

Mexico city


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About Me:
I'm claudia and I'm 21 years old and I'm from Mexico! such a beautiful country :D. Well i decided to join this site cause i've been dealing with hair loss, diagnosed with difusse alopecia, still searching what i have but the problem is that my hair became so thin and weak and I look a little bald at the top of my head, the doctor said that maybe is beacuse of the extreme diet that I did this year, but the thing is that i've been losing my hair for quite a while now maybe years but now i can see is falling more and I can see my head, I'm scared cause I don't know what it is, I think many dermatologists here in Mexico are not very familiar with the types of alopecia! I've been very depressed beacuse of this, I'm losing my hair and not gaining anything! I hope somebody can tell what's going on
Well after that introduction of my hair haha I'm pretty fun, down to earth girl, shy in the begging but then I'm very open when I feel trust, always trying to help people that need it, i love listening to people and long deep conversations, love music, my fave band is PEARL JAM, their music really help me in these trouble times and movies! I think I go 2 times a week to the movies! Love reading books! :D.
I'm in college and studying marketing, and I love it! I have 2 sisters, I'm in the middle :D and my mom and dad are awesome very supportive specially my mom! and well I'm here to make friends and get to know people! If you wanna know anything just ask ;)
Remember: "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
Do you have alopecia?
Other type of alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Roger


  • Roger

    Hi again.

    Yes, im here very often so lets talk someday =)

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Claudia,
    I hope you find out what is going on with your hair!
    How are you today? I wanted to say hello and welcome.
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Claudia. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Claudia
    Welcome to Alopecia World
  • Mia

    Hola Claudia
    Bienvenida es bueno encontrar a alguien de méxico espero que estés bien y cualquier cosa que se te ofresca estamos en contacto
    Buen día
  • Humberto Ibarra

    Hola Claudia! Te preguntaba lo del espanol pues muchas veces encuentro personas que aunque son de origen latino no hablan espanol. Te cuento que ya cree el grupo, se llama latinos con alopecia, aunque luego de haberlo creado me di cuenta que las mujeres tambien crearon uno que se llama latinas con alopecia.
    Bueno ya veremos, pero seria super si te sumas al grupo. Como estas con todo, aceptar esta situacion no es facil y al principio pareciera que nos hace mas debiles pero estoy empezando a sentir que puede ser lo contrario!... entrar en contacto con personas que pasan por lo mismo que yo ha sido de gran ayuda, asi que desde ya puedes contar conmigo. Dios te bendiga.

  • Roger


    Im fine thanks. How are you doing? =)

  • Lucy

    hola claudia como estas?
  • Nezz

    Hey claudia, how are you?
    A mi me paso exactamente lo mismo qe vos al principio!
    (vivi en argentina 12 anios y estaba ahi cuando se me empezo a caer el pelo), fui a varios dermatologos alla a traves del curso de 1 año y medio y todos me decian qe era estres y como estaba pasando un tiempo bastante feo yo tambien pense que era eso. At first i also had diffused hair loss, and i had no clue what alopecia was and apparently neither did the docs. Anyway, then it went away but it came back much worse in patches, then i was in england (where i live now) and i went to a dermatologist here and i was inmediately diagnosed with alopecia areata. Had it for about 3 years now :( .
    Bueno espero que te pases por mi pagina y sepas que tenes un monton de gente que te apoya te entiende aca, estyo para hablar cuando qieras :)
    Cuidate, besos
  • Lucy

    claudia, pss bien la verdad y tu??
    si yo vivo en monterrey, tengo alopecia desde hace 1 año exacto, ahorita la verdad que cada ves voy peor pero ya estoy empezando a ver pelitos super chiquitos :), grss a dios!
    hablamoss, lucy
  • Roger

    Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year.

  • Nini

    Hola Claudia:

    Nice to hear from you, I was aways due to the holidays, but I am back now. Thanks alot for your message and for your warm welcome.

    Hope to chat with you soon!!!!

    Felices Fiestas :)
  • Roger

  • Brittany

    hey Claudia!!
    thanx for the comment!!
    my alopecia isn't going good at the time being too..
    this week i lost so much hair! i have two big spots and alot of little spots..
    i would like to shave my head but my mom will not let me!!