
39, Female

st. cloud, florida

United States

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About Me:
My name is Casey, I am 23 years old and live in Florida. I just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Delaney. She is MY WORLD! I work at starbucks and am starting school this August. I am pursuing the Medical Sonography Program at Valencia Community College.
I have Alopecia Areata.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Zoey

    Your welcome! :)
    I am so glad I found this site too.. I have meet soo many people...
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Casey,
    I just wanted to welcome you and say hello! How are you doing today?
  • kastababy

    Hi Casey!

    I just wanted to personally welcome you to Alopecia World! You will find people of all walks of life here in our community -- and you will quickly see that some of us are more outspoken than others! I hope that you make many new and wonderful friends here, and please don't hesitate to share your experiences and feelings with us -- here in Alopecia World, we're family! Wishing you joy and happiness, your new friend YoKasta

    P.S. Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl! She's beautiful!
  • Zoey

    Well, I make mine now :).. I have a few on my website you can look at them.. But, I only have three different kinds on there so far.
    I can actually make any patterns.. But I prefer the more lighter weight fabric.. Feels nice on the skin :)
    my website is: Check it out..
    If you want, you can buy fabric and I can make one for you.
    Just let me know how I can help!
  • panuelo girl

    Hi and welcome! I used to wear Peggy Knight wigs too and they saved me as well. Then I moved out of the country and couldn't really take care of the wigs. So now I wear bandannas! I like the cotton and rayon ones best - silky slides around too much for me, and wool is just too darn itchy. I find great scarves and bandannas all over - right now Eddie Bauer has a cute one on sale, and so does Coldwater Creek and Banana Republic.. you just have to shop around. My mom also makes scarves for me. I am happy to share my finds with you if you want me to.
  • Tony

    Hi Casey, my oldest daughter is 18 & ready to head off for college. My youngest is 14, going on 30, as she gets ready for high school in the fall. My youngest had colic. I spent many a sleepless night in the rocking chair with her in my arms. I don't miss the sleepless nights but I do miss having her snuggled up in my arms. The colic will pass...the memory will last forever. Enjoy their younger's cliche but they grow up so fast.
  • Mandy

    I can't even imagine what it must be like to get alopecia as a kid. That must be very hard. But I have definitely come to fine that adults are way cooler about it. ;o) If people are staring at me, I must not even notice.

    As far as wig advice...I would highly recommend finding a wig shop near to go in to instead of looking online. They can help you find a piece that will utilize the hair you have now into the wig. I looked at those when I was first losing hair and they are way cool. I have my head shaved though so I wear a full wig (well when I actually wear it, that is!). Mine is a synthetic Raquel Welch. I LOVE Raquel Welch's wigs. Mine has a monofilament top so I can part it however I want. And you can see my own skin through the part and it looks like my own hair growing out of my hair at the part there where you can see my scalp. Everyone says it looks totally natural and they can't tell it's a wig.
  • Roger

    Great photos and welcome.

  • Roger

    Youre welcome! =)
  • Tony

    Thanks for the add. 11lbs, that's not bad...she's just a happy, healthy little girl. BTW, great pics...have a great day.
  • Laura

    Hey I'm Lauren, nice too meet you! I love your wig....I wish mine was as natural and shiny!! Anyway, your baby girl is beautiful. Congrats!
  • Lisa

    Hi Casey - thanks for your comments. You are a very brave girl and it helps to read stories like yours. My mom has androgenetic alopecia and developed it about the same age as me. She did very little about it as far as docs are concerned. She happens to be very beautiful and my brother and I remember her always obsessing about it. We never saw what she complained and worried about so that is helpful to remember. Her hair is very thin but I still do not see it on her because I just see "her". I have been on this med for almost a year and I just do not think it is working. I despise watching my appearance change but what can I do? Soooo - I am just truckin along and hoping for the best while trying to remind myself of my mother. I still have much more to look forward to in life and if I focus on that - it helps. So glad you wrote - hope to hear from ya soon 8)

