
50, Female

N. Richlands Hills, TX

United States

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About Me:
I lost every hair on my head in august of 2008. I am a fem lesbian & It has been extremly hard for me like everyone else. My hair has grown back - it is very short, but it is there. I have little bald spots on my head still, but nothing that anyone could see, although my hair is very white which I have 2 color constantly. I have fun with it now and go the range in colors. I have learned that ur hair doesn't define who u r, nor bring u happiness.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Celeste Edwards


    How am I???? Do you know how tricky such a simple question can be???? YES!! I KNOW you do!!

    I "think" I am starting to claw my way upward! Acceptance is slowly creeping in! I dropped a small fortune on a new wig yesterday!! I mean INSTANTLY I felt like "me" again ... whoever that is???

    Today I am going back and forth on whether or not to just shave this shit off!!!!! This go-round MUST be AT cause there has been NO slowdown in the loss department!! Woke up this morning and my pillow was COVERED in hair!! UGGG!! Hell, my entire house is covered in hair!! It's in the drawers, on the floor, on the counters ... Fing EVERYWHERE!! It wasn't like this last time (or the first time) I went thru AA. My sisters are coming in from TN this weekend, and i think we'll have a party and just shave it!! My hubby is ALL for it!! I just don't want to regret it ... ya know!! But this shedding is doing me in!

    Right there with ya on the Sybil issue!! My Goodness!! I'm driving myself NUTS!! My sister was only joking the other day about committing herself to a mental instiution ... Um yeah!! Make reservations for TWO!! Because I honestly think I'd fit RIGHT in!!

    I will say, my support system (friends and family) has been GREAT! Hope you are receiving the same from yours!!

    Okay, I MUST get off of here and accomplish SOMETHING today!!!

    Take Care!!

    P.S. We should exchange emails!!
  • Reen

    Hey! how are you today?
  • Matt

    Hi Jenn. Two months is not a lot of time. Your ideas on how to get better ar right on. I would allow yourself to be sad at first. You are experiencing a real loss, like a death. You need to go through the stages of grief. Time is a big healer. It just gets better and better and everyone is on their own time table. Don't rush yourself. So, it's ok to feel bad. But, there are steps you can take also. It's important to meet other people with the condition and not to isolate.. AlopeciaWorld is a good start. There is a support group in your area. The contact person is Jill Thompson and her number is 972-369-0148. Also, the Annual Conference is in your neighbohood this year. It's in Houson. You have to go! Let me know if I can help you further and ang in there. I feel for you. Matt
  • Reen

    oh no! i'm so sorry to hear that Jenn. You must be at your wits end over it. I'd tell you not to stress or your hair will fall out faster, but as we both know, that is the worst thing someone can say.

    i think it's natural for teens to go through a rebellious phase. possibly, when the novelty of no rules has worn off, he'll return. i'm thinking of you. let me know if you want to talk.
  • Reen


    just saying hi, and hoping you're doing okay today. Hang in there!
  • Reen

    glad to hear that you're doing okay Jenn! i'm kinda blah. it's been a crazy crazy week here, and i'm tired as all get out. but... it's okay....
  • Reen

    *hugs* thanks. i hope your visit to Houston is wonderful and enjoyable!

    i'm feeling less blah today...

    and i have 3 cats, 1 doggie, and hopefully, a chinchilla soon.
  • ***SaraKai***

    Hey Sis, Thanks for the add, it was aweome having you home this weekend, we all had a great time. I love you and can't wait to see you again!!!
  • ***SaraKai***

  • rj, Co-founder

    "Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional." What a great quote! Thanks for sharing. :-)
  • ***SaraKai***

    Glitter Graphics
  • ***SaraKai***

    I get them from the myspace graphics and I copy and paste them to your page. I love you, call me if you need anything.
    MyHotComments I get them from all the myspace graphics and I copy and paste them to your page.
  • ***SaraKai***

  • Reen

    How are you today? just sending you some positive vibes.

    thinking of you *hugs*
  • Reen

    glad you're doing good! still sending good vibes for you. i'm so jealous, i LOVE stuff like the renaissance fair!

    i know... up and down is a way of life. i had a crappy day today, but tomorrow is a new one. thank goodness!
  • ***SaraKai***

  • ***SaraKai***

    My Space Or Yours?.net Hope you had a good weekend at the ranch. I love you!!!
  • ***SaraKai***

  • Reen

    hey thanks...

    i've been thinking about you too! *hugs* i've missed you. things here have been rough, but i'm hanging in there. i'm just really exhausted.

    how are you doing???
  • Georgie

    Um, yaahhhh....*sigh* stopping zoloft cold turkey is not good. I've read online that I need to wean myself off a little at a time. *sigh* It's going to be difficult but I think after New Years I'm going to do it.
    Just wanted to send you some hugs, too!
  • ***SaraKai***

