Kristen Viveros

44, Female

Canton, OH

United States

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About Me:
I am Native American Cherokee Indian and the love of my life is Mexican. We have 5 beautiful children between the two of us. I have two from a previous marriage and he does also and then we have one together. I was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata on May 12, 2009. I was also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia Disease on the same day. Although I have just recently been diagnosed with Fibro, I have been dealing with the pain and other symptoms for 4 years. I am very familiar with Alopecia Universalis because my best friend Clara has been dealing with this since she was 12. I was the girl who watched her back in junior high school and beat up all the kids who liked to snatch her wig off and laugh. Now we get to look out for each other. I am very comfortable being bald. I chose not to wear wigs, I think that people need to get used to seeing me bald. I love my bandannas and that's just the way it is. A friend once told me "Hair is so over-rated!" lol (thanx C@). No matter what happens in my life, I have been able to hold my head high and swim to the other side. I'm not sure where I get so much confidence, but it's a great feeling to be able to be myself and not care what other people think. People may say what they want, it doesn't effect my life. As my husband says "I don't eat from your pocket so why should I listen to what you say." In other words, I take care of myself and you are not going to tell me how to live my life. I am here on Alopecia World to share my experiences and learn something new from someone else. Feel free to comment on whatever you feel like commenting on. I always enjoy reading someone else's experiences in life with Alopecia and/or Fibromyalgia.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

Comment Wall:

  • Lindsay

    hi kristen :) thank you for the friend request! how are you doing? you know what? I have had alopecia most of my life but it was always balding on the bottom of my head and u could never see it, and actually it didnt bother me that much.... but then a year ago, it all fell out, and it was quite rapid...... it scared the shit out of me, and i totally understand what you are going through...... if u ever need to talk to someone, i am here.... have a lovely day!
  • lynne

    hey how r u, i see you've recently lost some of u hair aswell, i hope ur doin ok, i only have some strands left on my head lost most of it in less than 2wks, was the scariest thing ive ever dealt with, but i have taken it pritty well altho im alot quieter these days, ive bn off work for a few wks i go bak next wk so very nervous, but im sure i'll be fine,

    hope to hear from u sn, take care, x
  • anabela pimenta

    hi,kristen!how r u doing?just wanted to let you know that you look beautiful with or wthout hair.welcome!
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Kristen,

    Welcome to Alopecia World.

  • lynne

    hey, so how r u copin now, im doin ok i think, sometimes im not sure myself,
    but like u i got my sister to shave my head 2nite as i to had lots of strands left and it didnt look very nice, and its so much easier wearin my scarf to,
    isnt it such a cruel thing to happen to people, but i try to tell myself that im not ill but its still very difficult to understand and to accept, hope ur ok, x
  • Lindsay

    that is exactly what I did! :) last april actually, it was really bad and i had to shave it, and then it all fell out anyways..... and i bet u will begin to enjoy some parts of it, not having to worry about doing your hair, and showers feel so cool on a bald head, and also when u are in a car and the wind is blowing on your head, that feels cool too! :) im very proud of you for taking that step, i know how hard it is..... we are a strong bunch, us alopecians!!! <3
  • lynne

    thats great, im goin for wigs myself, i did wear 1 of my friends on a nite out but was very hot and i had to keep checkin it was still on,
    would prefer a human 1 as they get fitted to ur head,
    anyways all th best on ur venture out, hope u feel much better now, catch up sn, x
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Kristen,
    How are you doing?
  • Jesus Chick and Mom-Abre

    that's awesome that you decided to shave your head. I shaved my head about a month ago and i love it. It's a lot better than watching your hair fall out everyday. I too prefer not to wear my wig. I go to school bald, people either except me for who i am or just shun me out. that just means that they are missing out on a really great person. Keep your head up.
  • Linda

    Hi Kristen, your children are beautiful, I have Native American blood also, just three generations back. Welcome to AlopeciaWorld, it's full of support!
  • Jesus Chick and Mom-Abre

    hey Kirsten! about how to tie your scarf~ i did nothing fancy, i just tied a tight knot in it and turned it to the side! hope you're doin' good!
  • Anastasia

    Hello, Kristen I'm glad that alopecia is not getting you down. I wish I could personally get to that point. Hopefully I will one day. I hope things get better for you physically. Take Care and God bless.
  • Anastasia

    I hadn't realized I was having a hard time with it until recently.

    I've had alopecia since I was very young, and my personality formed around it. I was ridiculed for being bald. The teasing at school was horrible (even teachers laughed), but at home was much worse. My mother and brothers would sit around for hours making bald jokes and laughing at me. I would hide in the attic or in my room.

    When I became an adult I figured it was all over. I never discussed my hair or alopecia with anyone. However ,I realized recently the behaviors I used to protect myself as a kid are still there. I live my life in a way that keeps people at a distance. Even the ones I consider as friends. I don't really give people a chance to get close to me. In fact I just sat my best friend of ten years down on Wed. and told him about my alopecia, my childhood, and why I act the way I do.
  • Jamie

    Hey you! Yeah, I'm still shaving it. I let it grow a few days to see if it all comes back, but I still get these big spots, so I just shave it off. I kinda like it actually. So many people have told me how beautiful I am, and I love that. I go to a great church and everyone there is so supportive, so I'm blessed to have that, plus my family is very supportive too. I'm so sorry for what happened to you when you were little! I hope you know that it is their burden to bear, not yours. What I know it's easier said than done, I was molested and went through a terrible eating disorder, bad decisions, alcohol, etc. I'm so much better now, and I hope that you are getting some help too. You are beautiful, and God made us this way for a reason...He doesn't make mistakes, sister, not everyone can sport the bald look and still look good! You are loved, and you call on me anytime you need to!!
  • Mary

    A couple of months after I shaved my head, just before I lost my eyebrows and lashes (so I look different on the show), I got an email through a local alopecia support group. Bravo TV sent out a casting call for women in the LA area who are bald due to AA to apply to be a model on this episode. I sent in my photos and talked with them on the phone, and got in. It was filmed the end of March 2008, but didn't air until July.

    I'm a different person now....
  • lynne

    hello, how r u doin, i have been readin ur blogs and really feel for u, i hope ur doin ok tho, i also think im losin more hair around my body as it seems like its gettin thinner, my eyebrows and down below, im also very scared of this happenin, i hope we can help each other thro this, i dont think i can talk to my friends n family about it, speak sn x
  • Jesus Chick and Mom-Abre

    hey kirsten! how's it going? i just looked at "my friends". i saw you were online. i hope everything is goin' good for you. have you checked out my mom's page. her name is Stephanie Kuykendall. talk to you soon.
  • Jesus Chick and Mom-Abre

    kirsten, same thing here! i haven't gotten back to you in a while. sorry. i have been doing fine. how about you? hope everythings fine.
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Kristen,

    Thanks for your coments.
    How is you day going?

  • JeffreySF

    Oh Good!!! I'm glad you got the passports.
    When is the move?

  • Ana

    Hi Kristen, thanks for the love and support. Yes, I am Latina, born in the Dominican Republic...I know, I know...Dominican hard to believe. LOL. Sure all the support is welcomed. For the first time ever since I have been diagnosed I am actually seeking support from others that share the same emotional stresses I do.

    Keep in touch!
  • Ana

    Awww, thanks Kristen for the compliment. Thank you. The only reason why I said it's hard to believe is because noone believes me when I tell them LOL. So you're moving soon you said, I hope everything goes well for you in the move to Mexico. We'll surely keep in touch.