Simone La Sure-Clark


Covington, GA

United States

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About Me:
Hi Everyone!Well I have had alopecia since November and I lost every piece of hair on my head.I was so scared and I thought i had a serious illness.It broke my heart,but since I have been seeing my dermo my hair has grown back almost three iches(not perfect but its there=P)!I thought it was gone forever and I thought I was alone but now I realize that there are others like me and I'm here to give support!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Dionne Smith

    Hi Simone,

    Nice to "meet" you. Glad to hear your hair grew back. That gives me hope. I've lost hair on both sides of my head and in the back. My dermatologist has me on Rogaine for women and a beta cream. I do see a couple of white hairs sprouting in the bald spots, so that makes me hopeful. I'm wearing a wig now to cover the bald spots. I get very frustrated at times with being bald and my self esteem takes a toll. I need lots of encouragement to know that I can overcome the worry and pain of alopecia areata. Good luck with that hair growth!
  • Amit

    Hello Simon Welcome aboard ! What kind of treatment are you getting ?
  • Linda

    Hi Simone, welcome to alopeciaworld!
  • Dionne Smith

    Beautiful words of encouragement and so true. I'm already cheering up. Please stay in touch.
  • MattiasP

    Hey Simone!
    Welcome to Alopecia World!
    Wow, regrowth so soon after the onset. Sweet! I wish I had your dermatologist :) Would really like to hear what treatment you're getting.

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Simone!
    How are you today?