Angie(Austin and Lily's Mom)


Edmonton, Alberta


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About Me:
UPDATE: wow, it's been many years unfortunately. My son is now 20 yrs old and has Alopecia universalis and my daughter was Diagnosed a couple of years ago as well and she has Alopecia Areata (similar to how her brother started). Needless to say this was tough for me intitally, I couldn't understand why this happened to both my children. However Now my Son is such a Role model and support for other kids that want to talk with him that it warms my heart. If He's Strong then I need to be. I'm still trying to be for my daughter but I am thankful she has her brother to look up to.
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    Hi Angelina,
    Welcome to AW.
    I have a 13 year old son who has had AA since he was 6. He has just developed Totalis.
    I hope that Austin will be able to look past these children and continue to grow in confidence. I know it is very hard when you are that age and the only child in your school with no hair.
    I can understand also what you are feeling at this moment. It is very hard to see your children get hurt either physically or emotionally. I hope Austin and even my son Jon learn to realise that these people that aren't accepting don't really matter, they are not important.
    Any time you wish to vent please feel free
  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    P.s. Lovely photo by the way.
  • Cindy

    Hi Angelina, my name is Cindy and I have a 7 yr old daughter with this condition. She has embraced it from day 1 and has never let Alopecia get the best of her. She has regrown most of her hair now with treatments. I don't know what the future will hold for us. I am sorry your son is reaching a point in his life where he is feeling less confident do his Alopecia. The best thing to do right now is support him and give the him confidence he needs to be who he is. Cindy