
57, Male


United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
Well, it was time to change my site around a bit after having been on the site for a while. When I first logged on here I thought I would easily be the person having alopecia the longest. I was a little surprised to find out that there quite a bit of us that have had alopecia for some time.

I first developed alopecia at age 5 maybe 6 years old. I went through all the same issues as everyone else although I will say that we didn't try too hard for a "cure". My grandmother had au since she was a little girl so there was already an understanding that shots and heatlamps and creams were not going to bring my hair back. But we did try everything but the shots. LOL. I won't say that alopecia has controlled my life, but it certainly has had an affect. Some good, some not so good. Since I have had it through pretty much every stage and change of life I can honestly say its been a struggle.

I love to travel and explore new places and new things to do. I have lived all over. I grew up in Chicago but have lived in St. Louis, New York, Japan, San Francisco, Australia and now I back in Chicago.

I love college football. I went to the University of Notre Dame for my masters degree and so I am a fierce and loyal fan. Charlie Weis will succeed!!! And to all of you Big Ten fans out there I send my condolences. USC fans? Just wait.

I am logged on to this site quite a bit these days for several reasons. Mostly to make friends and talk and share experiences about alopecia. I wish there had been a place like this when I was 5 or 12 or 18 or 28 years old. If you are a parent of a child with alopecia talk to some of us that have had it since childhood. Hopefully we can share some thoughts with you.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Frank, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

  • kastababy

    Hello, and welcome!!!
  • kat533

    Hello and welcome Frank. It's a pleasure to meet you. You defiantly got me beat, i've only had A.A. for a year and a half. Hope to talk to you soon.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Frank, the site is new, we launched on March 7th. So you are already on your way to being one of our veterans ;)
  • kastababy


    Yes, we do chat (although catching people online is like finding a needle in a haystack) and yes, you can send email. I am ALWAYS online (except for when I am traveling to and from work and when I am sleeping, but even then my page and IM clients all stay up), so feel free to message me anytime! Personally, I prefer Instant Messenger to chat rooms because so few people are in the room whenever I sign in.

    I know the guinea pig feeling too -- and I vividly remember having to fight the insurance companies to pay the $75 per bottle it cost back then -- my mother drove to the insurance company's headquarters with me in tow and showed them that I wasn't some middle-aged man with a midlife crisis and they could either choose to pay for the Rogaine then or pay multi-thousands in therapy bills later. They started paying for the Rogaine. LOL

    Funny how you meet someone with such a similar life experience. I would love to hear more about your story! :)
  • kat533

    Hi frank, Thanks for the comment. Yes as far as I can tell we can talk to each other on-line and send each other messages. As for my A.A. I'm not sure there is anything that is considered "Normal" with this disease. From everything I've read and talked with my doctor about it has no pattern and as for my hair, the doc's have no idea why it came back so different. But it looks ok. I look forward to talking with you again. And thanks for the thumbs up on my tat, I've only had it for about 2 months. I love it, it's a memorial tat that a very wonderful young man at my church helped me put together. Take care and i'll talk to you soon.
  • kastababy

    Hey Frank!

    When I'm at work I don't have access to any IM clients, but you can always comment back and forth. Or, under my profile picture you can click on the link to Send a Message and I will get it. When I am at home I use Yahoo Instant Messenger -- my ID for you to add to your contacts list is sxyscorpio901.
  • kat533

    Hey Frank, did you feel the "Rockin and Rollin" this morning. Bet that was Weird. I'm originally from down near Peoria. A small town in the middle of a Green bean field. Wyoming. My Grandma said it woke her up.
  • kat533

    Hi Frank, yes it's my only tat, but maybe not my last. I found a beautiful one the other day I really like. I'll have to save up for it thought. What about you, any art work?
  • kastababy

    Hey Frank,

    If you want to communicate with someone other than by leaving comments, then when you click on their profile, underneath their profile picture click on the link to send a message. Your message window will open and you can send a message from there.

    Did you get any damage from the earthquake? I felt it way down here in Memphis -- it shook the walls and all the furniture, but that was about it. Did you feel the aftershock too?
  • kat533

    Hey Frank, I'll be in the chat room around 1 your time on Saturday. If you would like to chat - maybe you could stop by. Take care and have a great week-end.
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Frank,
    I've just been dealing with this for less than a year so I cant top your record.

  • kat533

    Hey Frank, how's it going? Just thought I would pop in for a 'Have a Great week!" take care.
  • Mandy

    Hey Frank! I just created a new group for Chicagoan Alopecians if you're interested in joining. :)
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Frank,

    Stopped in to say hello. Whats up?

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Frank,
    Glad you stopped by in.
    I think our economic crisis will pass and glory days will be here again... American inginuity at its best.
    I have lived in SF for 20 years and I love it here. I live in the Outer Mission District where did you live?
    Once you get used to it this site is pretty easy to navigate.
    I look forward to chatting with you.

    Happy Holidays,

  • David

    That's a start. Life is full of habits. Once you develop the habit, say never going in public without covering up, it could be a little hard to change. We get comfortable and no one really wants a conflict, even if it's just with ourselfs. I know how hard it was for me and I know you'll be fine. Looking back now, I don't have any regret.
  • claire

    hi frank hope your ok
  • Jessica

    hey Frank,

    yes there is a support group that meets about every 4 months or so it's run through NAAF but I have been trying to set up a Alopecia net work with the chicago land group so we can meet one another and lean on eachother for support. let me know what you think
  • Jessica

    hey Frank,

    yeah Lombard is real close to me. I have been on the chat afew times but didn't really know anyone on there but i will check in more often.
    lets try to think of a place and or time that would work out so that more people can attend. I found it very hard to make the other meetings through NAAF the group leader always has it out by her and never check with anyone to see what a good time or date would work for more then just her . So lets try to get something in the works for January.
    take care

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Frank,

    Happy New Year!!!
