
55, Female


United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I am 38 yrs of age (soon to be 39) . I have Alopecia Total Universalis. I have been like this for 5 yrs. I lost it all when I had my 4 yr old. I just had a baby 6 weeks ago, and am now discovering I am growing peach fuzz. I had AA when I was 15, and did the cortizone shots, and through out the years did topical ointments, which did nothing for me, except stain my hair and scalp, and cause bad burns. My photo shows me with a wig, and unless out running around, I don't wear my wig. I live in PA, and if anyone needs any support, I am here for them.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • becky

    My wonderful children. My oldest is not on here yet. My boys are 4 and 3 and my 6 weekold daughter.
  • kastababy

    Thank you very much; I love my nieces and nephew to death -- they are my world!!! And they are such joy to be around, especially the oldest, who thinks I hung the moon!!!
  • Karen Martin

    LOL glad to see you made it here. It is kinda nifty. And the one girl...kastababy is talking to me about Goodwill. Seems there are tons of discrimination cases against them. and her friend is one and her grandmother works for the Equal Employment Op. division here. Do you have a scanner? If you do could you scan one of the good pictures of me and email it to me so I can put my picture on here. LOL there are no good pics just that stupid gray man there. lol
  • BrandyLynn

    Hi Becky!!! Glad your here!! Must say we agree when to wig and not to wig!! hee hee! At least lately anyway. I just got my wig and love it but if I'm not going anywhere it feels more comfortable to wrap it up. Boy is it cold with out anything on it though!!! I've had to ask my bald husband a thing or too about it before. Even had him shave my head and then asked if he ever thought he'd be shaving his wife's hair....had to laugh about that one!!
    Your babies are GORGEOUS too!!!!
    Hope to get to know you more.
  • BrandyLynn

    Sorry Becky I'm in the great cold U.P. of Michigan. It's Loretto...a small blink and you miss it town. Where the gas station is also the post office and there's only one caution light!!
    Would have loved to go walking with ya although everything is ice here. The spring is finally on it's way!!
    OH! Thanks for the tip on the cap to wear to keep my head warm!! ;)
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hey, Becky! Thanks for saying hello. I hope you're having a pleasant and productive day as well. ;-)
  • rj, Co-founder

    And thanks for joining us in Alopecia World! :-)
  • kim trivett

    Thank's for offering your support, my nephew recently moved back here from Johnstown.
  • Kim Culberson

    Hi Becky, I have been AU for 7 years....lost mine after a hysterectomy. I face the same issues with my wigs. I am a little better at showing people my bare head, but I always feel "naked" in front of them.
    Just within the last 3 months I have started to have some regrowth. I started taking Methotrexate for my rhuematoid arthritis which is the only thing I can think is making it grow....I have eyelashes for the first time in 7 years! Have you ever had any break throughs with growth during the last 5 years other than after your baby was born? By the way congrats....what a beautiful baby.... I have on daughter (through invitro fertilization) who is now 19 and on adopted son who is 11.
    talk to you soon
    ps....I don't get on here very much
  • Scott Ostro

    welcome to AU and happy holidays to you and your family.
  • Ingela

    First, sorry for my bad writing.

    Now, very welcome to this site. I really must say that your kids are lovely:)

    Take care and have a nice day!

    // Ingela
  • Ingela

    Ohh...thankĀ“s alot! I really hope I got what I want!

    Take care and yes we keep in touch!!

    // Ingela
  • Salvador

    Hi Becky!
    Thanks for welcome!
    I have seen your pics,and they are amazing!Very emotional!
    You have a very pretty children...are the boys twins?
    I have a twin brother,and is my best friend...He has not alopecia,and is exactly like me,but with hair,and he is married and has two boys!
    Anyway...glad to talk with you and to have you as a friend!
    Salvador x
  • Ally

    Hi Becky thanks for your welcome - am afraid I do nothing abt my AU now - I just get on with life - to me there are a lot worse conditions out there - AU is not life threatening but can make you down - BUT only if you let it - keep smiling and stay positive!