  • Dotty

    Hi Casey,
    Just wanted to say Hi and tell you how absolutely gorgeous your daughter is. But, of course she is...she looks like her momma!!! I heard you like tattoos...ME TOO!!! I have 22 tattoos on my head alone :-) And, by the way, they don't hurt any more than any other place....It hurt more when I lost my hair than the tattoos did!!! Anyways sweetie, I think you're great and your daughter is a cutie.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Henrik

    Hey Casey!
    Thank you. And likewise, if you ever feel like chatting Ill be here as well. Although not the most active member due to a heavey workload! =D
  • Dotty

    Hi Casey,
    Just stopping by to say Hello. Hope all is well. Big hugs to you and Delaney.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Roger

    Cute new profile photo.

  • Roger

    Im great thanks! How about you and the baby?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Casey, in case I didn't mention it before, I just wanted to thank you for your comment on my painting"Olivia Has Options"! How are you today?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Oooh, I know she will miss her mommy, too.
    It's hard leaving them for the first time!
    I am doing great -- painting today!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Yes! Portland is beautiful! Did you see the photos on my web site of Portland? Those were taken from my deck. The other ones were taken at the beach.
    Yes, I would like to fall in love, too. I think that may never happen again, though...
  • Lisa

    Hey Casey, thanks for checking in. I actually took a break from here and tried to get away from all of the things that make me think about appearances. My hair is still falling out and I just had to get a better grip on things. How about you? Your baby is adorable! Congrats!
  • Jessica

    Hi Casey

    So this is my second time around with AA I'm looking into Vacuum Wig and read that your is can you give me some info I love your cut to I'm so happy to see your pic casue I'm kinda down in the dumps about losing it again.
  • Jessica

    Hi Casey,

    Thanks for getting back so fast. Well were do I start, my hair started to fall out in May of 07 when I was about 5 months along. I was sooo stressed there was a lot happening in my life that was hard for me to handle it's a long story lets just say i don't do well with a ton of stress. I noticed the hair coming out in handfulls behind my ear and like my bio states I lost about 50 % of my hair. I started the injections in Oct of 07 so I;ve been getting them of a year. I did have total regrowth within 4 months but now it's falling out again i have a few spots underneath of my hair and the sides where a man would thin out are falling out again. So yes I have way to much hair right now to wear a vacuum but I do know how fast it can all fall out again. That's what really sucks I thought I was going to get luck cause I've talked to a lot of people that it's fallen out then grown back and stayed for 5 10 year before it happend again.
    So when you say vacuums are hot, just how hot are they. Is it easy to get past?
    So you just had a baby girl what's her name? I have 2 girls and a boy. Grace is almost 8 Ava 3 and Aiden turned 1 last week!! Hold on tight the time will fly!! They are what get me past what I think of myself. I had a really really hard time with the hairloss and like you said baby blues ( postpartum depression) I was started on Lexapro for the depression. I can't ever let my life get that bad again I didn't think about anything ecxcept my hair and thought my life was over. I was in a real bad place I swear I will never let that happen again. My kids really suffered from all of it.
    well thanks for the infor look forward to talking to ya soon
  • Lisa

    Thanks Casey. You know what really gets me is that this whole thing is always in the back of my mind if not in the very front. I hate that it controls me. Why the hell would I not judge someone else and I damn myself? I am intelligent. I know better, yet for the life of me I cannot get a grip on this. It feels like I am hiding when I style my hair. It is always about hiding the spots that are gone and not about the style. I NEVER wanted to be the girl who told everyone to roll up the windows for fear it would ruin my hair. My hair is falling out. Ok. But what is it doing to me?? I am not myself, that is really what I want back more than anything. What kind of alopecia do you have? Did the docs know anything to help you? Did they try? Do you feel beautiful? Did you get yourself back? I hear people say that their children get them through the hard times...I do not have any children. Any words you have will help. I feel like an idiot. I have to almost laugh at myself sometimes as I am flailing like a beached fish unable to breath. You sound happy and that is what I want to sound like again. Hope all is well with you!
  • Jessica


