

Profile Information:

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About Me:
well , i've had AA like 11 years now, i'm 19 years old , a marine engg student !
alopecia made me know myself better , espeacially with the fact that i had it when i was a child , i never complained , i dealt with it as it was a part of me , never gave it big importance , and never cared about what others think about it, i was a strong person and i'm still one !
those last year i had bad mments that i had to deal with , in addition to my AA , so that was a bit difficult !
it's a nice desease indeed , i could get something worse, at least there is no phisical pain , i can move , eat , talk , walk , do what ever i want , so it's not alopecia itself who bothers but people's ignorance and as i'm not really someone who cares :D , so it's ok !!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

Comment Wall:

  • claire taylor

    just thought id say hiya!!
  • Hugh Mclellan

    hello how are you doing?
  • Hugh Mclellan

    I am doing well. I really hope all is well with you. Smile it helps
  • tornade

    hello all !
    just wanted to say that it's really great to be on here , meeting all thouse wonderful people, actually as i don't know any one in my area heving this desorder, use to feel wiered , lonly , but once 've been on here , it's like a source of support for me , & an outlet as well , because i don't disscuss my condition with anyone, even my family , but with people sufferenig from the same thing , i'm more conforatble to share!..
    was just wondering if there is a chat room, where we can meet , or any chatting program, that would be nice if we spoke directly , or we can create one , was just a suggestion , because there is a big number of alopecians who cannot atend the mettings, so our only one way is on the net .
  • Brianne

    Hey! I would love to keep in touch and write back and fourth. I have dealt with AU for a while now but it still can be hard but it always gets better! There will always be that few ignorant I used to get angry but I don't anymore though!

    Are you in high school or college?

    What kind of Alopecia do you have and how long have you had it?
  • Brianne

    Wow, you have had Alopecia longer than I have! I have had it for about 7 years now. Yeah I am a college student and I love it!

    Where are you from?
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Melissa,

    Just stopped in to say hello.
    I hope you are well and have a nice weekend.

  • JeffreySF

    Feeling super groovy here.

    X's & O's