
38, Female


United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
hi my name is jenna i am 23 yrs old. i have had alopecia areata since the age of 7. i just recently got married to the love of my life jerry. i really love to just have fun party and spend time with the Lord. i love my friends and family and especially jerry. i am simply a real country girl i love bluegrass and country music you name it i will listen. i stay at home so yeah im a house wife but it gives me time to work on my book and spend time with my family. i live in the smallest part of Georgia, so yeah its little. all my friends call me queen of the bald or jen. i am also writing a book about my life with alopecia areata and a book of poetry that someday i hope to get both published but its hard to find a publisher. me and jerry have 2 dogs~ coco and jager, jager is one year and coco is 7months and she is a black pug. i love my life and i couldn't be happier.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • sgomez

    Hey, welcome! You are too cute!:-) Congradulations on your engagement! I married the love of my life ten years ago. We also love the Lord, and he has helped us to sustain and have a solid foundation in our marriage.
    So do you go bald, or do you cover up? I personally prefer wigs. I love hair! I lost all my hair when I was 5, and I'm now 31. It's so nice to meet you via Alopecia world! Take care, and I hope you have a great wedding day, and marriage. GB, Sarah
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Jen, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Jenna! How wonderful your life sounds! Blessings on your upcoming marriage. How are you today?
  • claire

  • Drew

    Hi Jen, just wanted to say welcome!

  • sgomez

    Hello new friend! That's so great that you are so comfortable being bald. I'm not that brave. I wear my wig everywhere, eccept to the gym. I cover up w/ a scarf. I'm so glad I found this place too! I joined in May. I have met so many new friends, and have been so inspired and uplifted by them.
  • Dawn

    So nice to meet you!!! I too live in GA!! Way out in the sticks!!
    Reading post like yours really gives hope!! Congratulations on your engagement!!!!
  • Jennifer

    i do remember i have a pic of you with a big group of us at the dance hanging in my room. it is great to see you here. talk to you soon
  • Jennifer

  • Jennifer

    of couse iam. im already making plans houston here i come in 365 days
  • Dawn

    I live outside/ around Brunswick Georgia.
  • Frank

    lol, it has been a long time, how is everything going?
  • Dawn

    Is that outside of Ft. Stewart? You are about 1 1/2 hours from me. Cool!!!
  • Frank

    I saw the good news, congrats, I very happy for you. How is everything going this summer?
  • Dawn

    Hi Jen,
    Haven't heard from you in a while!! I hope married life is going well for you!!
  • Dawn

    I hope so happy for you.
    Yes, maybe someday we can meet.
  • Cindy

    Hi Jen, I have a 7 yr old daughter with this condition. She is awesome! What was it like for you loosing your hair so young and living in as small town? I love your spunk and congrats on your engagement! Cindy