Bonnie Ajan


Abita Springs, LA

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Heather L

    Hi Bonnie,

    Welcome to Alopecia World! I am sure you will find this site to offer lots of support and help! I also have AA....and am hopeful too!!

    Have a great day,
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Bonnie!
    How are you today?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Sweetie, I know how hard alopecia can be...
    you know, it might help you to read my book. After I became the spokesperson for the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, a lot of women were needing my help and support, so I wrote a book called, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" You can find out more on my page -- and it's available on this site under "Bookshelf." Let me know if there's anything else I can do!
  • Heather L

    Hello Bonnie,

    Great to hear from you. I know exactly how you feel it is very difficult to stay positive. I have shared that I have AA with those around me and that was helpful. Felt like I didn't need to hide- and the response was very supportive too! Surprising no one I told ever said it is only hair! thank goodness - that would probably made me stop sharing b.c is shows a huge lack of understanding.

    Do you have a support group in your area? that may be helpful...

    I see my doc every few months and the cycle stays pretty consistent. I do find the steroid foam helps to keep the size of the spots small. Right now I am treating 4 spots each night with it. And I have a couple of spots that have enough hair now that I no longer need to use it on those. Are you using any kind of treatment?

    Well I'm off to do a little much needed exercise!!
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Bonnie,
    Welcome to alopecia world. I have a 6 yr old with alopecia and I know what a struggle it can be.
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Thank you Bonnie,
    I know it can be difficult for adults as well. As her mother I just wish I could go through it instead of my daughter. Last week she showed me another bald spot she discovered and started crying. It took all I had not to cry with her. It will be a struggle but I know we will all get through this.
    Thank you so much for your prayers.
  • Tony

    Amazing Grace...what a beautiful name for your horse. She looks to be in fine shape. Somehow, I get the feeling that she gets a lot of attention...don't they all. 'Junior', the horse in my pic was a rental up in the Adirondacks. Haven't ridden in a few years. Still have my saddle though, hoping to have something under it again in the near future.
  • Tony

    Funny how when the right name just seems to present itself. Yeah, horses are like potato chips...can't have just one. We started with one TW and ended up with three. I lost 'custody', as it were. No memory foam. I came by an Abetta Endurance Saddle. Big difference compared to the english saddles we seemed to acquire...and small ones at that.
  • Heather L

    Hi Bonnie!

    That's how it was for me- when I started I just had one spot. then a few months later a couple more popped up. Now that is pretty much the pattern for me.

    My five year nephew has the most gorgeous head of hair I've ever seen! It is so shiny and thick- anyway he rubs his head on my head hoping I will "catch" his hair! ha ha!

    Your new pics are great!

    any plans this weekend? (this week flew!)
  • Heather L


    Sounds like a nice weekend planned. I don't know a thing about horses- unless loving them from afar counts for anything! So is a Tennessee Walker just a breed of horse?? When I was little I begged for horse- I tried to convince my mom that I would keep it in the garage and promised to walk it before and after school!! Obviously I didn't get one! Ha.

    I recently went to see my cousin's daughter in NC - who was competing in a horse show (she is 10). This is her second year and she loves it. As she was giving me the tour around the barn - the horse she leases...came running up to her! I was so pleasantly surprised by that- I didn't know they responded to people like that! Kind of like dogs do! And her horse has a thing for licorice!! cute! I had a great time! Also remember what beautiful eyelashes that pony had--sweet soulful eyes! Really awesome experience!

    Fiance sounds like a keeper! I'd be surprised if hair would make or break a relationship! So what kind of dogs do you have?

    Shew- you are busy with a November wedding coming up! It will be here in flash! I'm sure that is a fun thing to plan with your daughter!!! Planning a big wedding? How about you- are you wedding plans also under way?
  • Heather L


    Ha- jump out of an airplane! Isn't marriage already enough of a leap of faith! I like your idea of a cruise! The only one I ever went on I loved. (it was to Alaska). Have you ever been on one?

    When you go to NC- which part do visit? I go to Winston Salem- that is where my grandmother lives.

    Funny you mention horses getting spooked- as you know I wanted a horse when I was little- so when it was my 7th b-day my mom set up a day or horseback riding for my family. Well my dad is a bit of a character- and NOT a child or animal friendly person- so he was pissed at the whole idea.

    So picture this.... he is half drunk, has long cigar sticking out of his mouth and gets on the horse and says to our guide "where's the steering wheel"- as fate would have it- the horse in front of his stepped into a bee hive and started kicking. And it kicked my dad's horse which made it take off running! The horses were all ok. But My dad was hanging on for dear life and no one could stop his horse. My sister, mom and I laughed ourselves till we had tears running down our faces! Served him right! ha ha !!

    Any weekend plans?

