
61, Female


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
im 45 and hve had total alopicia since i was 11 i have 2 childen 21 and 15 and i am married have been with my husband for 19 yrs and marriied for nearly 3 years i had to be sure lol . i live in ramsgate kent uk but born an still a londoner . i work as a carer looking after the ederly and disabled people in their own homes i love my job and have been doing it for 9 years would nt change it for any thing . my hobbies are any form of exercise mostly weight training and aerobic i work out almost every day .
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Hugh

    Hi Sharon

    Welcome to alopecia world :)

  • stephanie robertson

    Sharon, I would love to chat with you sometime. Thanks Steph
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Sharon,
    How are you doing today? I just wanted to say hello and welcome!
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Sharon. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Cherylnz

    Hi sharon
    Welcome to Alopecia World
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Sharon, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us and we look forward to your input. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Roger


  • Paula

    Dear Sharon,

    I really like your comments on the AA group page. I am almost 44 and I have had AU since I was five. It did grow back once for 9 months in high school but that is it. Like you I am actually kind of scared to think about growing back my hair now after all these years...I don't know what I would do with a lot of hair. On my head would not be too bad I guess but I would have a lot to learn. I am spoiled by my hair being ready to put on in the morning and go. And I don't have to shave legs so my shower time is easy and now that I have tattoed eyebrows and eyelinger I am really spoiled.
    Well take care and it is nice to me you. Sincerely, Paula
  • Paula

    It snowed in Houston, Texas last night. They say there is a relation between Hurricane landings and that in the following winter we usually get to see some snow. Of course all is gone today. I lived in Minnesota and it was like living at the north pole to me.
  • Roger

    Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year.

  • JayB

    Fond memories I have of UK holiday seasons, I sure hope yours has been a pleasant one.