friends have some piercings, and you sound like them about it, haha. They're like oh i wanna get this, then they get it & theyre like oh i want this one too! haha, i think everyone has their "addiction" like that. Haha
    Thanks about the picture. I'm glad to evoke that emotion out of you, because frankly, that's what i was shooting for when i took it. I wanted to convey my emotions i was feeling at the time. & i hoped someday, someone, could relate to how i was feeling.
    I totally accepted your friend request on myspace. I love having alopecia friends on there. =) You seem pretty darn cool too. =)
  • Kaitlyn

    I'm great, thanks. It's nice to meet someone my age that understands exactly what I'm going through. so, what do you do about the people that stare and make rude comments, because I know there are so many people like that.
  • Ashley

    I used to be big into poetry, & i guess it kind of fizzled a while back...sad. But i'd like to read some of your work sometime if you don't mind. I like to read poetry. Especially when its about something i can relate to. I will definitely hit you up on myspace. I haven't been getting on as much lately, but I try to check it daily. =)
  • Ashley

    I'm pretty much eclectic in all i do. I find myself a little weird at times but i do what i like, what i get joy out of, end of story. I have made it one of my life goals to better aware people of alopecia, & to hopefully make life easier for current & future alopecians. I strive to do this by educating people, & setting a good example of what alopecians can be like. By educating people, others will be embraced when met with these knowledgeable people. I also am hoping to make some changes with insurance companies pertaining to wigs.
    I like to hunt & fish, but i also like to read & take photos. I have recently found great pride & joy in Word Processing. An event i have competed in frequently & successfully lately, placing every time i compete. I will be going to nationals in this for F.B.L.A. Sometimes i enjoy just hanging out at home, because the part of my family im staying with now is very fun. I also like to hang out with friends, and I'm looking very forward to attending college, i registered today, im very pumped. I absolutely love getting on this website, it has helped make my life more positive. I also like sports, my favorite is the one i played for 7 years-volleyball. I will miss not playing it for school anymore. Pretty much i do all kinds of things-things that make me happy. =)
    What all do you like to do?
  • Ashley

    I ended up playing volleyball despite my hair...prolly cuz i'm stubborn. I love volleyball, & i guess i love it so much i couldn't give it up because I was losing hair. I played through it. At first I wore a bandana around it like a sweatband during our summer tournaments, because that was enough to cover it. Then i ended up resorting to a skull cap which is what i wore all of the regular season. I had to take a doctor's note with us at all times in case we got any static from the ref's, which we actually did once, but it was VERY obvious even with this skull cap on that i had no hair. My coach was protective about it, & set the ref straight real quick. Only one ref was an ass about it. & my team was extremely supportive & treated me the same, & i think that is what got me through it. No one treated me different & despite how embarassed i might have been (even though i wasn't too bad) all my friends still talked to me the same, all the fans i knew talked to me the same. & you know what? i played the sport i love, & for those few minutes while i was playing, i didn't think about my hair, & i was just one the girls trying hard to get that point.
  • Sophie Ray

    heyy :) im 15 aswell! whats your story? ive never met anyone with alopecia, especially my age, so looking forward to chatting!!
  • Kaitlyn

    Yeah, I wouldn't ever wish Alopecia on anyone, but I think you're right about an experience to open their eyes. I actually stopped going to school because it got so bad with the teasing and immature comments. I just don't know what to say to people when they say those things to me. I also get the sympathetic looks when I go out bald because people think I have cancer or something; that actually bothers me.
  • Alex

    hiii...i saw in one of ur pics that u have a monroe, im so jealous. i want that so bad! lol i love piercing but im just not brave enough to get any on my face lol...i think im gonna get one soon tho...anyways whats up???
  • Kaitlyn

    Yeah, you're so right. I am in counseling now because I didn't have the best ways of coping with it when it first happened, but now I am using it kind of to my advantage. Sometimes it just doesn't seem fair and I just want to cry and feel sorry for myself.
  • Amy Jo

    im good!!! sorry that it took 4ev for me to write you bak!! lol...yea i know i frickin love this site!!! ahhhhh~~! lol
  • Kaitlyn

    My God! I wish I had your outlook. You seem so...happy!
  • Kaitlyn

    Are those fake eyelashes in your default?
  • Alex

    not much at all, getting to go to bed early im so exhausted lol

    where are u from?
  • Alex

    im from nyc and i wouldnt move for anything, lol. i love it here!
  • Alex

    i love it here lol...are u going to the conference this yr?
  • Alex

    its june 19-22...its a lot of fun, u should come if u can
  • Alex

    umm im not exactly sure, i think louisville but im not positive...go to and they have anything u need to know about the conference...i hope u can come!
  • Sophie Ray

    hii.. sorry i have taken soooo long to reply- ive had sooo much school work to do its crazy!!
    yeah, i also think its so sad that people think that someone is what they look like, its almost as if they are so fricking stupid they cant be bothered to look further than someones hair. i dont know about america, but i know in surrey, england where i live... you can tell you are from surrey by the way you wear your hair... the 'surrey flick' its quite funny actually! but i do kinda feel like an outcast at times, but yeah i guess i do feel like i coped well... though i happened to me when i was abiout 7 but now ive been totally bald for like 3 years, eyelashes i usually have but my brows are not very there, they are blonde, and a few dark hairs kinda thing!! so i never really have had to think about my alopecia deeply, its always just been something i never really understood but got on with life but now i do think it happened for a reason.
    and yeah haha its such a good way to weed out the ass holes!! i dont have time for people who care... i say if u dont like it, then F*** off!! i hate seeeing pictures and stuff of me when i was loosing my hair it really upsets me, but i almost feel embarrased that i walked around like that... but i know i shouldnt think that!! i am now quite an angry person and find it REALLY hard to tell people how i feel, like i just got my freedom wig, and i just cant say the words to some of my friends, 3 of them know, but its weird, i just cant say the words almost as if i dont want to freak them out talking about it? do all your friends know you wear a wig? i sometimes worry taht if i do wear my wig that people might think i dont want to be who i am? though getting my wig has made me go throgh a bit of a identity crisis which isnt good! just i dont really know who i am and stuff? oh well! ill get over it!! x
  • Kristen

