Mary Sarra

61, Female

Kokomo, Indiana

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I started losing my hair about 12 years ago. Was married at the time, so it wasn't much of an issue. Still have a hard time telling people I don't know about it. Kind of hard to feel normal. Don't have anyone that I can really talk to about it here local. I have a 13 year old daughter and have avoided doing some things with her due to my hairloss. I do have a Freedom wig that I wear daily. That has made a difference, but since they are so pricey, one is all I have. Would like a couple so that when repairs are needed I still would have one to wear. Don't like synthetic. Always had panic attacks when I had to wear sythetic. Was afaid of heat, falling off, etc.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Drew

    Hi Mary, just wanted to say welcome!

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Mary, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Mary,
    How are you? Yes, falling wigs can be scary! There are ways you can make sure they stay on, though. I have some synthetics because they are great for travel and for when I work out. Also some human hair.
    I've had aa for over 30 years -- let me know if you need to talk!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Again,
    It's really easy to get my book! Go to my page and click the link, or go to and you'll get my author web site. Click "Buy My Book" on the left. You'll get a 30% discount! Let me know how you like it. I've been so happy that people are getting so much out of it, and enjoying the read!
  • Mandy

    Thanks for leaving me your kind comment. I am familiar with Karen P and the freedom hair. For now I'm not considering freedom hair simply because the cost is not possible for me. Also I'm not sure if I want to shave my head everyday to wear one. If I naturally lose all my hair I would consider it, but still cost would be an issue. I still need to find out if I like wigs at all. LOL. I will find out all these things in time, I'm sure.

    Hugs to you darlin. Anytime you need to vent you feel free to vent to me. ;o)

  • Reen


    I'm not sure if this helps you, but the organization is called "Children With Hairloss" They can be found at

    I managed to sneak in under the wire because I wasn't quite 21 when I was diagnosed. 21 is the age cut off for them.

    I'll keep my eye out. I hope you can find something soon!
  • Galvin

    Thank you soooo much Mary for the fantastic Steeler picture!

    On sunday night I hope everyone can put their problems on the shelf, pick
    a team (of course the Steelers are the best team to pick) and enjoy the

    They are selling Troy Polamalu (43) wigs here! They look funny on some
    of the fat white guys.
  • Just Me

    Hi Mary,
    I read your comment on one of the blogs discussing vaccum wigs. It sounds like you were not happy with your Peggy Knight system. If you do not mind, could you go into more detail about what was wrong. I recently purchased one (after wearing New Hair Tech for three years) and I am very unhappy. thanks.
  • Just Me

    Thank you for getting back to me so quickly.....I was really excited about my PK hairpiece when I got it. When I first tryed it on I felt that it fit kind of funny but I thought maybe I was just not used to the cap, so, I went ahead and had it styled and highlighted (extra few hundred I might add). Its been about three weeks since I started wearing it, and it really does not feel right. Right before I had my stylist appointment PK's customer service called to find out how I liked it. I could not really comment at that point, as I had not been wearing it yet. I did, however, ask if it was normal that the sides felt as if they were puckered a bit. The women I spoke to said yes, and that it would take a bit to "break in". Well, if that is the case, it should be broken in by now!!! I might add, the customer service rep appeared rushed and not that interested in what I had to say when I spoke to her. I must admit, I was a bit put off by that. I also did not really like the idea of having to alter the "fit cap" on my own. For all I know, I'm the one who screwed the thing up when I trimmed the fit cap. I am just dissapointed that I spent so much money to be this unhappy. I see that alot of people here wear New Freedom. Guess I will try them next, or just go back to New Hair. Thanks again.
  • Just Me

    Yeah, my next one will be from Freedom. I'm on the East coast, in MA, so I will contact the women in New Hampshire. Thanks again!!!!
  • Lee

    Hey! Noticed your comment about the bf situation. I can tell you what happened with mine, if you want....just let me know.
    Your a steelers fan too?? They are my FAVORITE!!!! ; )
  • Jennifer

    Hi Mary,

    Thanks for your note! My hair color is drk brown and my skin is kindof a medium average color. I choose eyebrows on the Blinkies brown eyebrow page. I don't have any brows and I've tried several colors and find at least for me the Crystal style works best. You may have to try a couple colors to find the right shade. Mine stay on from 2-3 days depending on what I'm doing. I actually do shower with them on and work out in them. You just blot them if you sweat but don't rub them. After I apply them I don't feel them at all. There's a video on their site that shows how to apply them and they sent me instructions, too. They're so cheap compared to othr eyebrows, you can't lose! Let me know what y9ou decide.

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Mary,

    Hope you have a Wonderful Birthday!!!
