Husband of woman with Alopecia


United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
I am the husband of a woman with Alopecia.
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome!
    I am sorry your wife is having a difficult time. Many women have a lot of difficulty coming to terms with alopecia. That's why I wrote "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" which is a book dedicated to women with hair loss. This book has help many women and has won two national awards, including Book of the Year. It's different from other books out there because it's very upbeat and the main message is attitude.
    You can find more about it on My Page, and you can get it on (there are reviews there, also). It might make a good Christmas gift.
    Meanwhile, I am more than happy to help with any questions you have and support you need. I have had alopecia universalis for over 30 years.
    Let me hear from you -- I care.
  • Roger


  • margaret staib

    buy the book leslie wrote. It was my savior. My husband does not know what to say anymore. He just lets me cry. There is not a support group were I am so I feel helpless and alone. I don't know a soul that has it and it really is like chinese water torture. He married a woman that had long black beautiful hair and know I am half bald. It falls out everyday and I can't bring it to myself to shave it. I have a great wig but, I hate it. It's not me. My husband is the most wonderful man in the world. If you want to talk to an other man that is going through it like you I will give you his number. You can e-mail me at
  • Michelle De Cou

    As a single woman I know it can be very difficult to find acceptance and unconditional love as a woman with no hair. I always have to remind myself that as Jill Scott sings, "I am not my hair" I'm so much more, a real and pretty nice person (so I've been told). Please let your wife know that we are a community of people who are here to help strengthen her when she needs the extra support. And you just keep being sweet to her, that goes a very long way!
  • JeffreySF

    Hello and Welcome to Alopecia World.

  • jackieduck

    Hiya so glad you supporting your wife - tell you what she needs it and if there is anything other than others have already said that i can do to help i will - cause its tough very tough ride that you are "both" going to have to ride. My name is Jackie and lost all my hair without much support from my husband. I am lucky...ish its grown back but not without its problems in doing so, and am also having patches appearing from time to time and a very bad scalp condition now. I think once we have suffered with alopecia somehow our outlooks about everything change. You are on a good site here for help and support the people on here are so helpful and pull you up so so much when you are down.

    Take care and hope to speak again sometime to you and well done for supporting your wife x
  • Alistair

    Good luck to you both. She sure is lucky to have a proactive and caring man by her side. I would mention that semi permanent make up is a tried and trusted method of replacing eyebrows and even eyelashes. It is nowpossible to have the technique applied to the scalp though of course the outcome is the appearance of a buzz cut... so not for everyone. But check out this guys story on YouTube.
  • Susan S

    This isn't a group anyone would chose to join, and it's a shock when you don't recognize who you see in the mirrow. I'm still not over it, but seeing and talking to others has helped. Baby steps!
  • Stephanie

    Any time!