

Farmingdale, NY

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
Mom to Olivia who has AA. She started losing her hair when she was 2 1/2 in 2008. By her third birthday in 2009 she was bald.
She is a fabulous child who is very popular and loved by many. She doesn't let the loss of hair get her down and after meeting her, you don't even think about it.
I spend a lot of time in Facebook and you can find me under my maiden name...SCHAFFRATH
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Sybil,

    Welcome to Alopecia World.
    You will find tons of support and info here.


  • Dotty

    Welcome Sybil,
    You have come to the right place. Welcome to AW. You are among friends who know exactly what you are going through and will do everything they can to help you through it. I hope you feel at home here and ask lots of questions. Hope to get to know you better.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Sybil and Olivia,

    Welcome to Alopecia World

  • Margie

    Hi Sybil,
    I glad you found AW. This site is what helped me pull it together when my 9 year old son got this last summer. It's so hard for a mom....I thought the tears would never stop. But you know what, these kids are really strong. Sometimes stronger than the parents. If I can offer one piece of advice it would be to do whatever you can to let her know this is nothing to be ashamed of. We have been very open about it and the understanding and empathy his friends have shown him is amazing. These kids are sticking up for him and supporting him at every corner. Please keep coming back to this site as you will find amazing support and answers to so many of your questions. Stay strong :)

  • Cindy

    HI Sybil..I am Cindy and have a 7 yr old daughter. She has been dealing with this for almost 2 yrs now. It is a lot to absorb and take in. It really takes time to come to a level of acceptance Your daughter is beautiful and always let her know that. We have been fortunate that Samantha has always been very accepting of Alopecia and she does let it stop her from doing anything she wants. You will meet many wonderful people here. How is your daughter doing? And what has the doctor suggested? take care,Cindy
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Sybil,

    Check out CAP Childrens Alopecia Project as well as
    Hope all is going well.

  • Margie

    WOW, I applaud your strenght. That's wonderful. Is the foam Clobetasol? This is what Casey has been using and it has worked wonderfully for the regrowth. Our only problem has been that as soon as we cut back on the usage he does lose the regrowth and we know we can't use it on an ongoing basis. Casey and I have talked and we are probably going to give his body a break from the meds for a while and see what happens. Casey also started out with the entire underside from ear to ear. You sound like a wonderful mom and I'm sure your daughter will be fine with or without hair because of your strenght :)
  • Cindy

    Hi Sybil..You sound a lot like me..I was afraid to wash and brush her hair because it made me sick to see all the hair fall out and I'd cry as I did it w/o Sam seeing and I never called the doctor either. But, I was very persistent to find a doctor to try to help Samantha. I took her to 3 doctors before I found the one for us. Don't be afraid to keep going to different doctors. I also can relate to your fears about your daughter being teased. NY is a hard place to live in..I see your in Farmingdale. I am from Floral Park. I have vitialgo which I developed as a teenager. Kids were so mean. I think it is because of that I don't tell people that Sam is bald or let people that are not real friends see her without her head covered. I live in a small town and she always has her head covered. I don't want my daughter to be the topic of someones morning coffee conversation. We are fortunate that her hair is growing right now. You have to figure out what is going to be best of your daughter and your family as far as treatment. You just don't know what is going to work. Something different works for everyone and nothing work for some. Figure out what you want to invest in. I met a mom on this board who took her daughter to a doctor in Garden City who is supposed to be an Alopeica Specialist. Would you like me to get the number for you or I can ask her to post it to you? Hang in there..Cindy
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Sybil,

    Keep talking with other parents here on AW.
    Have a great day!!!

  • Cindy

    The doctors over there by LIJ are usually pretty good. That area has changed so much since I was a child. I used to work at JCP and it is gone now..Just curious, what is there now? I will email the mom to contact you. She is on here. The things is that the doctors just don't have the answers and there is no cure. Alopecia is a mystery, but I say keep finding a doctor until you find your answers. Best of luck and write anytime. Cindy
  • Cindy

    Your too funny!!!!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Sybil,
    How are you and Olivia doing today?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hey, let me know how you like it! And also how both of you are doing...I care!
  • Maureen

    Hi Sybil, I am here on long Island too. I live in Medford.
    My son has AA , his started when he was 3 years old he is now 20 and it has made him a better person all the way around!!!! I know it is going to be hard but u just have to try your hardest to focus on what u can control. If u need anything just let me know, Always here to help, Very best to u all, Maureen
  • Karen

    All parents are a bit lost when it comes this. Amber was diagnosed when she was three too. She is now five so we have been dealing with this for 2 years now. It does get easier but that saying that Amber has grown her back so in the mean time, we are just holding our breaths. I remember that I hated taking her to friend's houses or parties because it would mean that I had to explain to people what this is all about. I avoided it constantly but I knew that I had to expose her to this so that she will be able to cope with it herself especially when growing up.

    After months of feeling sorry for myself and her...I ventured out and it was not that bad. We got her hair coverings and wigs and all that and allowed her to do whatever she wanted to do with her hair. Tough I know but it took baby steps for me. I think it is a process that we as parents have to all go through. But I always comfort myself by saying...that I rather take alopecia any day than any other children's illnesses that parents have to go through.
  • Christine Messner

    I know how you feel..My son Kyler just turned 2 and he was diagnose with AA about 14-15 weeks ago and now he's about 70% hair loss. I wish people wouldn't stare..It REALLY bothers me,I feel over protective of him when we are out and about.
  • Angie, Gracie's mom

    Happy birthday to Olivia on Monday! She shares Grace's name, but my son Jackson's bday is on 5/17--one year older though. Hope you all have a great day! Angie
  • Cindy

    Hi Sybil..How did your Mother's Day go? I emailed the mom to get the doctor info in Garden City but haven't heard back from her. Did she email you? Her name is Megan and daughter is Paige.
  • Angela Varnum

    Hi Sybil..
    First Happy Birthday to your beautiful little Olivia! If you ever need a pick-me-up just let me know and I will be there to listen, talk, laugh or cry. I know it is hard. Stay strong!
  • Cindy

    Hi Sybil, the mom I was telling you about gave me the name of the doctor, but she said she left disappointed the second time she saw him. He did not remember her daughter for the 2nd visit and left upset. If you want the name I will give it to you. let me know..