    Wow let me just say your a rocking gal! Have you looked in the mirror very beautiful even without hair. I don't wear a wig right now i have my own hair again but have spots in the front now and back faling out. Before I lost both sides and bottom and shaved it off and got a wig which i hated. I was a real hair wig but looked nothing like me. the hair was thick and had very little movement I'm planning on donating it maybe it will work better for someone else. My picture is from Jan 08 i stopoed wearing a wig as soon as i had regrowth but your right i felt different.
    I thank me lucky stars that I didn't lose my hair in high school God I don't think i would have made it through the dark days. I only after a few months of crying and hiding out figured out that it's not about me anymore and I had to pick myself up to take care of my babies.
    No i stay home right now I stopped working about a yr ago with 3 kids we couldn't afford daycare. My husband just works crazy hours so I can stay home with the kiddies they are a lot of work I don't know how i could do both.
    So the vacuum wigs are the best you think? I just want the best possible way to feel normal again if I lose a ton again. So you just shaved daily to make it fit secure? If you don't mind me asking how much did it run you and where did you get it styled?

    talk to you soon

  • Jessica

    opps lots of typos sorry hope you can figure out what i'm saying.
  • Jessica

    Hi thanks for all the information. Yes I can come up with so many more like on average how long do the vacuum wigs last? Do you have to color them like do them fade fast from sun light?
    I totally agree my hair was just like your hair in your pictures ,it's always been on the thinner side and smooth and shinny. Right now I was thinking about leaving it alone until I can't hide the spots then I will shave it again. I guess I'd rather have no hair then really bad hair. So i've read they take a while to make so I would most likely just get a synthetic wig to carry me through, can you recommend a brand that's pretty good?
    So do you and your baby girl have big plans for the weekend? My husbands birthday is tomorrow so we will most likely hang out maybe go to dinner. you'll notice after kids your weekends become some what different fun and very enjoyable but different.
    How is your regrowth coming along? From your pictures it looks like your getting a lot. So you went AT? Like in my blog I've started losing body hair do you think that it's getting worse? I know it's hard to tell but I think my head hair has only stayed in this long becasue of the shots I guess only time will tell. I should have just let nature take it's course then if it came back then I would know it was real not just an induced remission from the injections.
    So how is the weather there from what the news says it's getting pretty bad.

    Thanks for all the support

  • Jessica


    Well sounds like you had a great day at the baby shower. It's must have been a great feeling to go in with your head held high and to be able to talk freely with everyone about alopecia. I wish I could do that when I shave my head I think it made some of my friends uncomfortable to be around me with out covering my head.
    So the vacuums last only 18 months or that's just how long before they need repairs? Do you have a few pieces? Oh all this really scares me I thought I was past all these feelings and was ok with anything that came my way but when it comes down to it I just feel so lost and alone. My husbans is totally fine with me not having hair and so are the kids it's me I feel like I'm losing part of who I was and I wont be the same. Please tell me it gets easier?
    On a lighter note do any of your friends have children? Jason and I were 21 and 22 when we got married and I got preggers with Grace 3 month later so we were like the only people in our group with kids. Our friends are just now having kids and getting married. I'm glad we started having our kids in our 20's cause now we are in our 30's and soon we will be able to really enjoy their teen years and be involved with their activities.
    I'm glad to be able to chat with you, I hope one day to have my act together with this hair loss and accept myself as I am.

    Have a great day

  • Jessica

    Doning much better i get kinda down around my time of the month lol . hope all is well with you and your little bumpkin missy D. talk to you soon.

