



Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
i'm little.
I first experienced alopecia around 13 and it wasn't until 18 that I recovered and got a full head of hair again. However, after 3 years, I started to lose my hair again faster than I did before =/
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Liz! How are you doing today?
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Liz. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Liz
    Welcome to Alopecia World
  • Eileen Simpson

    Hi Liz, welcome to Alopecia World, I hope you'll like here as much as I do.

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Liz, I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you to Alopecia World. I have been living with Alopecia Areata since 1991 and know full well the struggle it can be. I look forward to getting to know you. Cheryl, Co-founder
  • Karen

    Hi Liz,

    I was wondering if you lost all your hair on the first round. Your hair now looks really good. Are you Vietnamese by any chance.
  • Carol

    Your cousin goes to a very good school! It's not at all a bad idea to wanna chop it all off but you have to make sure you are ready for it. No one is ever completely ready for this, kind of like being ready to be a parent. It just kind of happens but you decide to a certain degree. I'm sure you will cope with alopecia just fine. Message me anytime you want. :)
  • Karen

    I am part Chinese. My grandfather came from China. DId you wear anything to cover your hair loss the first time and are you planning to wear something now. What about treatments? Did you do any treatments.

    I guess the down thing about this condition is that it is totally unpredictable. My daughter lost over 50% as well but now she has grown most of it back. Only time will tell how this will go and my guess is just as good as yours. I like coming on to this site for support and I get really excited when I see another asian on as well. I wouldn't wish this on anybody but for a long time, my family just kept telling me that this condition just don't exist in asians. My mum swore that she had never seen one person like Amber and it made me feel really down. I kept thinking that she is the only one. But behold, around the same time that Amber started shedding, my father (for the first time in his life...he is 65) developed his first spot. This too progressed to around 50% but it is now controlled with injections.

    I am trying to look on the bright side of things and just let it be. I just hope that she gets as many years in remission as possible.

    PS. I like to eat too....
  • Eileen Simpson

    It is what it is and I have tried very hard to except it.

    It hasn't been easy at all but being here is such a great help.

    Take care
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    I hope you will pick up my book if you need some support -- so many women have told me how much it's helped them...big hugs!
  • Karen

    I know exacyly what you meant by blaming other things. They just kept telling me that it was her diet and macdonalds. Amber did the chinese meds for a few months and when it came back...they were all for the chinese meds.

    I have met a little asian girl with AU and now the family is a bit more educated than before.
  • Tanisha

    Hello girlie ! Thank you for the comment!! I recently found out i am expecting a baby and i heard that it really helps your hair to come back so i hope that happens !!! Yes, boyfriends can be amazing sometimes! I hope everything continues to go good for you darlin. keep in touch ok. :)
  • Tanisha

    you are beautiful ! just wanted to remind you <3
  • Brittany

    HelloOoOo liz!!
    You are Welcome!!
    thanx for the comment!!!=]
  • Tanya

    Hi Liz, yes I love my current wig too! That was the first pic you saw. It makes a huge difference to go to a hairstylist after you've got your wig. I dyed it dark purple, but it's not as obvious as I'd like.

    I ordered online at The only tricks are: 1. get a good template 2. buffer time for in case something goes wrong. So once you've got a good one, get another one as a backup, and order your next piece at least 6 months before you need it. Mine lasts me about one and a half year to two years.
  • susan

    ahahha in houston... so theres this store... but i dont know if you live in houston soo it might be no point in telling you.... XD and thank you :) OH and i think youre really prettty!
  • susan

    oh snap..arent i slow... ok, you live in Canada... WOW i am slooow!....well i got the wig from a store in houston... ^-^
  • susan

    ohh i know! i REALLY want to go back to Canada though. Houston weather is very.... screwed up...o.o. and im not really sure if i have AA... b/c i think i lost my hair to a side effect from im not really sure. but hairloss, all the moreee! so my hair kinda grew back already VERY SHORTTTT! i thought you got your hair back? and isnt your picture, a pic. oof your real hair??
  • susan

    aww i know how that feels! and no, when i lost a spot, we asked him about it, and his EXACT words were "Oh don't worry about it, it'll grow back on its own. Just don't do the ponytail anymore, that might be the reason." -.- GRR D<. i was soo mad XD! and ahha thankkss. I was from Toronto, Mississauga?... i think thats how you spell it... :) and i LOVE the cold!!! you would HATE the hot once youve lived in it for a couple of years...XD
  • Tanya

    Getting a wig early couldn't hurt! If you have any questions just let me know ;)

    I'm playing with me next wig. I ordered it blond this time and got white and orange dye...I think a white to fierce orange gradient will be aaawesome!!
  • porcelinh

    hi liz, nice to met you on this wonderful site. yes, this site has helped me alot coping with AU. i now know i am not alone with this condition and the wonderful people i have met here has given me alot of support and advice on living with AU. i hope one day they will have a conference in canada so that i can visit canada again. i have family there also and met you and other canadians with this condition. i know it is tough going through this during the teenage years. i wish websites like this existed when i was going through it. hang in there and take care, Holly
  • Tanya

    Hey Liz, mine has been cut, so it's about 12". I started at 12" or 14". Your best bet is to send them a picture to ask. Can send my pic if you'd like. They can determine the density for you based on that too.

    I don't think it'll arrive in time for June though....Ask if they can "rush it"! Good luck!
  • Carol Yuen

    Hello Liz,

    I live in Toronto too. Nice to meet you. I have AT, I was wondering if you know any doctors in Toronto who can help me out with my problem.
  • Carol Yuen

    yeah that is what my dermatogloist said too, if the steriod injection doesn't work. I might have to go to sunnybrook and tried out that program. I need another wig, the one I brought is too long. So frustrating to wear it. I need a shorter one for work too. contact me if you want to go wig shopping..=)
  • Tanya

    Hmm...this is what I got quoted for, back in July 2008, in USD:

    10" - $365
    12" - $415

    French Lace or Excercise Base

    $20 S&H
  • Erin

    Im In Manitoba.. a province away I guess haha. Thank you! you are as well :)
  • Carol Yuen

    Hey Liz,

    we can meet after your exams. do you know where we can get vaccum wigs in toronto. I am planning to shave it off and get a vaccum wig (after saving up some money). I love to travel, planning to go to Carribean with my bf in Dec, but I don't wanna take my wig off when I go into the water and show everyone my bald head. We should shop for wigs together. I think eventually my derm will refer me to sunnybrook, coz i am still losing my hair big time. I am nearly bald now
  • Therese

    Hi! Thank you for the comment. I´ve lost a lot of my self esteem and Im sad often but It has also made me stronger. I´m happy cause it could be wors but when I see girls who can do everything they want with their hair I just feel like crying. People around me does not know that I have alopecia but my closes friends does know.
    ¨Big Hug
  • Carol Yuen

    I just brought a wig from some china website. I will let you how it goes. They said it will take 1 month to make. I got it for 200 USD, hopefully it looks nice. my msn is, facebook is the same too. I thought about starting a support group for toronto alopecian. wonder if you are interested in initating one. I don't think they have vaccum wigs in Toronto. I would like to get it one too. I want to go on a cruise with my bf, and I want to be able to swim with hair.
  • Brandy Snap

    Have you ever looked at for wigs? Many for under $100 US and human hair for about $200. I have a couple that are great.
  • Wendy Teo

    HI! =) It's a wig. The 1st piece of ffreedom wig i owned. =) Yeah, it looks great and naturla. WHich is hwy i ordered a second piece. But my second piece is sadly dismal and nowhere near the quality of the 1st peice. =(