natalie n.


Dayton, OH

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I was 25 and newly married when I started losing my hair. I dealt with patches for about 6 months before I went completely bald. I lost all my hair within two very traumatic weeks. Nothing significant has regrown, except some peach fuzz on my arms and face within the last 3 months. I'm optimistic but reserved about it at the same time.
My mom also lost her hair when I was younger and she has been bald for 15+ years now. Together we have tried most products, wigs, and makeup and we are a wealth of experience. Thanks to her, I knew what to expect and how to deal with it. I think I feel more beautiful now than I did with my own real hair. I am definitely stronger and more confident in myself because I have accepted who I am and am comfortable with myself. It took some time but the journey I have traveled to be able to say that has been a good one. God doesn't give anything you can't handle! Please contact me if you need any advice and/or are new to alopecia. I would love to help! You can learn from our mistakes and our successes!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Jennifer Krahn

    Absolutely love, love, Love your hairpieces. Nevermind that you are gorgeous!!
  • Karina

    Hi..Natalie...! You are very pretty and fresh!! I have telogen effluvium cause of stress and I have little hair...I want to know you experiences about wigs..if they are comfy to wear every weather...if U told people about alopecia..I´m very worried and scared...
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Natalie!
    Wow, your "hair" looks really natural and beautiful!
    How are you today?
  • Roger


  • JeffreySF

    Hi Natalie,

    Welcome to Alopecia World.

  • Heather L


    I enjoyed reading your profile and seeing your beautiful pictures! I've not ever know anyone else with AA so this site has been such a blessing for me. (as far as I know no one else in my family has it) I hope you enjoy this site as much as I have.... WELCOME! :)

  • Jennifer Krahn

    Thanks for the eyelash/brow advice. I love Mac makeup so an excuse to go get made up...done!! Thanks again, I'll be visiting their counter asap.
  • Heather L

    Hello Natalie!

    Thank you for the friend invite! Looking forward to getting to know you better. Wow I can not imagine what it was like to lose your hair in just two weeks!! Sorry you had to go through that! Have you tried any treatments? I've tried many....probably too many!! :) When I was first diagnosed 19 years ago (hard to believe) at that same time I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. I assume they are some how related- just wish I could figure out all the puzzle pieces! Don't we all!

    Have a great evening!!

    I sure hope the new peach fuzz keeps growing. All my spots that have re-grown hair start with white fuzz! So sounds like a great sign to me. Your wig looks awesome! So far I am able to cover my spots with my hair- windy days are a bit tough! ha! I do have anxiety about losing it all- but this site has helped with that alot. I think my biggest fear if I needed to wear a wig would be it falling off! Do you have those worries?
  • Jennifer Krahn

    Hey Natalie,
    Thanks for the info. I'll definitely check into the's always been part of my daily routine. I am going to be looking into tatooing my brows. I was wondering if you can do them lighter at first? Pain...could you give me the low down. I'm great at painting them on...but it would be nice to have them on all day without the worry. I appreciate the MAC info. I LOVE there lipsticks and glosses...that's why I'm showing your post to my's like beauty therapy...that's has medicinal properties correct:) Happy wife = Happy life!
    Have a good're gorgeous
  • Karina

    I love your it synthetic...what type?
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hi Natalie! I am Donna! You look absolutely beautiful in your photos. I am starting to lose my eyebrows and my lashes in addition to the hair on my hair. Can you give me any suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated! :) How are you doing? You look like you have learned to cope with your alopecia in your photos. I hope you are doing well and we can chat soon!
  • Aspen

    hi I am aspen I love your hair are you wearing wigs or is that your real hair?
    comment back aspen=]