    Hi lady - you have the most stunning eyes. I know you said you were looking for teens to talk to but I'm around if you'd like to chat sometime. My alopecia started showing when I was 12 so I know what it's like growing up with it. Cheers!
  • Kristen

    My alopecia started showing up when I was 12. I am losing a lot of it now and will probably be bald by the end of the year. Where are you from? I grew up in a really conservative small town so my "alternative" look wasn't necessarily appreciated. I live in Austin now and get lots of compliments on my "hairstyle". I love being able to tell people about alopecia when they say that though. :-)
  • Amanda

    how do you get your hairpiece to look so real? it looks so nice!
  • Amanda

    hey brooke~
    i got a question.. im having a really hard time with the whole eyelash putting on thing.. like i have them all good and on then in like 4 or 5 hours the glue gets all gross and they fall off.. you got any suggestions??
  • Amanda

    idk.. its eyelash glue.. but i think the putting more on the sides will help.. thanks!
  • Amanda

    hi again.. so i was looking at the national convention thingy in Kentucky.. are you going? cuz i really wanna go.. but like am i allowed to wear my wig there?? cuz idk if im comfortable going with out it yet..
  • Amanda

    hey again.
    sorry i havent been on in like FOREVER!!.. but yea.. i cant go to the conference. im super bummed.. but im DEFINATLY going next year!
  • Zoe

    Hey there,

    I love you're wig!! Where did you get it? You look great:-)
  • Nick

    im good thanks. you?
  • Nick

    Aww thank you sweetness :) It means a lot to me!! Since having alopecia my confidence has pretty much hit rock bottom. And I'm glad you're getting better now :) x
  • Nick

    I'm 21, go to Reading uni (I think uni = college in america???) and study law. i love music if that isn't obv, going out with friends for random days out and gigs :)

    That's funny because I was pretty much going through the worst time of my life and was severely depressed, then after that I noticed this hair thing and I'm like whhhyyy meee lol. yeah hair is a bit important to a lot of people these days :( ahhhhhhh wellll. x
  • Nick

    aww, i'm sure it'll be fine when you go back to school. you could even go completely bald as it kinda makes a statement and you don't care.. but i dunno what its like for a girl sooo :P when i got my hair loss i still went out in uni and stuff and didn't quit but kept it sly lol.

    1st stage: lots of hairspray.. tons and a hoody.

    2nd stage: after it got a bit worse lots of combing the back of my hair down and combing it in weird directions to cover up the bald spots with tons of v05 freeze hold hairspray. it was grreat haha.

    3rd stage: panic!!! wear my hoody AT ALL TIMES.

    4th stage: shave it all off and wear a trendy cap. my friends were shocked but accepted it straight away and everyones been kool with it, so it turned out better than i expected.

    5th stage/present: keep shaving it, no cap or anything, and having to use eyeliner to draw extensions on my partial eyebrows now lol :(

  • VanessaVandalism

    scene kid? YYAYY
    yah sorry if im wrong -.-
  • Ashley

    yay cake
  • Ashley

    im good! =) i get on your page & hear some seether...and im like, yay! are you reading my brain so you know what i would like to hear so its on your page so im happy? haha, jk. how are you?
  • VanessaVandalism

    XD kewl?
    oh thnx im happy XD
    how are yew??
  • Ashley

    haha, well, thats part of what summer is all about. being able to chill and not having to do anything you don't want to! =)
  • Jana

    hey , thanks for accepting =)
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hey Brooke! How are you?
  • Jana

    im good , enjoying like the last days of the summer , school starts in 3 weeks :/ im starting college now or highschool ? uhm 16-20 years old people .. hahah it's not the same school system here as in america and other europe countries hehee.
    how are you ? :)
  • Nick

    ive been kool thanks. just DEAD tired right now and sneezing constantly.. damn hayfever. you okay? x
  • stacy

  • Nick

    beach is alway good :D u dont know what "x"'s mean :O aww its just like kisses at the end of a message. and hugs are o's so like some people do xoxoxox or some people do just xxxx's lol x
  • Nick

    hehe =) im good thanks, how about you? x
  • Amber

    you are so pretty!! i just love your eyes and how you do your make-up!! where do you get your eyelashes from? i've been thinking about doing that. i did it at one time but it was a disaster! haha!
  • Lee

    hey hun!! how are you? Hey...what kind of eyelashes do u use read u wear them everday. I have issues putting them on still....I always poke myself, and then cry because I dont have eyelashes..then I gotta do that eye makeup over again...its a CYCLE lol
  • Dotty

    Hi Sweetie,
    Long time no see. I hope all is well with you. I love your pictures. You are gorgeous!!!! Hope you had a good weekend. I worked all weekend as usual but it was okay. Big hugs to you and thanx for stopping by my page to say hello. Love ya.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Melody

    Hi Bee!
    I am from the Charlotte/ Burlington Area and I am hoping to get an Alopecia support group started in NC. Please let me know of any questions you have and if you are interested. It is all sort of up in the air for now. Where are you located?

  • Kimberly

    You are toooo cute. I love all the pics. I am in North Carolina too. Asheville area. Where are you? What kind of wigs do you wear?