


New Zealand

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About Me:
I started losing my hair when I was 9, slowly at fisrt, then to about 95% of my hair had fallen out :( I have 1 full eyebrow and half of the other one, I lost most of my eyelashes but they have grown back now. I got my first Freedom Wig last December and I just LOVE it.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

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  • julie and jaymee

    hi kaiana how are you see you at school
  • julie and jaymee

    Hi there Kaiana and Cheryl. You look absolutely stunning in your photos Kaiana!! You are a very beautiful girl, and very brave, Jaymee and I are very proud to have you in our lives!
  • julie and jaymee

    your very welcome, I was just so impressed with Kaianas photos, they are awesome. We have both raised very caring, thougtful girls! jaymee said, that yes, she would support Kaiana no matter what! and thanks for taking jaymee to netball for me, appreciate it.
  • Kaiana

    Yay, Jaymees my best mate online with me now!!!
  • Taylor-Jean

    Dear Cheryl & Kaiana:
    I am new to alopecia world and I too have a daughter with this condition. It would be really great to talk with you some time. Thanks and look forward to chatting with you.
    Cynthia (B.C., Canada)
  • julie and jaymee

    i love your third picture you look sooooooooo cute and in the other pictures u look wonderfull to
  • Sharon

    hi kaiana

    hi im good how about you??
    how was your day at school??
    mine was sooo cool because most of our
    class went to sports challenge at another
    school so we only had 8 people in our class.
    (Im not much of a sports type of girl!!)
    this is my first year at intermediate and
    it is really fun & cool!!

    my favourite subjects at school are:
    science/social studies
    te reo maori
    PrEP (where we make our own products
    and sell them like in real life and we
    have accountants and stuff like that.)

    look foward to hearing from you!

    from nicole
  • Taylor-Jean

    Dear Kaiana:
    I'm so glad to hear back from you. I guess with us both being new, we can start this journey together. I can't remember if I told you that my daughter is 8 years old? How old are you? I think it would be really great for her to meet other kids to see that she is not the only child that has Alopecia. When she comes home from school, I will show her your picture and maybe you both might have some questions for each other? I haven't posted any pictures yet because I'm not very good with computers and don't know how. As soon as Taylor-Jean's Dad can help me with the pictures, we will get them posted so you can see what she looks like. Taylor-Jean is in the process of having her hair grow back in right now. Thanks again for writing back and we will chat with you again real soon!
    Cynthia (British Columbia, Canada)
  • Sharon

    hey guys have a fantastic day!
  • Kaiana

    :) :( ;) :| :o :p :-) :-( ;-) :-| :-o :-P

    my faces
  • julie and jaymee

    wat do you mean dont you have univesal
  • Sharon

    hi kaiana its nicole im good how are you?
  • Sharon

    Hi it's Nicole again good luck for your netball semi finals let me know how you get on.
  • Cindy

    Hi Kaiana, My 6 yr old daughter wears a wig. I saw on a post that you were getting a freedom wig. I did want to let you know that Samantha wears a human hair wig that she recently received from the Hair Club for men. They have a kids club and will give you 3 free hair replacements a year through age 17. Sam really loves it and it is easy to wear and care for. I just wanted to give you another option. You sound a lot like my daughter. She does not Alopeica stop her from doing the things she loves. Good luck with your netball. Cindy
  • Sharon


    what are you up 2 for the rest of your weekend?
  • julie and jaymee

    thats fine i will pick her up tommorow from school and i will come to the 2 practise if it is not on thursday
  • julie and jaymee

    hi mum (cheryl)wat are you doing
  • Fitzy

    Hi Guys, sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you! Been busy with uni and this week was fashion week! Hows everything going after the talk? x
  • Sharon

    Hi kaiana

    Wow!! What an awesome way to end a very successful season for your team. contgratulations, your Mum and Dad must be very proud of you as you must be of yourself. All the hard work at training has paid off for you.
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Cheryl and Kaiana,
    Congratulations Kaiana on your Netball awards, you certainly have had a great season. Awesome.
  • Sharon

    Hey guys one more day till the holidays yay!! I have been home sick for the last two days the bugs finally caught up with me! Nicole's wig arrived on Tuesday it is beautiful, she is getting used to putting it on, we are going down to Auckland in the second week of the holidays to get it cut, so she should well be used to it by then.

    Take care
  • Sharon

    Hey there we sure will post the pics.

    HAHA those games are always so much fun. When we used to play soccer the only way the parents could win was by cheating lol and when they were little enough picking them up as they tore past lol.....not anymore they are taller than us, plus none of us could run the distance hehehe.

