
46, Female



Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I'm a 35 years old woman from the Netherlands and I have Alopecia since I was 13 years old. By the time I was 19 I had lost all body hair. It has been a great struggle and it still is sometimes. But slowly I'm making progress an becoming the person I would like to be.
It's really nice to be a member of this big alopecia community!!! Great to read other people's experiences and make conntact with people all over the world!!

See you later! bye bye
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Julia

    Welcome to this community of Beautiful people!
  • Ingmar

    Thanks for the welcome, i'ts great to see so many people with this "condition" When I visited the site for the first time this afternoon I was so surprised and also emotional from the things I read. It's all so recognisable.. (hope my english is good enough)
  • Roger

  • kastababy

    Hallo Ingmar, en onthaal! Ik ben blij om zich u te ontmoeten en op het krijgen te verheugen om u te kennen!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Honestly, I realized that it required me to be vulnerable. That was hard for me. Most of my life, I always tried to be strong. But the vulnerability it what allows others to truly come into your life... the good and the bad. I am so glad you are here and I hope this is a place that you are comfortable and also share your experiences. Take care,

  • kastababy

    Hi Ingmar!! I have a new translator and I saw that you are in the Netherlands -- I didn't mean to offend; I got the idea that since we have so many European alopecians (love that rhyming scheme!) that maybe it would be easier for me to speak to our French alopecians in French, Spanish alopecians in Spanish, etc. If you prefer to communicate in English, that is cool too!
  • sandra

    ja, leuk he, ik ga even verder kijken
    liefs sandra
  • kastababy

    You probably know my name better by its original spelling, which is Jocasta -- my name is spelled in the Spanish way of spelling it. It comes from the play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles (Jocasta was the mother/wife's name) -- ironically enough, it means light-hearted, which is a pretty good description of me most of the time!
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Ingmar,

    Stopped in to say hello.
    Hope all is well with you.

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Ingmar,

    All is pretty good with me.
    my alopecia at the moment is at a plateau. I have these white fuzzies since the begining of the year, Actually the past few weeks I have noticed little white hairs on my body too. Not sure what is going on just hanging with it.
    Glad you are doing well.
    Do you live near Tamgirl?

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Ingmar,

    Nothing special this year for Holloween. Going to a wedding reception the day after so want to be fresh.

    I've been to Amsterdamn 4 or 5 times and took the train to Gouda once.
    I love your Country and the Dutch People
    I liked it better when the currency was the Guilder (did I spell that right) I am sure it is better for you with the Euro.

    Have a great day!!!

  • Roger


    Im fine thanks! I missed you at the chat before. I had dinner =) Hope youre ok.

  • Roger


    Ill be here later. I just arrived home from my parents place =)

  • Roger

    Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year.
