

Sioux City, Iowa

United States

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About Me:
I am a Follower of Jesus who has had alopecia since i was 12. It started on the back of my neck and my hairline in the front receded. Then I noticed spots on my legs and arms. Within a year all my facial hair was gone starting with the right side of my face and then the left side. I was continually mocked at school and my hair loss was the object of everybody's fun growing up.

For 4 years i had medication shots injected into my face and scalp and i hated it. I was passed from one doctor to another and nobody knew what was causing my hair loss. When i was 16 I had enough of the injections and of doctors and decided that i didn't want to go anymore.

It took another five years for all of the rest of my hair to fall out. It rapidly fell out when i got to college. I went from having 60% head hair to 0% in a year. There was hair everywhere. I was shedding like a dog. I hid in a hat and beanies for the majority of my college life until it no longer hid the fact that i was loosing my hair. I would get in trouble at work for not wearing my hair up and in trouble in class for wearing a hat. Not knowing what else to do i finally broke down and bought a wig. It was so emotional for me. I hid away in my room for months only coming out for class. Three weeks after i bought my first wig the rest of my hair fell out. I felt very alone and like nobody understood what i was going through.

People would ask me all the time if I had cancer, I hated meeting new people because they would just stare at me and then the dreaded question "Can I ask you a question?" haha. i would tell them i had alopecia and then have to explain what it was. I was in nursing school and when we went over autoimmune disorders my teacher pulled me to the side and asked me if I would stand up and talk about my alopecia to the class. I most definitely will not. I had never been more embarrassed in my life.

My boss once told me that the way i did my makeup made me look Egyptian. I thought that was hilarious since I'm as white as Casper. Having Alopecia has definitely not been easy. Its been harder since I have never had a support system and have always had to deal with my alopecia alone. I honestly thought i was the only one who had alopecia because i had never met another person with it or even knew what it was. I have come a long ways in the last 3 years. I can actually talk about it now. I am no where near the point of being seen without a wig on. I still have trouble looking at myself in mirror and seeing a bald woman looking back at me. For years i clung on to God and asked why he chose to make me this way and to take it from me. I have now accepted the fact that my hair will never grow back. My prayer now is that God will be glorified through it. I am much stronger now that I have ever been.

My first wig I wore until it literally was falling to pieces. It was a fitted wig that i had to use double sided tape and stick it to my head. It was the worst thing ever. I hated it. lol. I laugh about it now. What was i thinking?

I married Richard in October of 2010. I am now a bald-head, wig-wearing preacher's wife. I couldn't be happier. My biggest fear is having kids with alopecia. I can cope with it and it has made me stronger but i desperately pray for my kids to be spared.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

Comment Wall:

  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Amber. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founde
  • Alessandro

  • Dawn

    Hello and welcome Amber
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Amber, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us and we look forward to your input. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Amber,
    Welcome to Alopecia World
  • Linda

    Welcome to AlopeciaWorld, Amber!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Amber,
    What wonderful photographs you have!
    How are you feeling today? I wanted to say hello and welcome you.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hooray! I'm so glad!
  • Brittany

    hi amber!! thanx for the comment
  • J

    Hi Amber. How are you? It's awful that some people make hard things vene harder isn't it? I'm sure you'll find many friends here..I think alopecians are very special and caring people.
  • J

    Things could be better!! How are things in the US?
  • Dotty

    Hi Amber,
    Just wanted you to know that I think you are even more fabulous!!! I already love you to pieces. Big hugs to you and I hope we can be great friends.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Celeste Edwards

    Hi Amber!!

    Just happened upon your page and wanted to say HI :) I think we have ALL felt exactly the same thru this CRAZY journey!! I LOVE that you put into words how I am beginning to feel .... "My prayer now is that God will be glorified through it". Right there with ya Sister!!

    Take Care,
  • Rozalin

    Hi Amber.....nice to hear from someone from mississippi on here..hpoe to chat with you some your page..nice music
  • Cindy

    Hi Amber, thank you for kind post. I was reading your page and I am sorry to hear you are having a hard time coping with Alopeica. I hope you can find the comfort and develop the friendships that I have found in this community. It will take time, but you will find peace with this condition and acceptance. I feel blessed that Samantha has embraced it, but I have a harder time. Slowly, I have been able to have more good days and not think about it as much. I hope I can get to the next level of acceptance if her treatments end up failing her. For now, they are working and she is doing well. Feel free to post to me anytime. Cindy
  • Billie

    Hiya back fellow mississippian!! Glad you are here! You sound pretty awesome as well as so many others here! This is a great place!
  • Shana and Taylor

    What do you do for a living....looks like a nurse/pediatrician?
  • bee.

    Sorry i'm so late on getting back to the comment you left me on the 25th, I've been so busy lately I haven't had time to get on. Thankyou though! That completely made my night, haha. I get my eyelashes at Walmart or any drugstore really, they sell them most places like that. Depending on how dark you do your makeup, you get different lengths and thinkness. I do mine really dark so I always get number 33's or 61's...i think, haha. But i've been doing them every single day since I was 12, so i've had a little practice :p
    You're beautiful too, though! The color of your eyes is gorgeous, i'm stuck with crappy brown eyes, haha. But how was your Halloween, how are you?
  • Shana and Taylor

    My mommy is going to school to be a crna.....u never did comment back but at least you did now!!!!

  • Lori Black

    HI Amber, you have almost the same story as me!! I was diagnosed AA at 12 and started wearing a wig then, by 16 had had all the shots (OUCH!!) and the ointments and liquid topicals and prednisone even sleeping with a shower cap and plastic wrap on my head! I was done! My hair came in and fell out twice in that time and I graduated high school and went in to drugs and drinking and smoking! NOt the proper way to "run" from it, but... the Lord saved me from myself in 1999 and helped me out of my pit. You know, for 10yrs I did all that drugs and stuff and my hair completely came back all over, I was depleting my immune system I guess, but was killing my spirit at the same time. I was married with hair to a wonderful minister and with the birth of my first child my hair went again completely so, AU I am. 8 yrs later, I don't go without my wig in public either, have just ignored the stares (don't you hate that?) I think there are so many more interesting things to stare at than a persons hair or lack thereof. God loves you as you know He truly finds us beautiful on the inside is His main concern, but special in His sight nonetheless. Blessings to you!
  • Lori Black

    Good MOnday Amber! I pray you had a great weekend and that you felt the Lord's presence. I know the whole bald thing is just unexplainable some days, but trust me I KNOW!! God is good and He will use this as a way of ministry for all of us I am positive, Romans 8:28 assures us of this. You have the loveliest eyes!! Blesisngs on your day!! Lori