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About Me:
Hello Everyone!
I'm an alopecian, however I dont wish to say I suffer from it. It started off as Alopecia areata, just a few spots that would normally never grow and always come back. However last year, these spots took over my whole head. Just as i was about to shave it all off, it started growing back. I lost over 50% of my hair then. The past month, my alopecia started coming back, very aggressively, and i've now lost pretty much all my head hair. i've also noticed spots on my arms and underarms. I'm making do with wigs at the moment, and am saving up for a vacuum wig. I've been very open about my alopecia, as I dont feel ashamed of somethign I can't control.

I consider myself lucky to have alopecia, and not something more serious or life threatening. It takes time to adjust and accept alopecia and to be ok with it. How other's deal with my alopecia is out of my control, and the only thing i can control, is how i deal with it. I'm trying not to let it rule or ruin my life. so far, so good :)

Please stop by and say gday, and if tehre's anyone here from Australia, please send me a message and say hi so we can share ideas :)

Many thanks :)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Sporty! I have universalis, too. How are you doing today?
  • Cherylnz

    Hi SportyAusGirl

    Welcome to Alopecia World
  • Angela Jackman

    hey!!! well it's a tough journey and no easy way to get through it....other than putting a smile on your face - and some bright lip stick.... I actually draw my eyebrows on with an Avon retractable glimmerstick - it's dark brown - then I dab my eye brows with a loose face powder - a clinic one - I use a sponge and dab it on so it softens the look and they don't look so drawn on... I use the revlon liquid eye liner to give my eye definition - the revlon liquid eye liner has a small length to the brush and is easy to control around your eye - I rarely poke myself in the eye now!!!!! :-))

    Feel free to ring or contact me anytime.....

  • Angela Jackman

    I don't wear a wig at all - I just get on with my life... that doesn't mean you shouldn't wear a wig... each to their own.... you sound like you are coping very well in a very tough situation.... well done - your attitude will be your saviour!!!

    Be strong xxx Ange
  • Karina Louise

    Hi there,
    I am another Aussie, but I am living overseas at the moment. Whereabouts in Oz are you? I like your attitude about this whole alopecia thing :)
  • KD

    HEY SPORTY !!! WASSUP ?? :)
  • Angela Jackman

    my make up takes no time now - foundation right over my head so even out freckles and blemishes and then I draw the eyebrows on.... just practise... my advice practice drawing them on at the end of the day when you are not in a rush and you can walk around and look at yourself a few times to see if you like them or if they are straight!!!! I am scared to have mine tattooed as I fear someone making a mess of the job then I would have to deal with that also!! plus if I don't want to wear make up.... I wonder what I would look like with just eye brows? LOL guess I'd have to have eye liner tattooed on also... more money.....
  • Jennifer Krahn

    I just wanted to thank you for your positive comments. I am teaching grades 10-12 in science and Biology. It's a tough crowd at times but totally fun. I'm a mother of two young kids as well so I am in a tough debate as to stay home with them or continue teaching. I was feeling extremely worn down and stressed before the alopecia hit and so wondering if the stress had anything to do with it. I do agree with your sentiments in that I'm glad it is only hairloss and not something more. It has let me reflect for the first time in a long time as to what is truly important in my life. Thanks again for the encouragement. You are truly inspirational.
  • Jill

    Thanks for the compliement. I like it. I get it from Hans Wiemann. It's a hair replacement center. They have a website too if you want to check them out.
  • Aja Eliazar

    hi i just wanted to ask if you wanted to add me,because i am 13 yrs old and suffer from alopecia areata. so would you please add me.thank you.
  • Fitzy

    Hi, yea it would be great un fortunately i dont know much more about it...matty isnt on here but if you go to the foundations site it has an email address you can use to keep ion contact with him.
  • Aja Eliazar

    i cover it up by using hair that still is on my head.
  • Sharon

    Hi there Nadia thanks so much for leaving us a message and yea we are all the same lol........aussies..........kiwis lol.........but we won't say it tooo loud lol.

    Nicole is a constant source of inspiration to us all and we love her to bits. I am also a teacher..........what age do you teach I am lucky enough to teach year 3/4 7-9 yr olds.

    I see you were asking questions about eyebrows I get Nicoles from headcovers in the states go check out their website if you haven't already.

    Take care
  • Hayley Burton

    Hey thanks for the comment!
    No, unfortunately my regrowth only lasted 6 months or so, and I'm back to being smooth now! But I don't mind :-) And I'm getting my vaccuum wig very soon...yay!

    Hope you're well xxx
  • Lee

    Hi Nadia,
    It depends on what kind of wig that you have. I would not sleep in an expensive one, especially a vacuum wig. I slept in mine probably 10 times, and it caused a lot of damage. However, if you want, you can sleep in a cheaper one. I told my bf right away about my AU, but I still wasnt comfortable being bald around him, so first I slept in my vacuum wig, then realized that was bad. So then, I started changing into my cheap wig at night. Then I eventually took the wig off. So that he could get used to it.slowly ; )
  • Paige

    I love your attitude and it is the attitude I am trying to help my daughter choose. It's so interesting to see the distinct types of attitudes on this site. There are those that have adapted a "poor, angry, bitter me" attitude and then there are those like yourself that have the attitude of "ok, I have this, but it does not define who I am". Attitude is a choice and it is so obvious that when you choose a positive, happy outlook, overall, your life follows the same path. And vice versa. As the mom of a 12 year old who is looking on this site daily and seeing different attitudes, I want to thank you for being an awesome role model to her.
  • Sharon

    Hiya yes they are a wonderful age, they still luv ya lol.