  • Lorena

    Hi Casey Welcome! Delaney is beautiful! Spend as much time as you can laughing and smiling with her , they are little such a short time. Lorena..
  • Jessica

    Hey, I added some Pic of my kids just wanted to share them with you.
  • Jessica

    Hey Casey,
    I have a few more questions if you don't mind? So did your vacuum piece still fit during your pregnancy? I'm asking becasue I still have 20 lbs to lose and I've heard that sometime with alot of loss or gain it may not fit the same?
    Also I had a human hair wig and the texture was thick and on me had very little movement. It also was very hard style is that becasue it's not European hair. I'm just so scared that I will invest a ton of money in it and be disapointed again.
  • Jessica

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! I'm so sorry for bugging you with the same questions over and over. I'm just to scared I will end up with a really bad wig again. I wasted a !000 on the last one as you know with kids theres always something else that money could have gone to. But as you also know have good wig makes a wold of differnece.
    I had pulled out the wig the other day to see if I felt the same way about it still and Yep still hated it! So I donated it to the ACS maybe somene else will like it.
    So I went to a nearby slaon that sell wig and found a synthetic that maybe will work out until my hair either falls out totally or starts to regrow, Cause I'm getting the Vacuum for sure if it falls out I'll shave it like you did.
    So not having luck with the regrowth?? I just luv your vacuum so if your happier with that just go with it if not then growing it and waiting to see what happens is fine too I've been doing it for the last year. I'm just kind of sick of getting the shots just for a new spot to fall out.

    At this point in time the top of my head has a few little spot that are close together so it looks pretty thin. then one on the side of my head that you can't see and about 4 underneath that look like i may lose all of the bottom if they blend together. I feel like the rim of my head is falling out and I'll be left with a round hat of hair on the back like beenie.
    How cute would that be.

    So Blad Girls do lunch is coming to my area so do you think someone like us with regrowth are still aloud to go?? Would love to but don't want to piss anyone off.


    ps hows Miss DeLaney? they grow fast is she doing anything new.
  • Jessica

    So you didn't it! good for you! Whatever makes you feel better you should do. I know how you feel though, when i first shaved my head I was like what the world did i just do. After a day or so i was ok with it and actually put me at ease with the whole thing. I stopped looking for hairs all over the place which drove me crazy.
    Oh is DeLaney starting to giggle and smile oh i love that. Aiden has started with hitting and slapping yea! He thinks it's so funny.
    Jason and I had an opps so now I'm waiting to see if we will have number 4!! Oh my what did we do.
    So you think I should go? I would love to but don't want to have the other ladies to think why is she here.
    So how long does it take to get used to the heat from the vacuum wig?
    Well enjoy the weekend with your little darling.

  • Rachel

    Hey Casey - the wavy/curly wig is 'tousled beauty' by Forever Young. I tried to order brown, but they sent me blonde. Just wanted to give you a heads up - even with the correct color name - I still got the wrong color. It is definitely big on me - but, it was REALLY inexpensive, so I figured that it would be a fun wig.
  • Ken

    You're a sweetie. And you're so welcome. I'm just really responsive to seeing a mother who's sweet to her babies/children and I sense that's the case w/ you. It changes everything - everything - for a child when they have parents who respect, love and support them. Ummmm....wait, actually, I'm not sure if you're a sweetie or not. You see, I just remembered that you're a Barista. I know I live in Philly and all and we have attitude aplenty up here, but this new Barista at my corner Bux is ruining my morning Latte routine. She's actually a snarky bitch...always w/ the judgment...intentionally messing up my order. Now I think I'm leery of having a friendship w/ anyone who's a Barista. Are you a good Barista or a bad Barista? :)
  • Ken're a damn good Barista, huh? Tell me this - what are your thoughts on people ordering temps on their Lattes? Like, I mean, specific temps "132 degrees" or something like that, not just a general directive like "not too hot". And humor me - what's the worst order you've gotten? You know, the person who came in and was like "I'll have a half-chai, 1/4 decaf, 1/4 caf, part skim, part soy, mocha something-or-other...and make it 132.4 degrees" :)
  • Jessica

