

Cheyenne, Wyoming

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
Have had alopecia for four years and would like to consider dating again. I am afraid of what someone would say about the whole hair thing.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Debbie,
    Welcome! How are you doing today? I've had alopecia for 30 years. I'm thinking about dating again, too.
  • thedutchlaw

    I cannot send you a PM right, I have a question about alopecia.
  • Debbie

    Today was a terrible thing. I have no issue with having alopecia. I DO however have an issue with people treating me like I am a monster. I helped a friend move and just wore a bandana. When one of the children asked I told her the truth, I showed her my hair and the adults turned away in disgust. I cried for hours. I used to be so pretty. Now, to them, I am a monster. Hair is NOTHING, I can be blonde, a redhead, or brunette at a snap. I don't understand this.
  • thedutchlaw

    Ahhh, never mind! I am going to ask my dermatologist, I have a few questions, and made topics in the forums for them.

    But I think it's best to visit my dermatologist again, haven't been there for a year.
  • thedutchlaw

    half a year*
    I have AA since 11 months
  • Wayne

    I hope none of the adults who turned away was a friend. If so, I'd get some new friends. That's about as sad as people can get.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Debbie, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us and we look forward to your input. Cheryl, co-founder
  • adriana

    Hi Debbie,
    It's hard to feel confidence in yourself, huh?
    I have lost alot, I always had self esteem issues, but I would do anything to have my hair back and I would really enjoy it more, for sure!
    I envy people when they brush their hair and pull it up, or just play with it.
    The other day I went out wearing my scarf and what little hair I have left, some thin bangs, and a girl at the store surprised me saying," you are so pretty" It really made my day, it seemed so odd to hear that!
  • Dorothy

    Thanks for your kind words. I am so lucky, this all started in the first year of my marriage. My hubby stuck with me even tho I tried like crazy to get him to leave, even packed his stuff a couple of times trying. I know it was so I could give myself permission to commit suicide. He never left, never. Always was and is supportive.

    When I worked, I just never really talked about my alopecia with but just a few.

    We do joke with in my little family, well they don't but I do make funny comments on occasion, things like "at least I don't have to worry about going gray". Truth is, I do, I worry that at some point in my life I am going to look rediculous NOT having gray hair, how stupid is that?

    It is a horrible disease, it seems that I feel for every hair that fell away, there went a part of my femininity. I don't feel beautiful, I don't feel sexy, I simply don't feel, I am just a shell of a person who goes thru the motions of everyday life, trying hard not to feel, the pain of all this after 35+ yrs is still very raw sometimes.
  • Donna Evans

    Thanks for answering my blog. I do like that wig! It actually looks like my hair before it fell out. A little natural curle but not much. I will give the human hair wigs a better look.
  • Craig

    hi there. can you please send me the info on the eybrow pencil? Thanks a lot!!!
  • Craig

    sorry, I thought you posted something about it. Thanks for getting back to me
  • Johnny Q

    hello, I'm from Wyoming as well, new here and just wanted to say hello.