Buffy, Alicia's Mom


Sheridan, AR

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I am Mom to Alicia, age 11, who was diag. at 2 1/2 with AA. She lost almost all her hair at 2 1/2, but then in came back. From 3 yrs old until 9 yrs old, she just had spotty bald patchs. She was in a constant state of loss/growth in different spots. At age 9, she started lossing more and more hair with no regrowth. She is super about it! She has worn both Hairclub hair pieces and Hip Hats with Hair scarfs to cover her her bald spots. She was in a full Hairclub wig by Summer 2009. But, in Dec. 2009, she received her first vacuum wig, which she loves!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Buffy, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Buffy,
    How is Alicia doing with her alopecia? Sometimes kids are fine with it, at least until they get to the teen years...and how are you doing? I've had alopecia for about 30 years.
    Just wanted to say hello.
  • Alyssa and mom Lori

    Hi Buffy, I just saw your comment on looking for wigs. If you live in the US I have some suggestions. I have an 8 year old dd with alopecia areata who is going into 3rd grade. www.childrenwithhairloss.us is one program that will give an off the rack human hair wig then make a custom made human hair wig once a year free of charge for kids. There is also hairclub for kids which first you have a dr sign off on paperwork and if I'm remembering correctly they provide up to 3 wigs a year for free. Also look and see what your insurance covers.

    Lori mom to Alyssa 8 (and Vanessa 4)
  • Alyssa and mom Lori

    Alyssa currently just has one large missing patch and a very high hairline (plus other smaller areas which aren't as noticeable by themselves). I recommend calling Childrenwithhairloss and talking to Regina. They have wigs that can be worn over hair. My logic (right or wrong) was that I wanted a wig on hand for the day Alyssa wanted one or woke up one day hairless etc. I also purchased a child's wig "Emily" by Jon Renau that Alyssa likes the looks of thru my insurance company reimbursement. It is synthetic and is fine for occasional use.

    I'm in MA. I haven't been to hairclub for kids but the contact number to call first is Joe at 561 361-7600. She will give you the dr consent form etc (mailed or I believed faxed). She can also give you the phone number for your local hairclub for men which does the wigs.

    One product to look at that is hiphats.com Alyssa likes wearing the $2 pretied bandanas from family dollar and we recently ordered from http://www.sparklingearth.com.

  • Buffy, Alicia's Mom

    Thanks so much for the info. I am going to call Regina tomorrow! I agree with your logic -- when she ask for options, I want to have them ready. We do have a hairclub in Arkansas, so we might go for the free consultation and just see what it is all about. I am worried about school starting in three weeks. She usually gets a little stressed out just about a new class, teacher, etc. Thanks again for the info.
  • Cindy

    Hi Buffy, I just saw your post on a thread asking about wigs. My 6 yr old daughter has been wearing a wig since Dec. We first bought her an Amy Presence Wig (not custom), but she liked it and we needed something fast. Most recently we went to the hair club for kids. I see Lori gave you the info already or you can go to www.hairclub.com. They give kids 3 free hair replacements a year and 8 free services. My daughter had a great experience there and has an apt to get her new hair in two weeks. They say it takes 6-8 weeks to get, but it seemed to take more like 12 for us. I brought pics of my daughter before her hairloss and they did their best to match a color for her. My daughter also wears what we call a hairdanna. It is a headband with hair sewn into it. She as been wearing them all summer long and owns a few of them. If you go to www.hatswithhair.com you will find them under the name scarfabalous. I recommend only getting the human hair one. We have 2 different synthetics and Samantha does not like them as much nor I. Is your daughter trying any treatments at the moment? Cindy
  • Cindy

    Hi Buffy, Samantha is doing squaric acid and after several months started regrowth in June. We are hoping for the best that she will dump her wig by years end...We tried creams and nothing worked for her. I also give her biotin and aloe vera juice. About the same time we introduced them to her system her hair started growing. I am sure Sam would love an email pen pal. I can pass you my email address or she can email Sam through this website. She is currently exchanges mail with another child her regularly and loves it.
  • Cindy

    Hi Buffy, thanks for the email address. I will talk to Samantha about it today and maybe make her own account. I get the aloe juice at the health food store. I put 2 tables spoons OJ once a day when she eats a good size meal. You can also get biotin tablets which my daughter can't swallow there as well. I did find liquid biotin on amazon. I can't say that is the reason for her hair growing, but maybe it has helped. I also recently bought for my self viviscal tablets and the shampoo. I take the tablets to speed up my hair growth and use the shampoo on Samantha. But, he maybe something that can work for you daughter as a whole. Samantha also takes a mulit-vitamin that has biotin in it which I get from the health food store. Biotin supports healthy hair and nail growth and Aloe Vera juice is healing for the immune system. If you daughter has patchy spots that seem to not fill in, I do suggest contact the hair club for kids. They can make her a hair replacement to meet her needs and it is free. Here are the websites:

    Your girls are beautiful too!!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Buffy, Alicia looks like a very happy little girl.
  • Cindy

    Hi Buffy, I am sorry I did not get back to you about the email pen pal..Samantha is excited to get her own email and we send one out to Alicia soon..I also want to wish Alicia good luck at the Hair Club and let us know how it goes. Samantha gets her new hair from them on Wed. She is very excited..Cindy
  • Buffy, Alicia's Mom

    Hey, Cindy -- How did it go yesterday with Sam's hair?? I hope it went well! Alicia has been for her appt and her hair is being made. They are going to call us when they have it and schd us an appt to have it applied. I just hope the size of her spot does not change to much before the hair gets here! It seems to be "at bay" right now. Buffy
  • Cindy

    Hi Buffy, I was thinking of you the other day and was wondering if Alicia got her new hair yet. I am happy to see she likes it. I wanted to let you know that Sam's cam with a wave too. I only wash the hair once of twice a week and if I need to I use a flat iron to make it straighter, but it is pretty straight and has a soft look. I want to experiment with curling it a bit since she liked it at the glamour shots studio. Our hair club said the straight wig is like a board and did not recommend it. I hope you post a picture soon..How is Alicia handling the new hair loss? Samantha is continuing to grow in hair and we are starting to see eyebrows ever so lightly..Hang in there! Cindy
  • Aspen

    hi buffy i hope u have a wonderful christmas sweetie=]
  • Roger

  • Cindy

    Hi Buffy, Happy New Year..How is Alicia doing? Cindy
  • Cindy

    Samantha loves her hip hats bandannas too..She wears them on the weekends and in the summer. I have a few. She just got her 2nd wig too from the club. We did get the full cap this time too and I can tell you that Sam says it is more comfortable b/c she needs less tape and it sits on her whole head. I did leave unhappy because she cut bangs this time and I don't like it, but she does. We were also able to readjust her color because of the regrowth. I do hope that when April comes around she won't need it or at least by summer. I am sorry Alicia is still losing. Are you doing any treatments? At least our girls are self-confident and have good positive attitudes!!
  • Brittany Bullard

    Hey, thank you so much for the wonderful welcome. I have got to get on here tonight and look around. I have been so busy, I just got my tree and decor put up. I'm moving rather slow, tee hee. I hope you have a fabulous day. Britt
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Buffy,
    How are you and Alicia?