Natalie Lindsay




Profile Information:

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About Me:
I was diagnosed with AA almost 1 year ago. I had about 6 patches of hair loss. SOme improvement as Nov rolled around, then out of the blue in Jan this year, all my hair started falling out, with body hair soon to follow.
I am a very active/fit mom of 2 and I work 2 very part-time jobs, and volunteer my life away when not working , while the kids are at school.
I have been married to a wonderfully supportive man for 12 years. My life was relatively stress-free before AU.
I think I handle this fairly well, with maybe a 1-2 times a month "poor me" day!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Roger


  • Heather L

    Hi Natalie Lindsay!

    Welcome to Alopecia world- I hope find this site to be as helpful and therapeutic as I have!

    Hey- a "poor me" day only 1-2 time a month! I'd say you are handling this great!! Look forward to knowing you better.

  • Lori M

    Helloooooooo! Where are you in the Ottawa area? I am in NOrth Gower.....Ohhhhhhh wig places in Ottawa. Wish I could say something good about them but pretty much they are all horrible.....I ordered mine online.... I bought one wig from a lady in Perth... Sharon Cavanagh.... She isn't too bad.... I will send you a private message as I don't want to bash in public two places in Ottawa.

    Welcome!!!! You know you are the first person I have met in the Ottawa area that has this. I have felt completely alone because I couldn't find an Alopcia support group in Ottawa....
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Lindsay!
    I know how hard alopecia can be; I have had it for about 30 years. After I became the spokesperson for the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, a lot of women were needing my help and support, so I wrote a book called, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" You can find out more on my page -- and it's available on this site under "Bookshelf." Let me know if there's anything else I can do!
  • Heather L


    You really do seem to have a great attitude! I'm not sure which digestive info you are asking about? But the GI is linked to what ever is transpiring elsewhere in the body. And I have read that people with autoimmune diseases have impaired digestion. I've seen a holistic doc who explained to me that a healthy intestine allows only digested nutrient to pass in to our bloodstream-- and when there is an impairment then undigested foods and bacteria can pass through. And that can trigger a immune reaction.

    Also diets high in carbohydrates, fats and sugary foods can lead to bad bacteria and yeast in the GI tract.

    I am so interested to hear how your gluten free diet goes! That is tough to do! I'd like to try it- am such a picky eater so I think that is why I have been dragging me feet. The holistic doc also suggested to do a GI Cleanse, take probiotics. omega 3's (fish or flax), vitamin D, curcumin and to stay away from processed foods- There is actually a anti-autoimmune diet! You can read about it online. I am taking the supplements- just need to get my butt in gear for the diet part!

    So what kind of volunteer work do you do? wow two children and 2 jobs- how do you do it!? I'm impressed! :)

    Have a great night,
  • Heather L


    How is your day going? I don't think you overstated in your profile! you have alot going on!!. One of my best friends- who recently moved to FL- used to be a school bus driver. She had some interesting stories! Always kept her I know that it tough. You must be a morning person!!

    I love children too- I do not have any but do have two awesome little nephews. The are 5 & 2 years old. The 5 year old cracks me up- he comes up with the funniest things to say. Shew though I am always amazed how my house looks like a tornado went through after they leave!! :) Ever step on a hot wheel car? ouch! How old are your children? I'm sure they love you being at school!

  • Wendy

    Hi Natalie
    I am from the Ottawa area too. I have 2 grown children and have had AA for alittle over 3 years. Until I found this site I have not met anyone in Ottawa with this condition or a support group.
    Sounds like you keep busy and have a great attitude.
    Have a great day