    You buy the glue from the same place as you get the eyebrows from and they stay on as long as the glue sticks all day definately. Nicole did sleep in hers one night and the next morning found one on the pillow and the other behind her ear lol.................she was so funny when she was telling me lol we all had a good giggle about that.

    Take care Sharon
  • Brittney

    Hey! I get my hair pieces from a guy in Orlando, he's been doing my hair for about 5+ years now. I'll find out the exact name of the piece when I go in next wees, and I'll get back to you. My eyebrows come and go. Right now I have them, and in my pics too, but they're falling out again. And, I hate it! Drawing on my eyebrows is one of my least favorite things in the entire world. I think it looks so fake, and ugly! So, I'm praying somehow they'll stay. And, no I don't have any eyelashes. Thanks for saying they look real, though. I miss them so much! I use liquid eye liner. You can get it from any store, like Walmart or Target. Let me know if you have any other questions. Nice to mee you! -Brittney
  • Paula

    Hi there, when I just had the initial patch, I received injections once and then stopped because the hair loss was too diffuse. I alternate using nizoral shampoo and clobex shampoo every other day, and then rogaine at night. I believe the nizoral and clobex have helped clear up my scalp, which was a little red and irritated. i've only used rogaine for about a month so i'm not sure if the hair growth i'm seeing now is from that (i think it usually takes longer). i also get acupuncture and am taking biotin and an iron supplement. hope that helps!
  • Anna Harmbi

  • Rachel

    Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I was actually having a rough day today too. Now that I have some regrowth, the only way that I can style it is in a little faux-hawk. Since I started this, I've have lots of women glare at me or give me a mean stare!!! Way more people then when I was bald. I don't know if they think I'm trying to be a punk or what. But, I was getting really tired of the glares and was thinking about putting my wigs back on, but your words were exactly what I needed! I like my little faux-hawk and will still wear it, even if I get stares from women.
  • Kayla Adkins

    thanks alot for the add and my wig came from glamour chicks in the mall it wasn't to expensive
    it was only 357.00 but they fitted it and its more comfortable than ever all the others i have had just didnt fit right made me not even want one but this 1 is just great .. so far its just AA that i know of but it's horrible but things could be worse i am just so happy to have a guy who doesn't care if i have hair or not ... i was looking at your pic's and you are totally beautiful dont let this get you down.. you ask if everyone else has shitty days hun every day has been a shitty day for me at school this year i am now trying to get home schooled i cant take it no more i just know one of the girls are going to rip my wig off my head if they done that i am not sure i'd ever show my face in public again
    I am always here if you need to talk
    p.s God Bless you Kayla
  • Drew

    Hey thanks for the comment earlier. I'm not a teacher yet, currently going to uni for it, so it's a busy time right now. One month until I'm done for the summer though so I'm excited.

    How are things in Aussieland?
  • Anastasya

    Hello Sporty!!!

    I'm from Ukraine.
    Agree with you! Wig be very difficult, but after a while)))
    You vakkumny wear a wig? We have no such.
    I wear a wig of natural hair. He makes me to order.
    Ask for what you are interested. We are pleased to answer;))
  • Bel

    Hi Sporty, where about's in aus are you? I'm in Melbourne. I found my very first patch end of Feb this year and as you would know freaked out a little, well sense then, i have a couple more patches now and have lost lots of my hair, I was able to cover it all, but is getting a bit harder now and i can really feel how thin it is. I'm at the point I dont know what way to go, would love to be strong enough just to shave my hair and get a nice wig, but not quite that strong yet.

  • Bel

    Hey, I'm not doing so well today, my hair is getting thinner and thinner by the day and it's freaking me out! The patches, one day feel like it is prickly and the next it feels as smooth as anything, so I dont know if it actually growing back.
    Part of me wants to shave what is left off and get a wig, so then I dont freak out everytime I touch my hair, but on the other hand Im not sure Im strong enough just yet.
    I have told a couple of people at work but not many and debating wether to tell more.
    How are you doing?
  • Bel

    hi, how are you going?
    Im doing okay, still have bad days (mostly in the morning when i have to try and do something with my I think my right eyebrow is starting to go...nnnnnoooooooo.
    Just wanted to drop you a line to see how you are going.
    Do you ever get over to Melbourne?
    Bel x
  • Stacey

    Hello there, we meet again!
  • Jennifer Krahn

    Hey there.
    How are things going with you? I recently resigned from teaching. Not due to the AA, but the AA gave me some time to realize that I was doing too much. I have a 4 and 2 year old at home and they were shuffled off to daycare during the week and both my hubby and I being teachers were just too busy. Since making the decision to stay home everyone, including myself are way happier...and I LOVE teaching. In terms of the AA, I'm losing hair everywhere!! My head is now shaved but my brows and lashes appear to be disappearing. All is well emotionally thus hope it stays this way. How is your AA? I'm hoping you are feeling better than the last blog. It sucks, wish I never had this condition either.
  • Nikita

    It is nice to meet someone from Australia. I live in Melbourne btw, love the attitude to hair loss xox
  • MiNAH

    However, I have to shave every day if I wish to wear the prosthesis. So I don't!
    If it's too hot, all you do is remove it and wipe it dry.
    All I that I just got upgraded on a flight back to the USA and wonder if it had to do more with my new prosthesis.
    I wonder had i gone on bald..would I have had the upgrade.
    Cause they kept on saying I had such beautiful HAIR.
    I just said "thankyou"
    After all..I have never been treated like a princess by any man until that flight!
    Thankyou Qantas!
    check out my profile,picz,video and daughter singing.