  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Bonnie,
    Thank you for the beautiful comment. I hope to put up some more recent pics of her soon. the ones I put up were from last year. I need to develop my film. I've been putting it off. :)
  • Heather L

    Hey Bonnie,

    How was your weekend? Spending time at the farm sounds therapeutic to me!! Animals always have that effect. :) My westie sounds a lot like your lab! He is also 13- and I"m sure given the chance he would chase horses too. (he thinks he is so tough!) I've noticed in the last month or so that his hearing isn't what it used to be. I have shake him awake- he doesn't hear my calling him anymore-- unless he is faking and just wants to sleep in. I've been know to that a time or two!

    Wow- the road in NC sound both fun and maybe a little dangerous! I like bikes- but don't understand the degree that a few of my friends get into them. Do you like to ride with your fiance? or prefer to drive? How far is NC from you?

    The Eastern Caribbean cruise sounds awesome! I don't have any cruise plans in the near future but would really love to do a Mediterranean Cruise! I do recommend the Alaskan one if you get the chance! The best part for me was the helicopter ride to the top of a glacier and getting spend time at a dog camp!! I actually got to "mush" .... I was ready to join the Iditarod! ha ha....They had a slogan there that read "Alaska: Where Men are Men and Woman win the Iditarod"

    Talk to you soon!
  • Heather L

    Yahoo- peach fuzz is GREAT news! Everyone of my spots that has "healed" started with fuzz! Give it just a little time and you will see that fuzz turn to white hair then- "normal" color hair!! :)!

    My kinda girl- driving the motorcycle! I tend to be that way too- want to be in control of my own fate. Funny b/c have your ever read on some pub-med studies that AA types have a tendency to be control freaks! ha!

    Sorry you and Brian lost your plane- I'm sure that was fun! Although I tend to get nervous when I fly- don't really like it. But not at all the the point that It would keep me from going any where.

    Have you taken a trip in the new motor home yet? If you ever do come my way - please let me know!! It would be great to meet. :)

    It's Friday again! Any weekend plans? I've got a bunch of yard and house work to catch up on this weekend!

    Hope you are having a good day!!
  • Heather L

    Me again!

    I did not notice your new photo's until after I sent my message! I LOVE THEM!! They are beautiful! You could make a Christmas card out of them! :)
  • Heather L

    Good morning!

    Any plans today? I guess being on a farm- taking care of the animals are always on the schedule! :)

    I have a haircut appointment this morning- I think I need to give in and have a little length cut off- don't want to! BUT think it might make my hair look fuller- sucks! Afterwards I'm having lunch with my sister and her little boys. Which is perfect b/c if I am pouting over my haircut- the boys always cheer me up!! They are silly!

    yes- snow in Louisiana threw me! I didn't think that ever happened??? Did you grow up in LA?

    Hope you have a great day!
  • Heather L

    Hello Bonnie!

    How are you? Still seeing more peach fuzz growing?- hope so! :)

    Have a wonderful July 4th! Any plans?

  • Heather L

    SHEW- have you got a lot going on!!! If we lived closer I take you out for a drink! :)

    I am so sorry about your friend! Very sad!! I am glad you got the see him/her for lunch... did you know they were sick?

    OUCH- I can even imagine how bad that hurt Brian's finger- I've banged a finger here or there and it hurt like hell....and I didn t' break anything! It's a wonder he didn't throw that dumbbell against the wall!

    Not sure what to think about your daughter's wedding being off- from your comment it sounds like a good thing?? Either way I'm sure it is hard for her- never easy for a relationship good or bad to end. And you can't have to many mother hens! :) That's great how close your children are- a testament to you!!

    Congrats on the hair growth-- so exciting! I'm rooting for you--- sending positive thoughts your way!

    So what did you end up doing for the 4th? I went to the beach. ( Ocean City MD) Got lucky with some wonderful and unusually cool temps! (High 70's) It was way to crowed to enjoy the beach- but tried anyway. The fireworks were great and convenient. We could see them from the balcony so no traffic for us!!! :)

    I'm off tomorrow- looking forward to spending some time with my nephews. Do you have any plans this week?

    Hope you are well!!
  • Heather L

    Hi Bonnie,

    It's been a while - how are you?? Getting a little time to enjoy the summer?

    How's the re-growth in your two big spots? Want to hear some good news.... :)

    How is your daughter- is the wedding still off? I'm sure she still has her "mother- hens" helping her through...

    No idea how long it will take for Brian's shattered pinky to heal....sounded so bad! How is he??

    Just thinking about you- hope all is well!!

    Have a great day,
  • Heather L


    Yes all is going well here. It's been hot and humid- so we keep getting rocked with thunderstorms! Had a wild one this morning... another "auntie em" moment. Worked alot around the house this weekend- not fun but sure feels good now that it is done.

    Congrats on the new grand child due in Nov! Is everything ok with the pregnancy? - scaring to have to be in the hospital- will she need to stay on bed rest?