Amy Bard


Owensboro, KY

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I am a 33 year old mother of two and married to my wonderful husband for 11 years. I have battled Alopecia since the age of 7. I lost my hair the last time 8 years ago right after having my daughter. It has been an emotional struggle to get to where I am today. I graduated from Murray State University with a degree in fashion merchandising. I currently work at a company called Unifirst as an inventory analyst. I am thankful to have the support and love of my husband and family.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Amy, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Amy,
    Sounds like you are doing well!
    I just wanted to say hello and see how you are doing.
  • Julia

    Hey Amy...are you going to the conference?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Okay, girlfriend, any time you need to talk, I am here.
  • sgomez

    Hello new friend! You have such a beautiful family! Reading what you wrote on your page made me feel really good :-) You look so happy w/ your husband and kids. Just lovely!
  • claire

    you look beautiful hope your ok ....
  • claire

    thankyou for the kind comments hope you have a great weekend claire x
  • sgomez

    I too felt so isolated before I joined this site. Now I attend a support group here where I live, and there are so manny others like me! I have met some of them here on AW who are in my support group.
    Thank you for your nice comments. I had a nice weekend. It was very busy! but nice. I had two parties to go to. The major damper is that my a/c is not working :-( I hope I can get someone here ASAP tomorrow morning to fix it. I live in AZ, and it's supposed to reach 115 degrees tomorrow! I hope you had a nice weekend. So how old are your kids? I have four. Three boys and a princess. They are 14,8,6, and 3. They are wonderful(most of the time).
  • sgomez a/c is fixed for now. There is a slow free-on (sp?) leak coming from a pipe INSIDE of my wall! It will be a major repair that requires tearing up my wall and replacing the a/c piping. The a/c repair guy said that we can hold off until it gets cooler out, seeing as I will not have a/c for three days while repairs are made. He just put more freeon in the a/c. It's fine for now.
    The last statistics that I know about say that your descendents have a 20% change of getting AA. It can be mild to extreme. So actually, I think the chances of passing down an extreme case of AA to your child is even smaller than that. Most people that have AA don't have the extreme form of it like you and I do. My 8 yr old son has 2 small spots on his head. I'm keeping a close eye on them, but so far they have been stable and very small. I'm not going to worry too much about it right now. There are also some other incidences of AA in my family,but very very mild ones.
    You're kids are totally normal!! Mine are pure energy too. Whenever I complain my huhsband tells me that as long as they make messes, run, scream,fight,jump,cry etc.....we better thank God that they are healthy! When they don't do those things, then we better worry. He's so right.
    I wish you weren't so far away. I would love to meet you in person. But I'm greatful to get to know you through AW. This is a great site. :-) Sarah
  • claire

  • claire

    hope your ok...............
  • Shannon

    hEY!!! I noticed you do not live to far from Nashville and I just wanted to stop by and tell you I am hosting a Links for Locks tournament here in the Nashville Area Friday Sept 19th and would love if you could make it!!! There are some people coming up from GA and down from KY !!! Would be awesome if you could come. It starts at 1:30 in the afternoon. Let me know if you would like some info. I am in need of golfers and maybe a few more sponsors ... if you have any connections or know of anyone who would like to play please let me know :) thanks

    Shannon O'Neill
  • Linda

    hey amy, your family photos are great, cute kids!
  • claire

  • sgomez

    Hi lady!! I was thinking about you, and feeling terrible about not keeping in touch. How are things w/ you?