Katie Beth

United States

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About Me:
My daugher has Alopecia
Do you have alopecia?
I do not have alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Katie. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi to you and your daughter! How are you both doing today?
    I wanted to say hello and welcome.
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Katie
    Welcome to Alopecia World
  • Cindy

    Hi Katie, thank you for your post on my blog. My daughter will be 7 in Feb. I am wondering if your daughter is doing the same treatment as Samantha. We are doing squaric acid. We had to sensitize her arm and then once we established a reaction in the form of a rash we moved to the scalp. We had no issue in that dept. We started it in Jan and her hair started growing over the summer. She has a layer of hair over about 60% of her scalp. Most of the growth happening in the last 3 months. I would love to hear you experience with your treatment. Cindy
  • Cindy

    I got your email..Thanks..We are doing a treatment similar to DCP and it is working for my daughter. But, I was interested to hear about the sulerazine. I was curious if alot of people are using it and the results..How long has your daughter been using it. You said she has 95% growth which is awesome!
  • MARIA (mom of Savanna)

    Hello Katie, My name is Maria and I have a 6yr old lil girl name Savanna, she has been suffering with AU for almost 4yrs now. We have not tried any treatment because I am so worried about the end result, I am afraid of trying steroid drugs, unable to know what that would do to her in the future, she is very sensitive to everything, mainly that is why i havent tried in topical treatment. I dont want to do anything to her that would cause her pain now or in the future. I did read your blog on the Sulfasalazine, then read each and every article you posted, and did my own google search. I am sure you researced this completely before giving to your daughter, but how long does she have to take this drug, once her hair grows back can she quit or when she quits will it stay or fall out again, nothing i read answered them questions. I hate to give her something that isnt going to have a long lasting result. Has your daughter had any side effects? If I decied to try this on my daughter, who should I contact her doctor or derm? Even though everything seem pretty reliable I am scared to death to try something on her. I hope you can answer some of my question...Thank you so much for at least addressing the Sulfasalazine treatment. Maria
  • Cindy

    Katie, do you have any pics to post of your daughter with her regrowth? I have to say this treatment has peeked my interest, but I am not looking to change what is working for Sam right now. This time last year she got her first wig and was nearly bald. Today, she has hair coming in patches. How long did your daughter take this drug before regrowth started and how long is her hair now. Did she grow lashes and brows back too? I am curious what the long term affects this med has on alopeica and the chances of losing again once stopped.
  • MARIA (mom of Savanna)

    Hello Katie, I tried to call the number listed on my last comment you left me. The lady who answered said it was the wrong number...Do you have a possible new number...I would love to talk to you and hear more about this treatment before I have to take Savanna to the derm in Feb...Maria
  • MARIA (mom of Savanna)

    Thanks Katie for commented back...I will try to call again tomorrow....Do you have any pics to post of your daughters regrowth?? Area code (276)..Maria