
, Female

Saint Paul, MN

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
Hi! My name is Lolin and I am 30 years old. I am currently living in the St. Paul area here in Minnesota. About 22 years ago while my mother was brushing my long, curly, dark brown hair, she noticed small clumps of hair from the back of my head falling out. That happened a couple more times after that and before you knew it I had 3 small bald spots on the back of my head. And it stayed that way until 5 years ago. My hair started to slowly thin out. Then suddenly like a thief in the night Alopecia had completely taken what little hair I did have. I wear a wig everyday, everywhere. I am still having a very hard time talking about it or admitting that I even Alopecia. Last September, I decided, during Alopecia Awareness Month that I would actually walk out of the house and go shopping with just a baseball hat on. I felt the eyes on me and could only imagine what people may have been whispering to each other. The funny thing is, I was completely embarrassed. I think nothing of it if I see someone who has lost their hair walking around the mall or at the beach. So why do I care???
Anyway, I am looking for people that I can be me with. I don’t know too many people with Alopecia personally but would love to! Message me anytime! And i've got myspace too!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Choose one

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Lolin, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Diane

    Bonjour Lolin,
    I've been dealing with alopecia for almost all my life.... but I've been with others alopecians only twice.... this site is great: you'll meet a lot of new people... for me, meeting others have done more good than any of the treatments have tried and belive me, I've tried everything!
    Looking forward to read you,
  • jennifer

    hi there, i would love to email you my story. i would post it here, but it is pretty long. i think it would help you and inspire you. i felt exactly like you did. it has been almost 2 years and i am just now accepting it.
  • jennifer

    Ok, it is a really long story so I should email it to you. what is your email address?
  • Amanda

    idk.. my friends are really cool about it, and i guess everyone kinds knows, but sometimes i get little comments like... why are you wearing fake eyelashes and stuff like that. that kinda stuff really bugs me.. but other than that i havent really just wipped off my wig and been like "hey look at me im bald" .. haha.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Lolin,
    Do you need a support group? You might be able to find out about one close by -- go to the National Alopecia Areata Foundation web site: and ask for some help.
    Hugs, LeslieAnn
  • Heidi

    Hi Lolin, would you like to connect up with the local suport group? It really helps being face to face with others who are in the same situation. I live in Minneapolis. Let me know. Heidi ...
  • Allie

    Hi Lolin. I live 10 mins from Farmington. It's too bad you don't live here anymore. I'm sure though that Minnesota is more exciting. I did find a group in Rochester, just wish I found more people to meet with it. I think it's cool that you wrote about still being mad about having Alopecia. I still get mad from time to time. I think we all do, but don't always say it. Hope all is well in St Paul. Allie
  • Billie

    Hey girl! Glad to see you here.
  • Sherry Schaefer

    Hi Lolin! It's so nice to see you here...I know you'll make many new friends and get the support you need. I miss seeing you here in Rochester NY!!
  • Denise

    I read your blog and I loved it. I know exactly where you are coming from. I have had alopecia for 36 years and have never gotten used to and I doubt I ever will.
  • Billie

    Hey girl- checking in on you to see how you are!
    I LOVE the pic you have posted above... I may have to borrow it from you.
    Have a great weekend!
  • Heidi

    Hi Lolin, how are you doing? I have a women's hair loss social you may be interested. But you need to email me so I can forward the info. My email is Then I can add you to the local support group email list and keep you updated on stuff. Q's? Heidi ...
  • Zoe

    Hey Lolin,

    I just read your profile and I'm amazed about how people feel so different about alopecia.

    I need to say that I also ALWAYS wear a wig. Everywhere and always except when I'm at home. I've had AT for only a few months. In march my hair was already thinner but I was still able to have a ponytail and to go out even without a hat. Now, all my hair is gone and I really don't mind. Hair, to me, has never been anything special. I've never been that kind of person who was able to style it in great and different way. Now I can wear different wigs and I look different and I feel great.
  • Roger

    Hi Lolin.

    Hows life in Minnesota?

  • Mandy

  • Mandy

    I'm doing well, thanks! Stuffed from eating too much pizza at lunch! LOL. How's everything with you?
  • Carol

    Hi Lolin
    People will judge, we all do it and we always will. Unfortunately, judging and gossiping are two different things and people who gossip are not usually very intelligent. When I was very little my father used to read this poem to me about a wise old owl who spoke less and heard more. I try to remember that all the time and to always be considerate of others. If someone needs their eyes and ears opened then we all have to act together and make them realize how foolish they're being. I see myself as a teacher and role model and try to practise what I preach and I would hope that if you were in a similar situation that you would stand up for yourself too. Have a nice day!
  • Casey

    Hey Lolin!
    How are you? I love your name ive never heard it before its very pretty!
    anyways just wanted to introduce myself. im pretty new to Alopecia World and wanted to meet others like me! If you ever wanna chat I would love too!
    Have a great night!