    Enjoy your last day of schoool yipppeeeee!!!
    Take care Sharon
  • Sharon

    hi kaiana

    hope its not to late to be sending you a message!! how was term 3? i am sooo happy its the holidays. what r u up to in the holidays? we are going down to auckz on the 1st thursday of the holiday to get my new freedom wig cut!! I can't wait!

    from Nicole.
  • Fitzy

    thats fantastic! she will love it! Cant wait to see picutres. Yes fashion week was busy but lots of fun. Only just recovering now!
  • Sharon

    hi Kaiana

    hows your holiday going?
    look forward to hearing from you soon.
  • Sharon

    Hey there..........we are off to Aucks today to get Nicole's wig cut. It's very exciting. well post some pics later. It's nice to just relax on the holidays isn't it.......we haven't been doing much either. Take care from Sharon
  • Fitzy

    Hi, that sounds good. I'm sure you guys will find a way to raise the money! I finish uni in early november, so its the count down now. lots of essays and exams coming up. Intermediate will be a big change but I'm sure she will handle it well! She is a well rounded young lady with heaps of confidence! x
  • Liesl

    oh cool how exciting! Thank you and she will absolutely LOVE hers. Mine is 14" with movement. I just put twists in it when wet and let it dry like that then just hair spray it.... i love the beachy look. But it's quite wavey just dried naturally too. Your daughter will never look back and i can't believe i went sooo long with a net wig. Crazy. I love the wind now haha!
  • Fitzy

    Im good thanks! Hows life for you? x
  • julie and jaymee

    hi kaiana sorry i havent emailed you much i have been at dunedin that is sad you are not getting your wig bfor christmas i no the year has diffinitly gone fast
  • Kaiana

    School Holidays are over :-(
  • Kaiana

    I had areata in this photo but still had hair.
  • Sharon

    I know they have gone so fast.............but just think only 10 weeks till xmas hols and if they go as fast as the last two they will be here before we know it.

    Have a fantastic first day at school
  • Cherylnz

    Hope you all had a good holiday break, gosh it went so fast and now its the term 4 I have one of my boys who has big exams in about 4 weeks so this last term will go fast too.
    That's great you are going to meet Deanna, she is really lovely and so helpful. I think these wigs really great and I hope Kaiana enjoys her's too. The hardest part is waiting for it to arrive, the way this year has flown by it won't take long. I'm sure Freedom will do their best to get it to you as soon as possible.
    I look forward to seeing the photos of her new hair-do.
    Take care
  • Sharon

    Hiya the first week has gone so fast and I think today I hit a brick wall lol early to bed me feels. that is awesome I am sure your meeting will go fantastically. Let us know how you get on, it is all very exciting. Nicole has had a really good first week at school with no major hassles a couple of people asked if she had coloured her hair and that has been that really so all good. She got told she is the prettiest pakeha girl in the school lol!!!!

    Anyway take care.
  • Sharon

    hey kaiana
    sorry i haven't been replying to your messages lately.
    it seems like forever when you are waiting for your
    freedom wig but it is all worth it in the end!!
    talk to you later from nicole
  • Athina

    Hope you guys are having a great day!
  • Kaiana

    | |
    | |
    | |____
    |_____| OVE YA!!!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#1
  • Shana and Taylor

    Hey! I am Taylor, 10 years old and have alopecia areata? What type do u have?
    Visit my page!
  • Sharon

    Hi Kaiana how are you? What are you guys up to for the long weekend? We have been doing lots of jobs around the house yesterday and today we had a very lazy day. Tomorrow if the weather is good Steve and the kids might be going fishing. Say hi to Mum from us.
    Take care Sharon
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Cheryl,
    Sorry I don't know much about the techniques that are used, but I have read that some use a feathering effect to make it look more like eyebrow hairs. Might be a good idea to ask your friend. My natural eyebrows are not very dark so its not too obvious and I have a fringe on my wigs. The lady that did my brows did a great job and I still think it works better for me than eyebrow pencil as the pencil doesn't stay on (if i gave my husband a hug I had to check his shirt and make sure I didn't leave an eyebrow behind lol). If you did decide to do Kaiana's I would suggest doing it over school holidays so they heal before she goes back to school. They do tend to be a bit darker when they are first done, but after the healing process they will go lighter.
    Having a great weekend so far. Today we went to Invercargill, Bluff and then came back through Kingston, Queenstown. A bit more snow down here overnight too, so the mountains have white tops again.
    Enjoy the rest of the your weekend
  • Sharon

    Hi Cheryl
    I know week three wow........we are off to camp in week four, so much to do! Going to be great fun!

    We have had a quiet weekend to. Today was beautiful, my family went out in the boat, we had crayfish for dinner yum yum.

    Hope you all have a great week. Take care Sharon
  • Shana and Taylor

    I will be 11 in MArch....not anywhere close! LOL...I just turned ten in MArch this year sooooooooo
  • Ashley

    Hi Kaiana,
    I was looking at facebook chat and saw that you asked if anyone had excema, and I just wanted to tell you I did. I also wanted to say hello, because I've never talked to you on here before. I have a little brother who is 10 like you. =)
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Kaiana and Cheryl
    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and enjoying the summer holidays.
    Kaiana, your new hair looks gorgeous, lovely colour and style.
  • Shana and Taylor

    hahaha!. Can I add u?

  • Maygen

    How did you get this cool background on your page?
  • Sharon

    hey kaiana
    how has ur holiday been?
    r u looking foward to going back to school
    from nicole
  • Maya

    umm you said you have alopecia totalis .. was just wondering..in that picture - are you wearing a wig? if you ARE then it looks really real
  • Maya

    hey thx for accepting my friend request...does everyone in your school know about it or do u keep it secret?