    Hi Casey,

    Happy Birthday!!!! Gosh don't blink you'll be an old lady like me soon.LOL
    So no baby here, at least not yet!! Am I Crazy or what? 4 kids what am I thinking, but after I found out I wasn't it really got us thinking about it and we do what one more to round out the number.
    How many babies do you want, guess it may be to early to tell. I'm sure your wondering how you'll be able to love another child as much as you love Delaney but you will.
    So she's trying to sit up ahh and eating her little piggies how cute!!! You better get pictures of it all and make a little scrap book of her as she grows. Oh and as she starts talking try to record her voice and you'll get to hear how it changes over the years. 10 years from now your gonna think how in the world did the time pass so fast and then you can look back on all the memories you've made with your baby girl. See, how can I not want another, my family is going to think we are nuts big time.
    What are you going to school for? Man you have guts I would love to go back and get a nursing degree but I'm pay too chicken to get back out there.
    So you'r getting used to your Vac again? How is it? I really want to get one when my hair falls out more but ok I can't even wear fake nails, i rip them off in like a day cause i can't stand them on and I feel like I can't breath in them Yes I know very strange.

    I'll write more later but gotta go Ava and Aiden just got up from their naps
  • Ken

    OK...I'm have mail!
  • Ken

    Mail! :)
  • Jessica

    r u still out there :)
  • Shana and Taylor

    You have a little baby!? Sooo cute!
  • Jessica

    Hey Casey,

    Not us to much here just busy with the kids. I did shave my head the other day and found many more spots that I'd never seen AHHH. No I'm doing well with no hair and am very open about it which helps I think.
    Did go take De Laney trick or Treating lol do you dress her up.
    what have you been up to?
    How is the Vacuum wig coming along are you used to it yet?
    I'm going to bald girls do lunch next week can't wait.
    Oh my oldests bday is next week I can't believe I'll have an 8 yr old.

  • Ken're so elusive! : ) Hope you're well and to hear back from you soon.
  • Rachel

    She is so beautiful!!!
  • Alexandra

    Casey....I'm so sorry it has taken me months to get back to you on your comment. I haven't checked this site since sometime in August I believe. I actually live in St. Cloud as well, we should try to get together sometime.
  • Jessica

    Hey you,

    We're doing great! How about you and Miss Delaney? Yeah I miss chatting with you but totally understand how you may be busy with you little bumpkin, she must be getting so big. How is everything with you?
    I will be getting my vacuum wig in April I am so excited to be getting it before summer so I will have more options when it comes to my hair. I don't mind my wig now but am so excited that the wind water ect wont bother me as much at least i wont think me hair will fly away or float off in the I really like you hair I am going to have to start gathering up ideas for my new do.

    well hope to hear from you soon

  • Jessica

    hey casey

    it's been a long time! I'm getting my vacuum next week i can't wait. oh and I will also be on the today show in May for alopecia with a few other women.

    how is life going for you and your little girl she must be so big now

    well hope all is well

  • Ken

    I received your comment. I'm sorry, have we met? ; ) Seriously, wtf have you been? Are you still reading my last email from, like, forever ago? Are you still messing up people's orders at Starbux? Is your daughter still the cutest baby ever? Am I still an 11 on the 'awesomeness' scale of 1-10?
  • Ken

    Casey - I'm such a tool! I replied on my own wall to your comment on my wall instead of putting my reply on your wall so you could see it. Seriously, wtf is wrong w/ me?! : ) Anyway, here's my reply to your last post: "OMG Casey, it's Cinco De Mayo, so it's hard for me to concentrate, but let me try to focus and respond. First, she's going to be 1 soon, isn't she? How amazing is that?! I can imagine how busy you are w/ school. When do expect to finish your GED? ; ) Oh and next time someone orders a latte, you could say "I'm sorry, Sir, we're all out of Latte today. Perhaps I can interest you in a Cappuccino?" OK and as for meeeeee: I travel all over the country and play poker. It's fkg awesome ~ Seriously. And I just saw your blog. :( Chica, I hear you on how you feel, but know that you're an incredible woman w/ a beautiful life ahead of you. How much or little hair you have has absolutely nothing to do w/ any of that. x"