  • ***SaraKai***

  • ***SaraKai***

    Done Sis, I love you!!!!
  • CSue

    OMG, I hope your brother is feeling better! Great story, thanks for sharing.
  • ***SaraKai***

    find and share recovery images at
  • ***SaraKai***

    find and share recovery images at
  • ***SaraKai***

    find and share recovery images at
  • ***SaraKai***

    I'll teach you all the cool stuff when you get home, or at Christmas, but you know I'll be crazy busy with the party! It's hard to explain in an email. I'll try to show you over the phone this weekend. I love you Sister!!!!
  • ***SaraKai***

    find and share recovery images at
  • ***SaraKai***

    Sisters ForEver!!!!!

    find and share recovery images at
  • ***SaraKai***

    Soooo Sister of mine, do you realize that I have almost completely, (excluding the music) set up BRANDI on myspace? Just wanted to see if you knew who your best friend would be on that other site.........I love you Sister with all of my heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ***SaraKai***

    Hey Sister, I was on the computer late because I was off work today so I got to sleep in. Nothing's really going on I have a full day of work tomorrow and Friday. We get Sebastian after school Friday Yay I'm so excited to see him again. Who's Brandi? Brandy Poe, your best friend from High School. I set her myspace page for her last night. She's so funny. I love you. I think we should take a vacation to Barcelona so we can visit Santi!!!!! He's such a sweet person!!! Well toodles poodles and smooches pooches, I love you Sis!!!
  • ***SaraKai***

    Hey Sister, I just found your A/C D/C t-shirt. I folded it and put it in your room for when you come to visit! I love you have a great weekend!!!!
  • ***SaraKai***

  • CSue

  • Reen

    thanks Jenn. I've been crazy busy the last few days with work... UGH!

    I'm looking forward to getting my tattoo finished in january too. i'll be sure to add more pictures then.

    hope all is well with you.
  • ***SaraKai***

    Looks just like Dave just an albino Daveybear!!!

    lolcats funny cat pictures

    lolcats funny cat pictures
  • ***SaraKai***

    lolcats funny cat pictures

    These two are ready for our annual Christmas party are you? Love you Sister! Can't wait to see you Friday!!!!!
  • Sherrilyn Smith

    Hi Jenn, I'm Sherrilyn but everyone calls me Sherri I have lost all my hair in about a year all my hair. I would love to start a group in Houston so look me up when you get settled in town.
  • Johnny Q

    Same here Jen, new to the site I mean. I love it here and have already met some great folks. I've lived with ally p since age 11. It is everything that made me who I am. I know it's scary, and must be more so for a woman in our society, but you will be fine, I promise. What helped me was letting go and knowing there was nothing I could do. I believe it is evolution, we are the chosen ones. ;) That might be a little extreme, but it's fun to think about.
  • Johnny Q

    I know it must be hard living with it as a woman, our society has conditioned everyone as to what beauty is. You must un-learn what you have learned. We are not sick, we are special and you are definitely not alone, you never were.
  • NannC

    I wish I knew myself!! That is very frustrating and peculiar. It seems to me that the ones with only Totalis have a larger chance of regrowth than those with Universalis. But it also seems that I am noticing more and more people that just have periodical bouts with it throughout thier life. There's my input. Hope it helps you come to a conclusion about your wondering. But, fair warning....that doesn't happen very's just a disease with a mind of its own for now.
  • dollydreadful

    Thanjs Jenn- I am tat addicted myself!! I have a shoulder peice, a big peice on my right calf a full sleeve (that needs coloring) on my left arm an inner arm peice on my lower left forearm and plans for many many more - I also have my right nostril pierced however i think later this year i may take that out -its been there for 20 years - and get my septum done - i like how it looks -

    I have three spots my first spot began last year in i think june or july - my dog was practically dying and it was killing me emotionally- well my doggy is better however one little spot became two then they merged so I have a wonderful spot sort of in the shape of a figure eight on tpp of my head -

    I cover it but i know its there -

    then this last saturday I just got over being sick and i don;t knwo if its connected but i was pretty sick and I got another f***n spot

    so I have no idea what the hayworth they come from why they came

    I know my mom once had one spot and it grew in and never returned

    thyroid disease also runs in my family

    supposedly my thyroid is ok - i guess I can't blame my fat a** on that LOL !!

    right now I am trying to eat really healthy and exercise - ugh!!! its hard

    it probably won't help but it will improve my self esteeem which will make me stronger which will help!!

    also overall i will be healthier
  • ***SaraKai***


    My Space Or Yours?.net
    My Space Or Yours?.net
    My Space Or Yours?.net
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hey Jenn, Happy Birthday my fellow Capricorn!

  • rj, Co-founder

    Happy birthday, Jenn! I wish you great joy and good success. :-)
  • Dotty

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Did you get your new tattoo yet? I LOVE TATTOOS!! Hope you had a great birthday.
  • ***SaraKai***

    in canada cats grow on trees
    more animals
  • dollydreadful

    hey how are you jenn was it your birthday - happy belated !!
  • dollydreadful

    OMG I am so sorry - I hope the work situation works out for you - what do you do?Also don't sweat the cover up I ave four and all are awesome !!! Where is the offeding tat located?